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Everything posted by hellfire21

  1. hellfire21

    Setting Parameters in server.cfg

    Hold on this looks like settings to create the map or scenario, I'm not creating, I just want to set defaults for when the map is launched on the server. As it is now there are different settings I want other than the defaults the author has chosen. End game is I don't want to have to set the parameters every time the map is started.
  2. hellfire21

    Manual fire helicopter

    AH1, as pilot if I select manual fire and switch to hydra rockets and setup for attack it switches back to hellfires before/during attack. AAAARRRGGG!!! What gives?
  3. hellfire21

    Tactical view

    Yes, getting to TV is not a problem its the scroll window on the left that gets in the way. I was hoping someone might pop in here and say that the way I was doing it was the old way and "this is how you do it now." Sounds like it's broken now. Shakes head.
  4. hellfire21

    Tactical view

    I used to be able to change to tactical view and draw box with mouser to select units, thats gone. If I pull up map while in Tactical view I can't zoom in/out because the scrolling unit command box. Anyway to work around these flaws? Or am I missing something?
  5. hellfire21

    Unit teams

    Can't control unit teams. I can select units and assign them to a team but then I can't give the team a command, the command menu '9' is restricted to reassigning to another color. What gives?