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Everything posted by Hilandor

  1. Hilandor

    New usermade Campaign available

    im only on the second mission but its pretty good so far, the robotic voices from command are cool only one thing i noticed which im not sure happens elsewhere is that whilst sitting in chinook i was able to rotate my head 360 degrees, handy as hell lol but not sure if its a bug i
  2. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002, who wins

    Republic Ireland 1 Cameroon 1 all we need now is Sweden to beat England and its a good week
  3. Hilandor

    Is there any way to get the oxigen tool doing what

    yes it is not being issued to anyone now but there seemingly is a version being released to the public soonish so ive heard and is there any need to make 3 posts regarding the same topic ?? the other two have been deleted
  4. Hilandor

    Where be everyone from?

    its not that its boring market day usually has crowds of 10's of thousands or did so a few years ago for me its too near the sea so it stinks, there is a large aluminium plant that runs 24/7 spewing out dust and costic and they import red oxide by ship so roads are red, i come from further up the north of scotland so im also not used to the crowds of people invading the town every summer. This just happens to be where the wife comes from
  5. Hilandor

    Where be everyone from?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ May 30 2002,11:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Is Burntisland pronounced as 'burnt island' or as 'burntis land'?<span id='postcolor'> its pronounced burnt island it has been a village/town since roman times, and was a very big market place that dealt with traders from north of scotland and edinburgh ( it was a main port for ferry crossings over the forth river to edinburgh. even now in summer time we have a large fair that sits on the beach park for about 3 months and the highlight of the year is "marketday" bit like a highland games. Mary Queen of Scots also stayed in Burntisland for a while before she was decapitated, in the rossend castle ( about 2 mins from my house) the big hill in the background is actually an extinct volcano and offers a fantastic view of all fife/edinburgh and on a clear day, the scottish highlands can be seen about 150 miles away and i hate the place lol its a hole =[
  6. Hilandor

    Best cure for hangover.

    best cure for hangover is take one glass, put a little tomato ketchup in bottom, some pepper, a bit liver, a drop of whisky, raw egg mix together and ur sorted u will never drink again
  7. Hilandor

    The worldcup 2002, who wins

    france will win brazil will be runners up argentina or italy third place england wont get thru the first round and will be home before there postcards arrive back.
  8. Hilandor

    Where be everyone from?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ May 30 2002,11:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Looks nice, Hil! And you have a beach!! But the name is funny sounds like "burn this land" ... Are there connections? Â <span id='postcolor'> not sure why burntisland got named as it does but latest info is that in the bottom pic when tide goes out there is a black rock that sticks out of sea black rock = burnt island burntisland.
  9. Hilandor

    Where be everyone from?

    scotland   a little town called burntisland
  10. Hilandor

    Happy and website

    i cant everytime i tried to make him/it (lol btw) a civillian, all the AI chased him/it into the woods and they never returned and trying to get a ss of a fairy dancing around everon is difficult
  11. Hilandor

    Happy and website

    lolol heres ur fagg.......fairy  ==]]
  12. Hilandor

    Where am i?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Die Alive @ May 28 2002,21:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I wonder how many people though they were banned? I know that thought passed through my mind when I first tried to get to the board after it went down. -=Die Alive=-<span id='postcolor'> lol not sure but the forums now have nearly 17,000 members lmao some jump in a week lol
  13. Hilandor

    Where am i?

  14. Hilandor

    Fonts still blured

    what resolution you on atm?? ive noticed fonts are blurry at 800x600 and not at 1024x780
  15. Hilandor

    Fonts still blured

    what resolution you on atm?? ive noticed fonts are blurry at 800x600 and not at 1024x780
  16. coke is brilliant it rots ur teeth rots ur stomach and makes two pence peices shiny and tastes great and its not cos the adverts that coke do they dont affect me holidays are coming holidays are coming
  17. Hilandor

    Fonts still blured

    not sure if it will work but increase ur colour from 16bit to 32 bit i just has same bother and put it up and now its all clear again
  18. Hilandor

    A pile of shit

    i see Uk has managed to successfully breed bald chickens using genetic manipulation. No feathers what so ever i dont see the point in it apart from no plucking before cooking, or it maybe discourages chickens from running away cos they get too cold
  19. Hilandor

    Movie trivia

    stanley something?
  20. Hilandor

    Do you turn off the music in operation flashpoint?

    i like the music in cutscenes etc, some made missions had some cracking tunes " spirit in the sky" tune for a platoon mission that somoene made was amazing
  21. Hilandor

    Fly baby, fly!

    lol have a look at some radiohead album covers and u will see
  22. Hilandor

    Strange food

    haggis truley remarkable and tasty sheep spares such as heart kidney, and the offal all enclosed in a sheeps stomach lining
  23. Hilandor

    Whats up guys, check out my work

    yes indeed those are the best looking models ive seen yet, congrats pal, Â do u do this for a living ?? oh u do this for a living lol oops=]
  24. Hilandor

    I'm not a promoter of cd piracy but .........

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Sweeper @ May 21 2002,14:37)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ May 22 2002,11:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">ahh my kids have known about this for years, and here was me thinking they were just drawing all over my cds for no reason  <span id='postcolor'> Well bad luck for your moderatorship.... Your kids in piracy?? well i have been looking at Germans for some time and there we got those cracking and hacking talents!!!! I got one thing to say to sony and the others: Can't beat em? Join em.... Not that I would like to see BIS running in piracy but i would been fun....<span id='postcolor'> no my kids scribble on cds i accidently leave lying about i didnt mean they actually pirate cds lol
  25. Hilandor

    I'm not a promoter of cd piracy but .........

    ahh my kids have known about this for years, and here was me thinking they were just drawing all over my cds for no reason