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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. I've bought ArmA 2 through Petergames and later on bought the (English) DVD as well. I could use the key from the downloaded game on the DVD without any trouble. Key and language are linked though, so with the key from petergames you'll still get a German ArmA 2, regardless of the origin of the DVD used.

  2. yes the G5 is a very good mouse :thumb:
    I've had a G5 (1st gen with one thumb button on the side) for a number of years, and have been quite content with it. The surface was worn out pretty good on a number of pressure points.

    After it started to fail (right mouse button cracking more and more,made it hard to press it), I've bought the G500, which is basically the same, except for the thumb button setup and the sensitivity buttons. I'm as content with it as I was with the G5.


  3. Edit : Ok now added missions are visible, but still no briefing, returning immediately to mission selection.
    It sounds like addon dependency. If you try to start a mission that uses addons which aren't present (or loaded) on your server, you'll return to the mission selection straight away.

    Try loading up the vanilla BIS missions to see if that works.
