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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. Nice idea, and of course no problem, logrotate has this function built in but the server has to be restarted for that reason... very embarrassing if a round is running with a full server or?
    You could consider using a named pipe (FIFO) to do log rotation without having to restart the server: Create a named pipe log.2302.txt (or whichever is applicable for your server), make a script that will read out the pipe line by line (and closes the written log every time a line is read) so subsequently you can do log rotation.

  2. I'm experiencing the same problem. I switched our linux server to v2 signature checking when this became available, but when people - including myself - with either BAF, PMC or both DLC got kicked off consistently with a message concerning wrong signatures for PMC of BAF related addons, I had to fall back to v1 signature checking again.

    I've reinstalled my PC last weekend (for reasons unrelated), installed PMC and BAF before the v1.59 patch, and got kicked off again when I reenabled v2 signature checking on our server.

    It looks to me like v2 signature verification is not always working reliably with the encrypted BAF/PMC addons.

  3. My 1gb 4890 would read more mem than was installed all I did was manually set it to 1024gb seemed to work for me cant say it made much if any diff though :(

    This was a long time ago to January maybe.

    I did try this, but it didn't work for me, at least not in the long run. According Suma the localVRAM setting is write-only anyway.

  4. Agreed - my prob with with pixely bushes/trees and visible shadows/coronas on grass layer still not going away [Full description of problem here - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=117468]. Not the only one suffering from this (especially those with 6xxx ati cards who can't roll back to the 10.10 drivers) .. .please fix, it was all fine until 1.59 . . (although the frame rate is better), the quality is p.poor).
    You have a 5970 if I remember correctly? Could you take a look at your ArmaOA.cfg and check what your amount of localVRAM is in there?

    I have a 5970, and my ArmAOA.cfg is listing 2 GB with any Catalyst version newer than 10.5. It should list only 1 GB (each GPU has 1 GB). I mentioned some time ago that this was the case. If I get 2 GB listed, I also get the poor quality textures and other problems, so I'm sticking to 10.5 currently.

  5. To run the islands without CWR2 you need at least:


    cwr2_eden.pbo (Everon)

    cwr2_eden_data.pbo (Everon)

    cwr2_eden.pbo (Kolgujev)

    cwr2_eden_data.pbo (Kolgujev)







    Eventually also data3d.pbo and cwr2_sounds.pbo

    Not tested but if you need more you get an error message with the missing addon.

    I've been testing to use the islands stand alone, and cwr2_config.pbo doesn't look to be necessary. cwr2_cain.pbo and cawr2_cain_data.pbo contain Kolgujev (typo in your list probably), and cwr2_plants.pbo is also needed.

    Complete list to run just the islands without error messages for me was


    cwr2_cain.pbo (Kolgujev)

    cwr2_cain_data.pbo (Kolgujev)


    cwr2_eden.pbo (Everon)

    cwr2_eden_data.pbo (Everon)








  6. If all you need to do is create the object, attach it to the vehicle and forget about it, then you could add the following to the vehicle's init line:

    (createvehicle "red_light" [this,[0,0,0]]) attachTo [this];

    If you need to store the object for reference later on, you could use the vehicle's name space (using setVariable) to store and later on retrieve it.

  7.   {
      sleep 10;    //Wait 10 seconds
      _curFuel = fuel _vehicle;  //get the fuel of the vehicle
      _newFuel = _curFuel * 0.01;
      _vehicle setfuel _newFuel;  //decrease the fuel by 1% for 10 seconds 

    This will instantly set your fuel level to 1%. I expect that the intention was to have
    _newFuel = _curFuel * 0.99;

    This will leave 99% of the existing fuel (so decrease by 1%).
