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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. Forums search will give you this thread amongst others.

    Most likely causes are:

    1. Port already in use (netstat -an should reveal that)

    2. DNS issue: Server name lookup or server IP address lookup fails

    One of the possible causes of 2: Server name contains a space, underscore, other special character, or starts with a number

  2. @ Mar. 30 2006,19:02)]what surprises me is the fact they 'r only working on arma with 15 guys, most of em creating missions/campaign and graphic design.

    I would have felt happier whan they were talking about loads of ppl coding .But who am i , i dont know anything about gamedesign.

    Consider this: Armed Assault is a member of a product family, of which OFP, OFP:R, VBS1, VBS2 and OFP:E are members as well.

    The heart of the products is the engine, which has started with the Poseidon engine, and which is being developed further over time by BIS. This same engine will be the base of Game2.

    Every time a new member of this product family is created, a version of the engine as it is at that point in time, is used to create content around: the 15 people mentioned in the interview are doing this right now for Armed Assault.

    Since there is no statement being made about the development of the engine, you can't really tell how many people actually are developing it. But you can assume that developing content and developing the engine requires different skills (thus different teams of people).

    Disclaimer: This is based on my observations and experience in product family development. I could be very wrong wink_o.gif

  3. It would be also very nice, if you could recompile the server with new libs.

    It's very unlikely that this will happen. If you are planning to run the server public (i.e. not passworded), you should probably look into running the win32 1.96c server on wine. Here is a description on how to set this up.

  4. It would be also very nice, if you could recompile the server with new libs.

    It's very unlikely that this will happen. If you are planning to run the server public (i.e. not passworded), you should probably look into running the win32 1.96c server on wine. Here is a description on how to set this up.

  5. Hi Hitman nice to see you mate biggrin_o.gif

    We will be running WGL5.0 February 6th edition along with Zcommon pack which includes some islands mapfact and baracken addons that sort of thing wink_o.gif



    Zcommon is 114mb and wgl5 is a similar size

    Hope to see you on Thursday, we have a new co-op to try out with 38 playable slots in a platoon assault stylee pistols.gif

    We also have some PVP co-op type missions to have a go at too welcome.gif

    Excellent, thank you m8!

    We'll see you tomorrow smile_o.gif

  6. Which mod is planned to be used this Thursday? GWG would like to join (we had to miss out a few weeks ago, after being invited), and we'd like to come prepared (i.e. have the right mod installed wink_o.gif).

  7. Forums search will give you this thread amongst others.

    Most likely causes are:

    1. Port already in use (netstat -an should reveal that)

    2. DNS issue: Server name lookup or server IP address lookup fails

    One of the possible causes of 2: Server name contains a space, underscore, other special character, or starts with a number

  8. Hitman Pro will download and run a number of malware/spyware tools, including AdAware, S&D Spybot, CWShredder and a few more. All you have to do each time you run it, is start it up and watch hitman pro update and run the other tools. It will give you a nice report at the end, with all the problems found (and solved).

  9. The voted admin can be recognised if you're on the server by a lack of a * at the start and end of his (admin) tag.

    If you're worried about voted admins, you could either disable voting by setting the server config's voteThreshold above 1 or by passwording the server alltogether.

  10. HitmanFF and majorpwnage

    I went back and checked a few things and hear is what the console looks like

    time: Dedicated server created

    Server identity created

    Dragon 6 uses modified data file - RES;@ECP

    Player Dragon 6 connecting

    Mission FOX_RUNV0.02_ISL2.noe read from directory

    The Player Dragon 6 never connected (computer 2). I waited for at least a half hour, nothing never happen.

    It sounds like a firewall issue, especially since you don't get the 'connected' message. It's impossible to tell whether it's on the server or client's end though.

    Can anybody else (or any other PC with OFP you might have) connect to the server? Can you connect to other OFP servers without issues?

  11. It's either the map that can't be read (usually access rights or not present on the server) or the config lacking a closing <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">};

  12. Most of the times I've seen this error, the addon mentioned was missing <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> requiredAddons[] = {bis_resistance};

    After adding that line in its config, the error messages were gone.

  13. Now the newbies after reading

    your message will think that OFP is the same as BF crap... run shoot, run shoot and nothing else ... crazy_o.gifmad_o.gif

    I'd love to invite you to one of the league matches, just to let you witness first hand that the team that usually wins, doesn't fit the run-shoot-run-shoot profile. Matches are won because of better tactical insights and team work, not because of better shooting skills wink_o.gif

  14. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">MaxMsgSend=512;



    MaxBandwidth=8388608; // 80% of 10 MB/s

    MinBandwidth=5242880; // 50% of 10 MB/s

    Maximum of 40 players, typical load is 12-20.

    Connection is 100 Mbit/s. Traffic never seemed to go beyond 4-5 Mbit/s, therefor the settings have been limited to 10 Mbit/s.
