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Everything posted by HellToupee

  1. HellToupee

    Water crafts

    rember that boat from df2 ild like to see sumthing like that in ofp.
  2. HellToupee

    Sea reflection only works in hw t&l mode.

    can sum one post a screenie i got a tnt2 and i cant use t&l, be getting my gf4 soon tho just have to buy it.
  3. HellToupee

    Cant join using sockets

    ive been tryin a bit more to join 1.55 games, i have found that i cant join dedicated servers found thru all seeing eye and cpying there ip. After sitting at wait for server screen Hell toupee connecting shows up and eventullay i get session lost and have to reboot before my internet connection can work again. I have few problems with joining non dedicated 1.55 games like with lt dammge. This is all using sockets.
  4. HellToupee

    Cant join using sockets

    when trying to join a 1.55 server using sockets the game freezes after a while and if i hit escape before it freezes i cant use my internet connection have to reboot. Ihave a alcatel speed touch home and when joining lineRX keeps flashing but lineTX dose nothing im running on win98 anyone else have this prob?.
  5. HellToupee

    Cant join using sockets

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Suma @ May 16 2002,21:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Please, mail not only context.bin, but also Flashpoint.rpt. Both contain information that is very usefull for us when dealing with crashes.<span id='postcolor'> ok is on way
  6. HellToupee

    Cant join using sockets

    i got lt dammge to host a game it worked we had one game and on the second i lost session and game froze at waitfor server screen like when trying to join the other servers i got a contex.bin file on my dir ill mail that to you. That game was very smooth with dammage ping was 174 and not one ai or player warped. Dosnet appear to be a problem with me joinin just game freezes at wait for server screen and sum times after that my internet connetion dosnet work connects but no data is sent or received. Dmmage also found sum spell predictor or checker with the chat function how dose that work?
  7. HellToupee

    Team-respawn bug when team members are halted

    just hit bak space 0 and slect fail should clear it up been round for while that bug.
  8. HellToupee

    Somebody ask this for me

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LordZach @ May 16 2002,16:08)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i dislike join in progress for this game, it's just not suited. Â how would you like it if some guy drops in when you're trying to lead your squad and he has no idea what the hell is going on because he missed the briefing?<span id='postcolor'> would you dislike it when you miss a game buy 1min and have 1hour or more to wait and they wont reassign cause its taken them so long just to get it going in the first place. We rary finsh a map because we always droping players and more people joning and waitin and tellin us to reassign, for coops and stuff not needed but we usually have too many people on gp for coops and its a mission to get a game going.
  9. HellToupee

    Geforce4 framerates disappointing inofp

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lt_Damage @ May 15 2002,13:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Damnit I have an ASUS Geforce4 Ti4600, but I am running an Athlon 900Mhz Thunderbird... so it appears I won't get to enjoy this video card until I upgrade my CPU.. I don't suppose my motherboard will be compatible either, so there goes that. Ohhhh need $$$$ now..<span id='postcolor'> dammit i was gonna buy a gf4 ti i got 850mhz, ive got to much money at the moment so im gonna use it, im getting that gf4 ti or mx and your words will not stop me except maybee there out of stoc like last week.
  10. HellToupee

    Random machine gun

    i was playin mp on canyon clash and ad rpg and dragnov, i was using rpg when it went back to my gun by it self what was weird was i had 500 rounds no clips and different cross hair, yes it was the same as mounted machine guns and accurte to. After reaking havok for a while i pushed r and it went back to rpg and lost my super m gun anyone else had this happen?
  11. HellToupee

    Request: mission parameters

    u can change them depends if the mission builder lets u or not my missions allow u to change time or score limits but admins cannot do this only if its your server your hosting.
  12. HellToupee

    Remote vehicle collision bug

    once we were playin a game and 2 trucks got stuck in each other the game game almost to a standstill the ai were invincable and did nothing there were deleys of 3mins before after using bombs on the two truks did they blow up and seperate and game went back to normal.
  13. HellToupee

    Ofpsw mod

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LANDWARRIOR @ May 12 2002,14:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">First of all the hind sucks compared to the apache I've never been taken down with it and second of all that was kind bad info prob on my part I didnt check to see which model it was and the 2 in the 52 and the single is the 50.<span id='postcolor'> the hind is better its stronger can carry passangers has same firepower its just a little less manoverable.
  14. HellToupee


    all players of il2 and janes sims will know of this program its latest update now supports ofp ill be using it now and again i find it better than eye for il2 i have yet to try it for ofp, it has chat and messenging services and rw support as well.
  15. HellToupee

    Is bis sleeping

    they showed us the pitchfork weapon in a post while back (sarcasm intended)
  16. HellToupee


    its only advantage over ase is the chat so u ca ntalk to other people with ofp before joining a game its always having new features added so it might get ded server search engine if we lucky.
  17. HellToupee

    More save game in resistance?

    recycle bin achives my saved games.
  18. HellToupee


    i had a game thru hyper i had a 300ping and the others had 100 but it wasnt laggy and the guy had my map goin 10-20_tank valley heaps of fun good for people want to start a good quick game with out ages of waitin thats if theres people there and wantin to play.
  19. HellToupee


    was on hl there were about 7 people and a game had alrady started u can join games being played or create your own.
  20. HellToupee

    Which aircraft do you want me to make the most

    i think i speak for everyone here when i say build a il2 sturmovik its the russian flyin tank.
  21. HellToupee


    if you start a dedcated server thru hyper lobby it shows up its always being up dated so ded server features may come soon, but its a real good replacement for gamespy its free no ads multiply game support and chat, with ded server support it could take off, but unlike flight sims ping is moreimportant so people will tend to keep going to there usual servers.
  22. HellToupee

    Battlefield 1942

    ive read a preview and interview aparrently the game is designed for mp.
  23. HellToupee

    Battlefield 1942

    ive read a preview and interview aparrently the game is designed for mp.
  24. HellToupee

    Battlefield 1942

    ive read a preview and interview aparrently the game is designed for mp.
  25. HellToupee


    its pretty empty at the moment it dosnt seach for ded servers but u can join any game that has been started using hyper its a definate gamespy beater but dosnt search for servers like eye.