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Heavy Metal

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Everything posted by Heavy Metal

  1. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    That is a strawman. Â Western doctrine is not one of spray and pray and the rifle must be capable of accurate aimed fire. Â The US uses its weapon on semi by far most of the time, even for supressive fire. Â Accurate aimed fire is heavily emphasized during training. on target range yes :P msot of videos i saw US soldiers in IRAQ they just swear and fire full auto..... Â You realize an M-4 or an M16A2 can't fire full auto? The footage I have seen shows they are using proper weapons handling tecniques and are not 'spraying and praying' by any stretch.
  2. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    That is a strawman. Western doctrine is not one of spray and pray and the rifle must be capable of accurate aimed fire. The US uses its weapon on semi by far most of the time, even for supressive fire. Accurate aimed fire is heavily emphasized during training.
  3. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    I will never understand how the Birts took the Armalite 18, a design so simple Eugene Stoner set it up so most of it could be built on 3rd world tooling, made a bullpup version(SA80) out of it and fubared it so bad it took H&K to fix it.
  4. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Depends on which M-16 you are talking about. Â A1 no, A2 a bit heaiver, M-4 or CAR-15 no.
  5. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Thats why I was taught to always keep the dustcover closed. It also helps to keep the mag well covered or a magazine in the well. The US Army teaches "Saftey..Dustcover" when moving after firing. After a while it becomes second nature.
  6. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Baff1, Remember there are two kinds of fouling. Â Environmental and firing residue. I can see them going weeks carrying it in the desert and not cleaning it if they were not firing it and carrying it only. Still a dumb thing to do, even with an AK but sand will not cause rust.
  7. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Not my rifles (belonged mainly to the instructor) but I think you are referring the the 5.56mm Valmet M-76 in the pic. It came from Finland like that, I assume it was mainly for export. I used to have an M-76 in 5.56mm years ago but sold it due to not being able to easily find magazines for it.
  8. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Baloney. Â These rifles largely fire corrosive ammo. Â If your maintince regeme was followed, they would be rusted usless in no time. That's not my maintenance regime, it's Spetznatz's during the Afghan war. I agree that spent cordite plus water results in pitted barrels. I clean my guns after every use. I think you have been severly misinformed or misunderstood something else. Even Russian conscripts are trained to dilligently clean their weapons, much less their elite forces. And it aint the powder residue, it is the potassium chlorate primer salts that are formed from friring in almost all Warsaw Pact ammo. Potassium chlorate is hydroscopic and pulls moisture from the air, even desert air.
  9. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    I guess no one clicked on my links and saw the class firing the Sturmgehwer 44 on full auto?
  10. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Baloney. Â These rifles largely fire corrosive ammo. Â If your maintince regeme was followed, they would be rusted useless in no time. Â There is a reason they have a cleaning rod under the barrel and a cleaning kit in the buttstock and it ain't for the armorer back at the base.
  11. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    Worth Reading: http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=5132 http://www.m4carbine.net/showthread.php?t=4294 No, I ain't sayin' which one is me
  12. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    To add: There is not a damn thing wrong with a Chinese AK. Â It may not have all the burrs removed and the edges rounded but it wil work well enough, is durable enough and most are more accurate than most shooters. The simple truth is there is not really the great gulf of difference between the modern AK-100 series family and the M-16 family some would have you believe. The deciding factor for me in slightly favoring the M-16 family is the easy ability to mount optics that can co-witness with the irons and also allow a proper cheek weld. Â Something my Kobra on my 74 will not give me. That and the fact it does not have a million and one sharp edges. And of of course the controls are much faster and easier to operate. As a wise man on another forum once said: "The AK is not as inacurate as some would have you believe and the M-16 is not an unreliable as some would have you believe." 99 out of 100 times, it is the operator that makes all the difference.
  13. Heavy Metal

    AK-47/74s and their reputation....

    It´s been sold to 20 african countries officially in vast numbers. The unofficial 3rd party trades are not measurable in numbers but from my own experience I can tell you that there have to be really large stocks of them on the african continet. Dust is no problem if it´s kept totally dry and water never was a problem for it aswell. Usual maintenance should be the standard if you want to keep your gun in a working condition. The only problem I had with a G3 in the desert was that after firing about 100 shots in a row the barrel got so hot that I had to use the boonie hat in my hand to still be able to hold the gun without burning my fingers. It´s not less accurate but the nature of it´s ammunition makes it more easy that you get deflected shots unlike the go-trough-caliber the G3 used. The G3's achillies heel is lack of maintainence in a desert.  Sand under the rollers in the bolt head can make it damn near impossible to work the action.  Essentially it wedges it stuck in battery. That and the usual lack of a chromed chamber can lead to problems it the chamber area is not maitained.  The chamber can corrode and pit and lead to failures to exctract in humid environs. The fluted chamber/delayed blowback system is particularly suceptible to this. Chroming the chamber pretty much eliminates this failure mode and increased user maintaince eliminates both.
  14. Heavy Metal

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    Hitting a tank on the ground at 4km with the main gun would be a challenge even for an M-1, much less a helicopter which generally presents a far smaller cross section than a tank. There is a reason why armies use shilkias and other short range anti-air weapons and its because tanks are mediocre at protecting themselves against air attacks. The big ground to air radar on these weapons give them the eyes to see the target for starters. Let me tell you as someone who has been inside an Abrams (unit armorer for an armored Cav Regiment, worked on the ma duce and the M-240), thru the periscopes in the vision blocks, it is no picnic to be able to see outside. This is a gripe of mine when playing armed assault. Tracked vehicles can see someone lying still in the grass even when they have not moved a as much as a finger, much less fired a shot. In real life you would be lucky to see them if you were walking on foot.
  15. Heavy Metal

    ineffectiveness of aircraft vs tanks

    The Coax gun on a T-72 is the 7.62x54r PKT and on the M-1 it is the M-240 7.62x51. These should do no more than tickle a Super Cobra at anything but close range. The .51 caliber ruskie and the .50 caliber us guns in the commander's cupolas are not easy to elevate and traverse against a chopper, especially while the TC is buttoned up.
  16. Heavy Metal

    Body Armor In ArmA

    It's real, you are confusing soft body armor which only stops pistol caliber rounds and shell fragments with hard body armor like the interceptor with boron-carbon ceramic trauma plates which can stop 7.62x54R AP and 7.62x51 NATO AP as well as US M-2 .30-06 AP rounds. The armor is to protect you, not somebody who is likely not directly behind you BTW. The dragon skin inserts are even better. Your armor-fu is stuck in 1989. The ability of SAPI plates to stop 7.62x39 was well established in 1993 during the 'Blackhawk Down' incident. The Rangers were some of the first to use the precursor to the Interceptor system.
  17. Heavy Metal

    arma beta patch 1.07

    I have the Atari DVD and am having similar problems. I had the missing DLL problem and am missing some plants.pbo file (not exact name of the file, not near my machine) I am running a new install on a newly built box running Vista 64bit with the latest nvidia beta graphics drivers.
  18. Heavy Metal

    2nd Beta 1.07.5157 feedback thread

    The real 40mm grenades have a steback distance on their arming. They should not detonate when they are close enough to damage the shooter.
  19. Heavy Metal

    US weapons

    That wasn't why we went in, the reason was WMD's. If it was those reasons you stated then why do we not take down all the other dictatotships? That's what would be the reaction by people and other governments/UN/EU etc. Because we did not have a broken cease-fire agreement with them from a previous war. Cease fire broken means Desert Storm is still in effect.
  20. Heavy Metal

    ArmA Disappointing

    This is realistic. They can fire the .50 on an Abrams while buttoned up.
  21. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    A non-fragmenting 5.56 still yaws. And the testing you describe does not tell us what load was being fired and how many examples of each weapon was sampled. A link back to the original study would also be nice. The terminal ballistic issue you mention is largely a product of anecdote so anecdotal evidence to the contrary is entirely acceptible. Gel tests, the scientific tests you describe which are documented by Brou and Tat in ammo-oracle support the 5.56 as being better than the few repeated 'horror' stories support. Incidentally, I found bullet fragemnts in an eight inch diameter water filled plastic juice jug I shot yesterday evening with Guat M-193 from a 16 inch barrel.
  22. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    I have read the ammo-oracle for years now. Ever hear of AR15.com? And you dispersions figures are shot groupings, not measuring dispersion on auto fire. Even at that I don not think their conclusions are necessairly representative. Go to arfcom and checkl out Molon's work. Also, frag itself is not everything. 7N6 does not frag at all. There are other loading becomeing more and more commonplace. How does MK262 Mod1 do? Ask some of the vets at arfcom or go to M4carbine.net and ask Kevin B about his firsthand experiences.
  23. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    The M-4 does not have the poor terminal performance you think it does. That has been way greatly exaggerated.
  24. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    I have a safe. The gun stores have safes too (a requirment). Unfortunately, everybody does not have one.
  25. Heavy Metal

    m107 recoil crazy unrealistic in game

    I don't need many things. I want them however. I don't need violent video games and high end PC's for example. I feel as long as I am a responsible custodian, I should not be held to the same standards of freedom as a violent felon. Enforce responsibility, don't eliminate freedom. Violence is largely cultural. In the rural area I live in, every is armed to the teeth and no one feels threatened by it. Murder is rare. Murder is the US is almost completely tied to the drug culture. There are some exceptions but by an large, this holds true for about 80% of it. Anyway, enough off-topic. PS, no apology necessary, we are all adults here (I hope)