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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. The reason you're seeing these crashes, is not because of your graphics card's video memory being 854 MB. This occurs because of an in-game texture that isn't 2^n dimension wise. So something in the game is using e.g. a 300x300 pixel texture, which will trigger this error message once the texture is attempted to be displayed.

    I expect that all BIS textures are fulfilling this 2^n requirement (otherwise all nvidia card owners would see these crashes), so the cause is likely to be elsewhere (and thus not possible to be resolved with a patch). Either addon textures or squad logos are the cause.

    Does this happen in multiplayer, and/or do you use addons?

  2. But what does it mean to "patch" a ded linux server? I think you must be thinking of a windows server.

    Sorry, I wasn't particularly clear. I meant patched the game on your local Windows PC to v1.54 and then uploaded the files to the linux server.

    If you've done that, there is no need to do anything else (in fact you explicitly shouldn't upload the BAF folder to your linux server).

  3. I suppose I could do an rsync or file checksums script and copy as needed, but it seems there would already be an elegant upgrade mechanism for linux server... no ?
    I'm afraid the answer is no. I have a local PC with linux installed, on which I copy all ArmA 2 content after I have upgraded my own system. With the local linux PC I can use rsync to update our game server with minimal bandwidth usage.
    Okay fixed, it appears you can't use BAF Full it has to be BAF Lite which is some 34 files found in your local \Common\ folder. Our Linux OA server was originally an A2 server and doesn't require \common\, I tried running these as a mod but it didn't work so placed most of them in the main addons folder and it then did. Rather than overwrite language.pbo and languagemissions.pbo (the only filenames that conflict with the existing \addons\ content) I've left these in a mod folder and am waiting to see if any errors arise as a result.

    That is probably why it worked on our linux server flawlessly from the start. It was already set up as a CO server, with the common and expansion folders already present. It was just a matter of updating those folders to get the linux server to run missions with BAF content.
