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Posts posted by Heatseeker

  1. So you guys do understand how many people here dislike Electronic Ass and U'dBeI sucks etc blah blah blah and so on for selling their soul and making worthless DLC and charge you 10P just so that you have to buy their product inorder to play online dont you?

    1. The BAF pack isnt worthless or overpriced.

    2. You wont need the BAF pack to play online.

    Ofcourse if server admins decide they want to run missions that use the pack you will need it to join... ofcourse.

  2. I was quite looking forward to this game but after trying the demo i was very disapointed with the console gameplay. Maybe colonial marines will be good..


    There are some dodge bits here in there (slash, the entire MP side of things) but I'm quite enjoying playing through as a xenomorph. I usually leave the Marine side of things until the end... for the sheer terror. :D

    You'll be terrified for about 15 minuts.

  3. I think its time to give the mortars a much needed targeting system.. now that we can zero rifle optics and vehicle mounted weapons a way to adjust direction and especially range would be rather welcome, think base defence and short range indirect fire support (6 KM).

  4. Oh yeah, I noticed that. The M240 is just the only scoped weapon I used during the night. None of the scoped weapons (including ACOG) have NVG enabled, which make them all pointless during the night. Yes I would consider that a bug. If its a feature, its a rather pointless one. In a mission where you get the options to use either ironsight, scoped or thermal during the night you're probably going to pick thermal since ironsighted will be much weaker and scoped dont work - not much of a choice to me. In a mission where you have specific weapons, mission designers will be forced to give you thermal or ironsight. Why would BIS ruin an entire segment of weaponry by limiting it to day, when it is after all mission designers that determine whether you can use it?

    Its not a bug its a new feature..

    How are you supposed to use ironsights or a scope wearing nvg's?

  5. It actually wouldn't be that difficult at all. You'd just have to sit there one and one by one make all the different animations for each of the weapons. It's extremely time consuming and in BI's case expensive, so it's not a priority for them. It's certainly not impossible to do though.

    Wich makes my sugestions a good compromise :) .

  6. Still, it would be nice to see that bolt on the lee-enfield animated, and an appropriate hand gesture to play between shots. :butbut:

    For starters i'd like to see specific reload times for diferent weapon types, its a bit wrong that you can reload a belt fed machinegun in 2 seconds, on the run... just as fast as you can reload a magazine fed rifle.

    The way the game works would make it next to impossible to make very detailed 1st person animations but if they atleast made diferent ones for diferent weapon types it would look alot better (bolt action, magazine, belt fed, etc).

  7. Well all realism logistics aside, anyone who has played Defta Force 2, can tell you it FEELS alot cooler to HAVE to manually adjust for elevation on the fly for targets engaging you at differing distances away from you.

    As apposed to 1 setting on the ACOGS as we see it now. 1 setting feels more like Quaking imho. Player adjustable like we have it on the Sniper weaps now, would add to the immersion factor big time. Less point n clicky too.

    End of the world deal breaker? No. But if someone mods this in, I am gonna grab it for sure. And seeing it finally added to the Sniper Class, but NOT the Rifleman Class looks like lazy coding to me.

    Try these:



    M14 DMR.

    The DMR and SPR should have an adjustable leupold scope..

    @all: Real men use irons, in video games ofcourse :D .
