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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. also the platton server allowed same IDs to connect to the server

    Nope, duplicate IDs were off wink_o.gif

    It took a while for players to get kicked off, but they were in the end.

    But you were right, we had loads more players trying to get in, so it would have been broken either way smile_o.gif

  2. I suppose we have sufficient screen shots to prove the fact that we had 145 in game at start of the game (RedDeviln being kicked off as he had fallen asleep...) smile_o.gif

    The list of the players that were on the server at start of the map:

    -=Ronin=- Krioness

    -=Ronin=- ikm

    1Lt. Dead Meat

    2Lt. Frantic









    Coug le Raptor

    Cpt. Erebo$
















    Olegs Radchenko

    Platoon Anduril

    Platoon Big Ed

    Platoon Chillguy

    Platoon Leader

    Platoon Patton

    Platoon RedHawk

    Platoon Smiley

    Platoon W00ter


    RedDeviln [Zeus] (got kicked off for not responding/greening up)








    Warrior Xâ„¢

    [25DKP] PONS [NIGGA]

    [25DKP] Pawlak (1)

    [25DKP] Zabix

    [8BZ] Jerry

    [8BZ] Larsen

    [8BZ] Norek


    [AIM] Insane

    [bSG] Tric


    [EDM] Sgt.1ÅŸ Turco










    [GROM] ArekAlf

    [GROM] Art

    [GROM] Franc

    [GROM] Golabek

    [GROM] Hary

    [GROM] Vader

    [GWG] ;)Eddie;)

    [GWG] Blazer

    [GWG] Dolphin

    [GWG] HitmanFF

    [GWG] Striker

    [GWG] Super Whopper

    [GWG] The Butler

    [GWG] ice man







    [HIS] Crotophe

    [HIS] G#o$T

    [HIS] Kalaan


    [HIS] Pete

    [HIS] ShamanGob

    [HIS] Tirk

    [HIS] brice

    [HIS] fred

    [HIS] ÄRAGŘN ßÅeµ


    [LiT] Jay-M

    [LiT] Sniperwolf

    [LiT] Vandal

    [LiT] WARLOT

    [LiT] lazlow

    [LiT] mazasz




    [M§C] KŘS

    [OFP.HU] Fireblade[WEL]

    [OFP.HU] Igazságosztó

    [OFP.HU] Lt Highway[MLA]

    [OFP.HU] Pepike [HUN]

    [OFP.HU] Szekig [LKN]

    [OFP.HU] pedro870



    [OFP.HU]AirAction [FekA]








    [PSA] wirusPL

    [sFoP] PoP

    [ofp.hu] HorCsa [WEL]









    {-SOD-}Major Eyeswater



    {CA} 11

    ‡‡ BR@KEUR2B@NK™ ‡‡

    ‡‡ STRYKE ‡‡

    ‡‡ VIPZ ‡‡

    •JŘhn dŘ€•


    Once again, a big thank you to all that had joined smile_o.gif

    OFP sure is alive and kicking!

  3. Thanks all for joining! That was an amazing feat!

    We started 10 minutes early, and maxed out almost 15 minutes after we'd started.

    We broke the standing record with 146 players on the map and still in game after a minute; we still had a lot trying to get online, but the map was full wink_o.gif

    I will post a screen shot and the list of players that were part of the record later tonight smile_o.gif

  4. To start off the new season in the European Combat League, the largest OFP gaming community for Euro OFP clans, we will attempt to break the record on the number of players concurrently on a server which currently stands at 108.

    The record breaking attempt will be made this Sunday January 9th, 2005 on the Platoon server, which has been graciously provided by The Platoon.

    We will start the attempt at 20:00 GMT and we will record and end the attemp 21:00 GMT at the latest. The Platoon server's address is No custom faces and/or sounds will be admitted, to minimise connection times as much as possible. Clan XML and/or logos will not be read either, for the same reason. Addons are not needed, only OFP:R 1.96.

    The European Combat League is one of the largest OFP communities geared towards quality league gaming for clans in and outside Europe. For more information check our web site.

    Be sure to log on and become part of the record breaking attempt this Sunday! The names of all players that attended will be recorded and published!

  5. Recently, a friend of mine succeeded in getting the OFP:R server to work under FreeBSD, so it is possible.

    You should be able to find general info on running Linux binaries on FreeBSD here. I don't know the first thing about FreeBSD, but apparently one of the actions needed is to add the following line to /etc/rc.conf:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">linux_enable="YES"

    Using brandelf is one of the others actions needed I guess

  6. 1st message: You need to change the ofpserver script, to set the directory in which you've installed the ofp server (probably /home/ofpadmin/ofp ?)

    2nd message: No problem, it just means that there were no file names to convert to lower case, i.e. all file names already were lower case

  7. Is there a way to prevent players to connect with huge amounts of customized sound files? I noticed some dedi-server did check this, I would like to know how....

    Anybody ?

    You can do this by adding a line to flashpoint.cfg: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MaxCustomFileSize=25000; // Maximum custom file sizeCaveat: Sizes of both custom faces and sound files are added up and compared against the maximum size defined.

    Edit: If you're running a linux server, here is a link to a script removing all but the first sound file for players on your server.

  8. I've been using Asus motherboards since my Pentium I. I've always been very happy with them, never had any troubles whatsoever.

    Currently I'm using an Asus P4P800 Deluxe. I'm running an OFP server with an Asus P4P800-VM (video and LAN onboard). Rock solid, good performance all over. The only disadvantage of the P4P800-VM would be the fact that it is difficult to overclock, if you're interested in that. But since it's inside a server in a datacenter 100 km. away from me, I didn't want to overclock it anyway. Stability is the #1 priority for a server...

    The P4P800 Deluxe does give lots of possibilities to overclock & tinker. I've had my P4 2.8c running stable at 3.5 GHz.

    I think first you have to decide on what you're looking for (everything onboard, budget board, sheer speed, lots of extras, overclocking possibilities, possibility to upgrade processor in the near future etc.). That way you can get good advice on what board to buy wink_o.gif

  9. Okay we are thinking about playing ofp CWC in LAN. This is a picture of how i looks like. It really isn't correct but it gives you a brief picture what im talking about.

    Now how much bandwith would we (maybe 10 players in the "room" marked in red) use of the whole capacity? Exact numbers are obviously hard to tell. But i would like to know how much data ofp sends back and forth. And will this data have to travel through the servers or could it go directly?

    Just to clarify: How much bandwith does ofp (cwc) require compared to other applications (such as surfing chatting and downloading)

    First of all, a very rough rule of thumb is 100 to 200 kb/s maximum per player. It depends on the type of mission you play (a DM style map with lots of bullets flying, or a map with lots of boats in the water use a lot more bandwidth than a CTF where you're on foot, meeting an enemy every two minutes).

    So if you play with 10 people, you most probably won't use more than 2 Mb/s. If it's a 100 Mb/s LAN you're on, it's hardly noticeable for the others.

    It depends on the network topology (the way it is layed out) whether data stays inside the room or travels along the Big Server as well. If you have a switch inside the room to which the computers are connected, and your OFP server is in the room (connected to the switch) as well, the packets won't even leave the room, since switches only send packets out on ports for which the data is meant. So the Big Server won't even notice that you're playing a LAN game wink_o.gif


  10. I got an Apple Powermac 867mhz running Yellow Dog Linux on it, I wondered if it makes sense if use this computer as a dedicated server for flashpoint when playing with about 10 friends of mine...

    Can I expect any speed improvements from that ??

    There is only an OFP server binary for x86 linux, not PPC linux I'm afraid sad_o.gif

    Otherwise, this machine would have been powerful enough to be a dedicated server for 10 to 11 people, provided that you don't play missions with loads of AI wink_o.gif

  11. Another issue may be that your system has glibc 2.3.2.

    Try starting the server with -nomap argument:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">./server -nomap -config=myconfig.cfg

  12. I think that the network parameters (like MaxMsgSend etc) should be in your server.cfg.

    May I quote from the DS-Admin.rft, a document shipped with OFP (or belonging to the dedicated server):

    Quote[/b] ]Performance tuning

    There are also some parameters that can be used to fine-tune network performance. You can add following entries to Flashpoint.cfg (the main Flashpoint configuration file):

    followed by the parameters you posted.

    I found some confusing posts in this forum about the correct place and decided to follow the official instructions. If there is a proof, that this is wrong: please show me. I can put the parameters in both configs, too.

    But I will try to raise the values and tell you (and others who might read this) if it helped.

    Thx so far, Lamorak.

    PS: Even if I have defined 32 players, we usually are 5-10 people on the server, so even with 1 Mbit (the server has more) the bandwidth should last.

    Well, looks like you're on the dot concerning the flashpoint.cfg. I've tested a few things that are considered to go into the flashpoint.cfg (including the MaxCustomFileSize), and it didn't work when inside the server.cfg, but did when inside the flashpoint.cfg

    I've been setting up servers with default settings all of the time wow_o.gif

    I've also seen in one of the readme's acoompanying a dedicated server release, that the default MaxBandwidth is unlimited, so nothing to be found there either. Even when not, the 1 MBit should indeed be more than sufficient with 5 players smile_o.gif

    Sorry, but I've just been wasting your time on this one crazy_o.gif

  13. I think that the network parameters (like MaxMsgSend etc) should be in your server.cfg.

    Following are the parameters I've been using last LAN party (100 Mbit/s connection), and I will be using them as well starting next Friday, when we get our new dedicated server (SuSE linux based wink_o.gif ) up & running (100 Mbit/s connection as well):

    MaxMsgSend = 640; // Maximale size van te verzenden message

    MinBandwith = 52428800; // 50% van 100 Mb/s

    MaxBandwith = 83886080; // 80% van 100 Mb/s

    MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512; // Default

    MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256; // Default

    Comments are in Dutch, but they should be clear I think.

    So I suggest to move your networking settings to the server.cfg, and define a MaxBandWidth in order not to depend on BIS's default (since I don't know what that is).

    Oh, and incidentally: You've defined a MinBandwidth for a 1 Mbit/s line, which is kind of low for 32 players.
