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Everything posted by Hilandor

  1. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 18 2002,01:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Just saw the slow-mo captures from the Italy-Korea game. Oh, boy, those Italians ain't lucky. The yellow card (he had one before) that threw Totti out was a complete mistake from the judge. Italy should have gotten a penalty kick and that goal that was disallowed for offside.. well it was no offside. So they got screwed by referees against Croatia where two goals were disallowed and they god screwed again by referees against Korea. They can't be very happy campers <span id='postcolor'> lol that was NEVARRRR a penalty in the slow motion reply it is so easy to see that the korean got a touch to the ball before totti's leg was touched, and as it was touched he was already falling, and if ball is touched first then there is no foul. i woke this morning to find no world cup matches on ARGHHHHHHHHHH what will i do today, i am left with test cricket
  2. Hilandor

    Wwf smackdown

    yes and so it should world wildlife fund had the initials long before those actors came on the scene.
  3. Hilandor

    Moderator and member relations

    topic closed arghh damn
  4. Hilandor

    Moderator and member relations

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 17 2002,23:22)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paratrooper @ June 18 2002,22:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Paratrooper @ June 18 2002,18:30)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">If you're going to be a mod act like one, be impartial, be discreet and mature. Then you'll be respected...<span id='postcolor'> You mall call it obvious advice Denoir but you are non of these things. Edit:typo<span id='postcolor'> Ah, thank you for providing an illuminating example. For instance this post was not meant as criticism towards me as a member and my opinions but as a personal attack on the basis of problems with authorities. Denoir the member couldn't care less what paratrooper says. Denoir the member would say "lol, come back when you grow up" Now, denoir the mod has to act since he is attacking the authority and not the person. Denoir the mod says: Yellow card for paratrooper! For those who don't know football a yellow card is a warning. Two yellow cards = red card = punishment. Punishment depends of course on the severity of the case. It could range from postcount reduction to permban. Of course the latter is for extremely serious violations of forum protocol. For paratrooper it could mean: One more warning = 24 h tempban. <span id='postcolor'> roflmao this gets better
  5. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002

    you saw it here first Brazil v Germany world cup final going to penaltys and brazil taking it in sudden death
  6. Hilandor

    Moderator and member relations

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 17 2002,20:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Do not however mistake this for weakness, because it isn't. The fact that I am discussing these things (which perhaps is unusual) does not mean that the forum rules and way of administering the forums are up for discussion. That is not up to you and that is not up to me either. Also try to remember that these rules and their enforcement are not there for the moderators or any individuals, they are there for the common good.<span id='postcolor'> from what ive seen no one had a problem with mod member relations till somoene posted this thread, i just see paranoia on your part about no one being the same anymore that u are a mod. Off course people are going to be different now u have the power to ban and close topics therefore folks may tend to watch what there typing and ur picking this up my tips relax man relax
  7. Hilandor

    Moderator and member relations

    IMO being a succesfull moderator means gaining the respect of the forum members and giving respect back .
  8. Hilandor

    Are you insane?

    crap didnt find it funny in the slightest
  9. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002, who wins

    nice one senegal and to think the odds at the start of the world cup for senegal to lift it was 200-1 might have been worth a flutter.
  10. Hilandor

    (sorry) will it run on my comp?

    yes the extra ram will help big time i used to have an amd 500 with 128meg ram i upped the ram to 512 and that got rid of my generall slowness, new graphic card real helped too but definetly be thinking of upgrading your processor soon
  11. Hilandor

    Fps problems

    i have had similar trouble, after two or three games i could harldy control the mouse cursor to get out the game. I just increased my refresh rate in game and what a difference might be worth a try
  12. Hilandor

    What tis thy profession, young rogue

    i just qualified as an environmental biologist last year but due to dodgy back op im not working and having to put up with sitting on net 24/7
  13. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002, who wins

    lol no but like what one of the commenators said yesterday was that brazil dont mind losing goals cos there that confident to score themselves and england will exploit that i didnt rate england at all untill todays game, now they look capable of it and hey im sick of hearing about 1966, listening to constant drivel about 2002 world cup would be at least a bit better and at least its colour for having to watch reruns of the goals for the next 40 years
  14. Hilandor

    My desktop

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FetishFool @ June 14 2002,14:33)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">HAHAH Hilandor!! You put Sith on your Invisible List?? Â hahahah!! That's hilarious. Absolutely adorable.<span id='postcolor'> no i didnt
  15. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002, who wins

    i think ireland are in with a chance they play with heart england v brazil well i also think england have a good chance at this, brazil like coming forward and leaving their defence open either encouraging the opposition to attack and they hit on the counter a lot of teams have gotten thru the defence no problems, costa rica played a blinding game against them and had about as many chances as brazil did just didnt take them, so either way wether they mean it or not i think england will exploit these openings well with a nippy fast micheal owen and remain as strong at the back
  16. Hilandor

    Blackhawk down

    that is the worst case of racism ive heard yet on these forums and is indeed sad to see
  17. Hilandor

    What countenance weareth thou?

    roflmao caught with a dolphin, a sheep, and a moderator the shame of it all i should get to be mod for all the abuse im taking on this thread
  18. Hilandor

    2 bit little punk

    oops double post please delete
  19. Hilandor

    2 bit little punk

    in this forum pal u just never know lol
  20. Hilandor

    2 bit little punk

    a german sausage i think
  21. Hilandor

    Honestly placebo...

    MODERATOR ??? gota be worth a reset of postcount and a week of "read only" forum
  22. Hilandor

    2 bit little punk

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ June 14 2002,00:43)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My theory is that Major Fubar and Placebo are the same person, and this whole thread was an elaborate set up to win Hilandor's heart back. The reason for it is naturally because Placebo has recently been jealous of Gimbals and Hilandors newly formed relation. So to impress Hilandor and to show him who the real Ãœber Verwalter is Placebo created a thread that he knew that Gimbal would close. Later Placebo could show his ultimate power by re-opening the thread and by that impressing Hilandor beyond belief. An obviously hurt Gimbal posted a picture of an espresso machine, with the claim that he could drink 40 cups of coffee in a day, in a desperate attempt to win Hilandor back. Hilandor was unimpressed. Now how will this end? Will Hilandor and Placebo find each other again? Or is Gimbal planning a countermove? Well, stay tuned for more posts in "2 bit little punk" <span id='postcolor'> roflmao im near crying with laughter lol u could get a job as a script writer for coronation street
  23. Hilandor

    Im emigrating........

    yes although the spider escaped i had it long enough before to shed its skin which left me with an skin exact copy of the spider including hairs all perfect form apart from a little part on its back that was almost hinged where it pulled itself out the skin. Most awsome thing ive ever seen, and yeah although i wont keep one now lol i think there the most fantastic creatures about, and even now if i see a small one scuttle across teh floor i just leave it id rather them than flies that have been eating on dogshite
  24. Hilandor

    2 bit little punk

    just liike an exciting episode of eastenders i cant wait for next episode so **bump*** (theres no way this is going into the history realms no way hosea )