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Posts posted by Heatseeker

  1. Russia should return, imo, hopefully as Independent too, seeing as the US and RF are hardly enemies.

    China, however, would be perfect as OpFor.

    I dont see why would China make a better oposition than Russia :confused: , and i dont find Chinese hardware all that interesting, then theres also that crappy thing.. FPDR ..

    The Takistani Army would have worked better if they were a bit more developed.

    Fictional force based on Iran?

  2. It depends.. in a CW scenario like Flashpoint having the us as blu4 and soviet union as red4 was a no brainer, perhaps BIS will return to the cold war setting one day... it was interesting, dare i say perfect actually. Russia as OP4 didnt work out so well in A2 imo.

    If someone came up and told me: "I dont know what to make a modern war game with" i would probably say "just do the gulf war dude"..

  3. After playing for a while i cant rotate the camera without experiencing heavy stutter and having objects pop into view, if i stare at a single direction i get 60 fps, if i turn around the fps drop, heavy stutter, objects "pop" into view and object lods flicker, but only after playing for a while.

    Bah.. im using -skipintro and when i exit the editor i always get a nice picture of takistan with high fps, thats all the info i can come up with, maybe it will help :) .

  4. I get massive graphical bugs after patch.

    Whenever I look away from something, and then look back, trees and other objects are invisible and appear again with 1-2 second delay. Same with buildings. Same with shadows. This didn't ever happen before this patch. Also flashing trees, not disappearing completely, but they stutter.

    Disabling Vsync fixed prolem for 30 seconds then it came back.

    EDIT: it's more apparent when playing on a multiplayer warfare server than just trying stuff out on editor, but shows on both.

    Seems im not alone then, it would probably help if people could report full system specs, game version (A2, OA, CO) and settings, see if theres something in common?

  5. EDIT: Heatseeker: I know your an old BIS vet, but did you try remove ARMAOA.CFG? Might not help at all although at times ive seen it make a different. Maybe placebo effect though.

    Im not that old buddy!! :pistols:

    Jokes.. no i havent tried that, but it doesnt seem like you're having the same problem i discribed in my previous post, didnt notice much diference in overall performance but after playing for a while it just goes to hell..

    Also, i havent noticed any diference betwean PP set to off or normal, i believe PP in OA only affects performance above normal, try it :) .

  6. Sorry, i didnt mean to break the party but that was just a reaction to what i've seen of the game so far.

    Graphics, animation and presentation dont look very appealing, i know this stuff isnt what matters the most.. but to play a game you still have to look at it, so it helps if you like what you see.

    Gameplay... i've seen a guy running around surrounded by very dumb bots and showing off a handfull of new gimmicks.

    Maybe they will show something more impressive in the future but what i've seen so far hasnt impressed me.

    That stuff about the germans running with the rifle in one hand is ridiculous..

  7. Well, doesn't we often say the same about ArmA or OA ? I think this is a dilemma with all game designer...ideas are running out an the "audience" is becoming more and more pretentious. But It's not nice to read your statement. I had hopes of a experience like the original Mafia.

    Arma and OA are editable war games... Mafia's value lied solely in the story, narrative, missions and how perfectly everything was put together, like a playable movie.

    Mafia 2 feels like bits are missing here and there, the story flow and progression is bad and the characters dont develop, the missions are ordinary too, where the first ones were memorable.

    2k murdered this game after 2008 (when Illusion became 2k czech).

    I know Illusion was set to make another classic..

  8. Im going to buy the game after the first patch, as I always do with games nowadays. The 1.0 releases are never fun to play. the first MAFIA was the best game I can remeber having ever played...but lacked replayability...once played there is no way to have the fun back...as with all storytelling games. It was more like a truely interactive Movie with you as the main character. A pitty that there was not enought place on the backyard at salieris bar for my car collection...I even kept the two hearses you found in the game for "special deliveries".

    Well i pre ordered the game because its Mafia and the demo seemed ok.. and im regreting it now. The first Mafia was linear but it was really good, this one is still linear but its a fucking joke, the story is mediocre at best, the missions are far from memorable and it all feels slapped together in a hurry.
