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Posts posted by Heatseeker

  1. @Second.

    I got tired of that "2, engage that men" stuff many years ago aswell, if the terrain is more or less open enableAttack works well (mygroup enableAttack false), the a.i. will stay in formation instead of using the old suicide bomber tactics ("2, engage that man!").

    Makes for more realistic squad behaviour and helps alot if you use high command with a platoon sized force, your squads will have better unit cohesion instead of running all over the place like headless chicken.

    As for OA.. it could/should have been better but im alot more happy with it that i was with Arma 2, infact im actually happy that i dont have to play A2 anymore, just wish Arrowhead had shipped with a decent campaign and missions...

  2. Yha 1.55 did an bad number on OA all around, i went back to 1.54 by reinstalling OA. Now i got an issue with my Russian units being mixed up with Takistan units. I did not test that out when i updated to 1.55 patch so i dont know if its my fault for going back to 1.54 or not, i still got 1.08 for ArmA 2 and 1.01 for BAF and the Russian units show up in ArmA 2 though. Iv said this on some post befor but most people dont have this issue as i think its cause i went back to 1.54 and got the new patches for ArmA 2 and BAF going. Realy dont think ill be touching that 1.55 patch or any of the beta patches till LOD's are fixe and what not. Should not have to go and touch your CFG file or do this -exThreads=3 and so on... to get OA or ArmA 2 playing right, patches should fix issues and not take you back 10 steps as the back of the box gots the specs for the system Requirements to run this game.


    In build 76122 and newer the default for dualcores will be changed to -exThreads=3 based on user feedback.

    "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead\arma2oa.exe" -nosplash -skipintro -exThreads=3

    All you had to do mate :butbut: ...

  3. heatseeker then you should try 76067 ;)

    I read the beta threads but people were still reporting the same problems 'introduced' in 1.55.

    Still having LOD issues and heavy stuttering when turning around. But as with previous builds -exThreads=3 fixes it for me.

    To test this I've simply used editor placed grenadier and empty humvee in Staroye, Chernarus. When I run and drive around the town about 4 minutes the stuttering starts. Using FLUSH command removes the issue for half a minute or so.

    And are still using -exThreads=3 to make the game (OA/CO) playable again.

  4. 1.55 completely broke OA, i even thought about sticking to 1.54 until the next final..


    -Performance degradation over time.

    -Buildings and world objects switching on and off (depending on camera position) after some play time.

    -Black "receiving" screen restarting the graphics.

    -Lod problems and slowdowns.

    -exThreads=3 seems to fix the above problems, im still testing but so far OA 1.55 final + -exThreads=3 seems the same as 1.54, maybe even a little better..

    I havent tried the 2 betas released after 1.55, can anyone with a dual core cpu confirm this?

  5. like the look of the trailers i have seen and will definatly be buying it when its released, its just a shame that all this effort wasn't put into BAF, because As a brit myself and a big fan of our boys out in afghanistan, i felt BAF lacked a hell of a lot of potential. The 4 missions it came with didnt do it any justice and PMC is advertised as having 10, thats almost a whole arma 2 campaign on its own.

    On the other hand BAF was packed with good content while PMC is packed with crappy stuff..

  6. Wrong section... the a.i. has been tweaked before and it broke every single time.

    Its easy to conceptualise how it should work but making it nice and perfect is a whole diferent matter.. im sure if it was easy the a.i. would be pro drivers and pilots by now..

    In 1.55 the a.i. seems to be working "well", atleast better than 1.54 so i just hope they wont break it again..

  7. Despite what was communicated before the release-- Takistan is actually a heavier load than Chernarus is. Perhaps all the enterable buildings? :)


    Takistan is only heavier when there are buildings nearby, but BIS compensated by making the towns very small so that shouldnt be the problem..

    There must be something wrong with the buildings in A2 and OA, Takistan should run perfectly since its nowhere near as complex as Chernarus or Sahrani and the LOD switching is much more noticeable than before.

  8. Yes it is. By the way did someone read the Thread where it says that the US want to deploy M1 Tanks in Afghanistan? What do you think, would a Vehicle like that changed the battle of Wanat if it would have been deployed there? How vulnerable are thos Tanks to RPGs?


    The only way they got resupplied was by helicopter.. those guys were sitting in spread out death holes. Theres a few videos of them on YT too, enthusiastically atacking the mountains with heavy caliber machinegun fire, mortars and arty..

  9. Good thing we have people like the ACE team fixing those things then, no? I mean, I wish the game would be fixed by those who made it, but that's probably not going to happen, at least not without the budget of a COD.

    Just compare the ACE M1's with the BIS ones and tell me who the pro's are? Real virtuality is a great piece of software but i think BIS should focus on the engine and hire some real talent for the game design..

  10. I had another game online just now and with my current settings I enjoyed an average FPS of 50-60 in a wooded area with occasional rate of 70 FPS. However, as soon as I'm in an urban location it can drop to the lower 20s. I'll persevere with the online play and see if I can enjoy it.

    I'd like to know wtf is wrong with the A2 buildings... i dont apretiate trading large towns for small ones that load slowly and destroy frame rates just because they look prettier. I've read that Sahrani runs even better in the A2 engine so i think the problem lies in the game assets rather than the engine itself? I miss the large towns and the pretty south sahrani vegetation!

  11. not only trust god, but also have nothing to lose, also motivation is their own just meaning

    west people lost some "just, moral" motivation in wars, they say about "profits, economical interests" and kill and die for money

    people who fight for cause do not think about money, but about just, morality , cause, belief, freedom, tradition, home, relatives etc.

    this is something which some people in west might not understand or think it is naive

    Perhaps you could specify wich economic interests in Afghanistan justify the billions the US have spent in reconstruction, aid and improving living conditions and local economy?

    Stop posting nonsense.. justice and tradition :rolleyes: ..


    Read the AAR, its actually a worthy read.

  12. On the contrary, I love a quality FPS.

    If by production value you mean hiring A-list actors such as Ed Harris and Gary Oldman which is no doubt a large part of the reason the game is so ridiculously expensive, then I can point you in the direction of games like Vietcong that have exceptional voice acting from completely unkonwn actors. Vietcong is not only 7 years old but still about 1000x more immersive and engaging than CoD:BO. I just played it through again recently and if you want to see an FPS done right, I strongly suggest you check it out (if you haven't already).

    I tried recently, the sp is still broken on d3d11 :mad: .

    Vietcong supported 64 players.. it had its problems but its been 7 years..

    Its a shame everyone falls for these stupid COD games, its like they are saying: "No, dont bother making new and better games, give us the same 10 year old crap twice a year and its all good!"

    I swear the only reason system requirements go up these days is for intel/amd/nvidia to sell new hardware..
