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Operation Flashpoint: 5 Year Anniversary
hoot replied to Placebo's topic in BOHEMIA INTERACTIVE - GENERAL
absolutely beautiful! -
changing the thread maybe?!
s.o.s is right, multithreaded software does not imply to compute particular threads or processes on different cpus' or cores automatically. e.g the directshow api starts up 4 threads after creating the graphs etc., what does not mean the program will use multiprocessors or multicores automatically. so ofp is starting 6 threads yes, but that does not mean the ofp process was started 6 times and can run on 6 different cores or cpus. it just means, that the mainprocess swaps out 6 threads (networking, music, sound and so on) which share cputime from a single cpu, just to pretend to run independently from each other (its not running parallel, its time-shared). just imagine you want to fade out a current running music in your gameloop by decreasing its volume with a sleep function to halt every 20th millisecond, what would create a fade. if you wont use a own thread for this feature, the whole gameprocess will start halting every 10th millisecond. this thread runs on the very same machine like the ofp mainprocess, what makes ofp a multithread game but with the restriction to run on just a single cpu! you see the difference?! the music example is a little bit silly, because you would use a timer instead of a sleep() function of course ...
s.o.s is right, multithreaded software does not imply to compute particular threads or processes on different cpus' or cores automatically. e.g the directshow api starts up 4 threads after creating the graphs etc., what does not mean the program will use multiprocessors or multicores automatically. so ofp is starting 6 threads yes, but that does not mean the ofp process was started 6 times and can run on 6 different cores or cpus. it just means, that the mainprocess swaps out 6 threads (networking, music, sound and so on) which share cputime from a single cpu, just to pretend to run independently from each other (its not running parallel, its time-shared). just imagine you want to fade out a current running music in your gameloop by decreasing its volume with a sleep function to halt every 20th millisecond, what would create a fade. if you wont use a own thread for this feature, the whole gameprocess will start halting every 10th millisecond. this thread runs on the very same machine like the ofp mainprocess, what makes ofp a multithread game but with the restriction to run on just a single cpu! you see the difference?! the music example is a little bit silly, because you would use a timer instead of a sleep() function of course ...
ehm... i guess it's more realistic to fall down and start crawling like in ofp. besides, there are already lots of addons with "bleeding scripts" where you need to get some first aid after being hit, or you will probably bleed to death. however, i don't see any realism in walking after being shot in the legs, unless you carry lots of morphine in your rucksack of course all those "features" were taken from ofp, not the other way around *adoringandsometimesexaggeratedbutoftentrue*
both types (serverprotection und clientverification) would be there if we (this is what some folks a trying to do and was meant by saying "development and research") merge all the code together, what is for sure possible and focused in a public release! dude, this system was mentioned and titled as a community project, so what community are we speaking about- lolË›!!!! i think it is a nice ammount of catched cheaters if you would have noticed the average of 500 players per day in ofp multiplayer matches nowadays! that is true but maybe you become the man that have the knowledge to monitor whats going on, when this system is running?! i guess lots of ppl will do it just to prevent hostile code on their systems. but maybe we open the sources to some trusted eyes that can say whether it is going to be a leak or not! "stability at autoupdate" - nice - you take majors seriously who are patching their games up to the moon, but you don't "trust" ppl like us... true and was pointed out before!!!
mh... a working anticheatsystem is already present for ofp and under further development and research by clans and the alsr. so i dont know any cheatpack (what includes the so called betas up to 1.26c) that works anymore when this tool is serverside running in the background and additionally maps are prepared to stop cheating with their own techniques! to prevent any upcoming pleasant anticipation it must be said, that i guess that it wont go public until arma is out! besides, if arma comes out equipped with a similar system and closes the few holes known from ofp:1985 that make cheating cheap, there won't be a further need to proceed the developement of this community anticheatsystem, that is still for eyes only. meanwhile it is working as a honeypot and it has already catched and locked out more than 30 cheaters in about 6 months at one single server, absolutely autonomous and automatically. so lets wait what anticheatsystems arma will bring with and lets hope they'll be effective. but if those systems will fail or become somehow or other ineffective (and we do all hope that it won't go that way) we have something in readiness...
ehm it was often said, that arma features all the content known from ofp:1985(cwc) and ofp:r, plus a new island called sara... furthermore you can expect dozen of islands made by the community. as far as i know, sara will feature snowy scenery in the north and desert in its south. so if you think that's a kind of synthetic solution, feel free to use different environments on particular islands i have not seen sara in detail yet, but i prefer islands that use different environments. anyhow i must admit, that conversions of whole island into a specific season is fancy too, but that of course requires a download of each island and we all know, that except for fdf and bas, the spreading rate of those addons/island in multiplayer is real low (nowadays). It's a pity.
ehm: http://www.ati.com/develop....ns.html ...would help
Got the point?! OFPWATCH is a nice workaround to sync your flashpoint client with any server you want to fight at - with mods, addons...whatever! but just imagine your gameserver has to send 50mb addons per player and maybe every "turn"...rings hollow to me. a solution for small sized addons would be fine, true, but a solution implemented into arma serving any filesize could harm the gameplay more than it possibly simplifies.
you simply say that BIS should -rarefy- the hitzones, right? i'm just asking, because i have already found some hitzones ...the turret, the barrel, the tracks... ...the rest is clear as daylight...
does anybody have already seen debris and weaving grass on the ground ? looks like the good old carpet was simply polished with bumbpmapping or normalmapping, or whatevermapping, but debris and grass (known from ofp:e) are still missing... i just didn't want to repeat the lots of essential calls for multiple gunnerpositions and destructible buildings, so i call for some additional eyecandy ...the picture of the bmp2, the right part, is it just a bit blurry or a depth-of-field effect from the engine? edit: somehow the trees have no shadows and every object seems to be lluminated correctly except the vegetation(?)...don't wanna bitch, but its just eye-catching...
...and some are using win32 executables on linux, because an updated and securer 1.96c linuxserver was never released by BIS...
...why do you want something to be displayed, if it not even attracts you?! whatever, i recommend you better stay with soldier of fortune, because i doubt that BIS would or will implement such things. ragdoll or any other kinematics - fine and yeah, cool to have. but it's not that clever to make mutilation and death a good looking effect, it often results in emotional blunting. ofp is a game for adults, not for kids that freakin' out by watching bodily parts flying around, accompanied by fountains of blood! if you would have seen the real world, then you would potentially argue the same way i did. if you already had your war and you are still looking for more blood, then you are definetely just bloody-minded. and hell, such a fact gives fodder to all those, who telling the whole long day, that gaming kills! so Balschoiw got the point - you don't it told you my point of view twice, now it's ended its a free world (at least some parts of it are) to have your very own opinion but i believe that the implementation of too much goreeffects makes the game just more attractive to a kind of audience i don't like to play with! ...happy new year
well dude, you're probably playing the wrong game and i do really hope such a "glorification" of death WON'T BECOME PART OF ARMA AND NGPCG! if you look for gore, make your own war and have fun with it!!! so, more realism in displaying painful deaths and bestiality makes a game not even better! its substance that counts, not perverse eye-candy...
true, but i think the gf4(ti) series supports shadermodel 1.2(3) only! (gf5 supports 2.0 and gf6 & 7 support shadermodel 3.0) so its currently not that clear which sm will be required for arma...hopefully bis won't handle the choice of sms' like ea did with bf2 and the sm 2.0 as a forced minimum requirement! fortunately suma wrote, that it hasn't been decided yet!
damn, not again
aaah k you mean you want a full scalable 'skeleton' like a template for different models. well, this could truly be a neat feature for ingame player customization i didnt want to kick aa down completely, but you know, ofp - the holy bible, king of the genre
compared to a 4 year old game! compare it to latest 1985 mods/enhancements and you will see well, when i was in basic training at battalions' shooting range i shot with g3, uzi, g36... and believe me, i didn't raise any of those guns to my eyes for switching firemodes, i did it 'blindly'. so my point is, i don't need an animation when i perform actions by using a finger or a thumb! the barrel shall always be directed towards the enemy, seconds decide. switching firemodes blindly, avoids the gun to cant (when shooting while switching firemodes)! this is an example how eyecandy works its like needless animations mentioned above. if it works, fine - if it makes no sense for any usage, it becomes just futile! jamming is fine, but there are lots of more reasons a gun can jam simulating all makes it a real (visible) advantage! once that jamming is implemented in arma/ngg, you'll find such features as well for sure.comparing ofp to those pseudo mil.tac.sims is just blasphemy. i've played aa for 2hrs and it was nothing that kicked me out of my boots...all of it was seen before - in ofp. furthermore, im more than sceptical about games made by gouvernments. aa makes war shiny and heroic, but war is dirty. to speak through altman's m*a*s*h (btw: nice to have it on the medictents in ofp ): "fuck the army!" anyhow, everybody should game what he/she wants to, but without harming others in the realworld of course :P
@thread: discussed to death...and sorry, but *HOPE* implied suggestions...
the evolution of successor-release-threads: YOU -> -> -> -> -> -> -> -> BIS ...life goes on
definitively well spoken and 100% true edit: first come, first died... and it really doesn't matter in what style you'll enter. to shock everyone inside, is the only chance to survive such actions (intrusions)...