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Posts posted by HitmanFF

  1. we think the session lost was due to the QG somehow - any one have suggestions? What does QG add that could be the trouble there? What are the other possible causes of Session Lost errors?

    It's very likely that the session lost issue indeed is cause by QG. Check this post for information wink_o.gif

  2. By the way, does anyone know if the person connecting with an invalid key gets a proper message saying "your key is invalid"? Or am I going to have a bunch of "WHY WAS I KICKED" threads on our forum?

    You will get an 'invalid key' message on your screen, and you'll have to press OK to confirm. There shouldn't be any confusion about the reason you were kicked.

  3. It's sad that European Combat League is actually forcing the grass on, making their clan wars very favorable to those who have the best hardware instead of real skill.

    For ECL, most important is what their players actually want. We have held a poll early on to determine what to do with grass on the maps. Less than half of the people that responded, wanted to have the grass switched off, so we decided to leave the situation as is and let the map makers determine whether the map type warrants grass on or off.

    On the CTF CQB maps, there's an option for public game play to switch off the grass.

  4. What is the propper code for that?

    Loggin# XXXX or #Loggin XXXX or loggin# XXXXX or

    #loggin XXXX

    I dont remember...Do you

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#login XXXXMind the single g

    wiki server commands wink_o.gif

  5. Howdy... I'm running opensuse 10.3 x64 (GCC 4.2, 2.6.22 kernel) on an X2 3800+ and I'm getting some error messages and then a dump.

    The first error (No entry '.profilePathDefault'wink_o.gif probably has something to do with me not designating the "My Documents\Arma" equivalent. Would anyone mind refreshing my memory and tell me how and where to designate profilePathDefault? I've tried "-profiles=" so far.

    You can find the full thing here.

    The first few messages (No entry... and PreNLOD) sound like the arma server is unable to open the right files (pbos and bin). Could be access rights, or lower vs. upper case (did you run the install script or at least tolower?). Is the server being started from the right folder? What happens if you try running as root (for testing purposes only, but this would then exclude access rights issues).

  6. You mean, signatures are verified only on addons used by missions? Interesting.

    Looks like all addons' signatures are verified upon connecting to the server. If you have an unsigned addon, you get disconnected, regardless of the server's mission.

  7. When i installed QC on the server for the first time i just run my old shortcut...without the DBE1 mod. However i could still play the "Urban Raid" on the server. So leading from your advice and to clarify things

    1. Do you say that in order to play the "Urban Raid" coop map correctly, QC mod DBE1 has to run in both the client and the server?

    2. Is this necessary for the new content (units + island) to work properly or is necessary for servers that they have equalmodrequired=1?

    3. Does this mean that any missions that they are using community addons (units, vehicles etc) in order to play properly that have to run both on server and client?

    Anyone knows the answers to these questions?

    1. QG is divided into two parts, as it seems. One part is in the DBE1 folder, another part is in the Addons folder. The island of Porto is in the Addons folder for example, whereas e.g. the mercenary units are in the DBE1\Addons folder. So this means that some of the MP maps could be played without actually enabling the DBE1 mod (e.g. if you use Porto, but not the HMMWV limo), but it is depending on the map's layout. YMMV...

    2. No. equalmodrequired could help, but then again will exclude anyone that has enabled more mods than just QG.

    3. Yes. If a map contains specific addons, both server and client need them loaded to play that map.

  8. None of these libraries (including libmd5) is used any more.

    Minor issue, but the readme.txt of today's version still mentions having to install libwww:

    Quote[/b] ]1b. ArmA Server is using shared libraries. w3c-libwww library must be installed on your system.

  9. /home/arma/arma-server/server -config server.cfg

    the game does not use server.cfg file

    Did you try running ./server -config=server.cfg ?

    I've got the arma linux server installed in /usr/games/arma and it's reading the config just fine.

  10. When I open shortcut to ArmA this is what is in the target field.

    "C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe"

    When I attempt to add -nosplash on the end, I get an error message saying not valid.

    What am I doing wrong?

    Make sure you add the -nosplash outside the quotes:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"C:\Program Files\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe" -nosplash

  11. [HitmanFF, can you tell if you have squad stuff in server_root/tmp and server_root/tmp2302 directories with the newest version installed? And if you remove them, server will download them during connection phase?

    I'm getting the logo (logo.paa in this case) both in tmp/squads/<squadname> and tmp2302/squads/<squadname> upon connect.

    If I remove the logo, it is downloaded again upon the next connect.

  12. squad xml functionality is still working OK with the new version. The tags, the logo and the information are all still available.

    Server seems to be handling new connections a lot better now. More testing is needed to confirm though.

  13. Suppose you have used the fresh Dediserver version.

    It would be nice to get the crash dump.

    If you can get some, can you send it to info@bistudio.com please?

    Yes, latest version of yesterday afternoon was used.

    Unfortunately no core dump was generated; I'm not sure why though. My conclusion that the server had crashed was based on the log:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">WATCHDOG (9021): [Tue Sep 25 22:22:48 CEST 2007] Server died, waiting

    to restart...

    If I have a core dump available, I will make sure to send it.

  14. I can confirm the double lookup and slow connection times.

    Furthermore the server seemed to crash whenever 4 people tried to connect at the same time, after numerous (more than 700) messages like<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">server error: Player without identity <nick name> (id <id>)

    During connection of players mid-game there would still be extensive lag, again as if the server had stopped working, for about one minute. After the 'player x connected', a lot messages would occur like the following:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Server: Network message 12253b is pending

    Server: Network message 12253b is pending

    Server: Network message 12253b is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253c is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending

    Server: Network message 12253d is pending




    Server: Network message 12a267 is pending

    Server: Network message 12a267 is pending

    Server: Network message 12a267 is pending

    Server: Network message 12a267 is pending

    Server: Network message 12a267 is pending

    Server: Network message 12a267 is pending

    Server: Network message 12a268 is pending

    There were around 4000 of these messages during the server's unresponsiveness with 7 players on the server and one connecting and diconnecting again after 15 seconds. The 'pending' messages continued after the player had already disconnected again.
