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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. The public variable could be omitted if kju's suggestion is used.

    use respawn="BASE" in description.ext, set the respawn marker on the abandoned island or jail, and


    _JIPplayer = not isServer && isNull player;
    if (_JIPplayer) then
     waitUntil {(local player)};
     player sideChat "Sorry you need to wait until the next mission, you will  die in 5 seconds";
     sleep 5;
     player setDamage 1;

    in init.sqf

    If a player JIPs, he instantly dies and gets transferred to the abandoned island/jail.

    Any player that dies during the mission, will also get transferred to the remote location...

  2. Is there some way to up the tickrate on the server then perhaps?

    If it is a prediction problem more gamestate updates should help.

    Decreasing MinErrorToSend will will (it's similar to the tick rate you mentioned). Check this thread for some recent discussions.

    The biki states

    Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother.

  3. Should be fixed. It was probably caused by the new VRam detection being faulty - which according to Suma has been fixed with this beta. :)

    Give it a try. If the problem persists, try renaming your Arma2OA.cfg file and letting the game generate a new one.

    It's working for me with an ATI HD5970 on catalyst 10.12. Low textures are gone!

    With previous versions of the game, around 300 KB of VRAM would be detected with any driver newer than Catalyst 10.4, and now 2 GB is detected, the amount of memory for both GPUs together.

  4. I have an HD5970, and I've experienced the same low res textures at close distance since Catalyst v10.5. I've tried just about every version that came out since, and every time I had to conclude that 10.4 is the only version that will give decent texture quality. This is on vehicles, objects and ground, no matter whether CPU or GPU are maxed out or not.

    No amount of tinkering with in-game settings has made a change for me.

  5. Instructions like while and for should be useful.

    Your script in sqf syntax would be something like the following:

    private["_bomb", "_target", "_charge"];
    _bomb = _this select 0;
    _target = nearestObject [_bomb, "CAR"];
    while {(side _target != west) or (_target distance _bomb >= 10)} do
     sleep 1;
     _target = nearestObject [_bomb, "CAR"];
    _charge = "M_Sidewinder_AA" createVehicle (getPos _bomb);
    deleteVehicle _bomb;

    1. You are missing a file called expansion/dta/product.bin. For reference, here's the MD5 checksum of mine
      a40b12d0eb0906bc982bf1a2e6db94f8  expansion/dta/product.bin

    The bisign files aren't necessary on a server. product.bin on the other hand is necessary: I did a quick check on our linux server, and I was getting the same error messages after I renamed expansion/dta/product.bin, so uploading that file should sort your problems!

    Well spotted, Killswitch!
