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Everything posted by Grimfist

  1. Coop Essential pack Rearmed http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2010 Well, for ArmA 1, this was the most ausome suite of scripts, that by placing a few triggers and markers could create an area guarded by troops that would call reinforcements from nearby bases, that would clean up after itself with the body and object remover. It also included a 'cache unit' script that would cache away people and re put them in the game once they neared the enemy. All these being fully customizable. Now, i started to make a CTI for ArmA 2, and thought - wait a Minuit I need Myke's CoOp Essentials Pack. So I tested it to see if it works. I have replaced every classname and added all of the ArmA 2 ones in, but it isnt working. Ive tried to fiddle around with it but my knowledge of scripting ends here. Thats why i am looking for an able scripter to have a look, and help me change it, so these can be re released for ArmA 2. I have contacted Myke, the original creator, and he isn't releasing anything any time soon due to real life. He said i can release it / change it and do whatever i want, but i cant do anymore. It might be the case that 1 line is out of place, or 1 command is set up wrong, But WTH. Here is the group config file that I have fixed. My other changes were probably wrong as they didn't seem to fix it. Thanks in advance, Grim. OH, and BTW, unit cache works fine with no adjustments.
  2. bump, rommel any news on your scripts, or can anyone help further with this plz? thanks.
  3. in the mp mission 'detector' (one that comes with the game) there is a script and when you leave the area the screen goes fuzzy, and if you keep going you die. i am trying to put it in my mission, but cannot get it working. Here is the different files: onLoadMission="$STR_detector_subtitle"; respawn = 3; respawnDelay = 3; aikills = 1; class Header { gameType = DM; minPlayers = 1; maxPlayers = 20; }; titleParam1 = "$STR_mp_param_duration"; valuesParam1[] = {600,1200,1800,3000,-1}; defValueParam1 = 600; textsParam1[] = {"10","20","30","60","$STR_mp_param_infinite"}; titleParam2 = "$STR_mp_param_score"; valuesParam2[] = {10,20,50,100,100000000000000000}; defValueParam2 = 100000000000000000; textsParam2[] = {"10","20","50","100","$STR_mp_param_infinite"}; #define IDENTITY(N,NAME) class ap_##N \ { \ name = ##NAME##; \ face = "Default"; \ glasses = "none"; \ speaker = "Male02EN"; \ pitch = 1.0; \ }; class CfgIdentities { IDENTITY(0,"01:H7#5G6") IDENTITY(1,"02:S63PFJ") IDENTITY(2,"03:E183FV") IDENTITY(3,"04:OUL4DQ") IDENTITY(4,"05:JP61KY") IDENTITY(5,"06:MT6H17") IDENTITY(6,"07:DNH71O") IDENTITY(7,"08:U-EXMX") IDENTITY(8,"09:XZME6X") IDENTITY(9,"10:SJQZVE") IDENTITY(10,"11:N9CG-4") IDENTITY(11,"12:FBTVLZ") IDENTITY(12,"13:40UXD3") IDENTITY(13,"14:U834RW") IDENTITY(14,"15:QKGHTR") IDENTITY(15,"16:4NGEBV") IDENTITY(16,"17:7S6HJR") IDENTITY(17,"18:90I472") IDENTITY(18,"19:O0BDK5") IDENTITY(19,"20:EC70ZW") }; /* File: init.sqf Author: Karel Moricky */ _diary = player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", [localize "str_detector_briefing", localize "str_detector_briefing_text"]]; end_score = false; if !(isserver) exitwith {}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// startLoadingScreen [localize "str_detector_onload","RscDisplayLoadMission"]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--- Cursom params if (isnil "param1") then {param1 = -1}; if (param1 > 0) then {estimatedtimeleft param1;}; waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; //[nil,nil,"per",rEXECVM,"init_local.sqf"] call RE; //player execvm "init_local.sqf"; //--- Zone trigger _trig = zone; _trigpos = position _trig; _trigsize = (triggerarea _trig) select 0; _trigsizedev = _trigsize / 10; _carcount = _trigsize / 4; _progresscountMax = _carcount + _trigsize + 360; _progresscount = 0; progressLoadingScreen _progresscount; //--- Create cars _wrecks = ["HMMWVWreck","BMP2Wreck","UralWreck","datsun01Wreck","datsun02Wreck","hiluxWreck","Mi8Wreck","T72Wreck","T72WreckTurret","BRDMWreck","UAZWreck","SKODAWreck","LADAWreck"]; _cars = ["Tractor","HMMWV_M2","HMMWV_TOW","HMMWV_MK19","HMMWV","UAZ_MG_CDF","UAZ_AGS30_CDF","UAZ_CDF","Ural_CDF","UralOpen_CDF","UralRepair_CDF","UralReammo_CDF","UralRefuel_CDF","Ural_ZU23_CDF","BRDM2_CDF","BRDM2_ATGM_CDF","GRAD_CDF","UAZ_RU","UAZ_AGS30_RU","GRAD_RU","UAZ_MG_INS","UAZ_AGS30_INS","UAZ_INS","UAZ_SPG9_INS","Ural_INS","UralOpen_INS","UralRepair_INS","UralReammo_INS","UralRefuel_INS","Ural_ZU23_INS","BRDM2_INS","BRDM2_ATGM_INS","GRAD_INS","BRDM2_Gue","BRDM2_HQ_Gue","Ural_ZU23_Gue","UralCivil","UralCivil2","Skoda","SkodaBlue","SkodaRed","SkodaGreen","datsun1_civil_1_open","datsun1_civil_2_covered","datsun1_civil_3_open","car_hatchback","car_sedan","hilux1_civil_1_open","hilux1_civil_2_covered","hilux1_civil_3_open","Pickup_PK_GUE","Pickup_PK_INS","Offroad_DSHKM_Gue","Offroad_SPG9_Gue","Offroad_DSHKM_INS","BTR90","BTR90_HQ","GAZ_Vodnik_HMG","GAZ_Vodnik","GAZ_Vodnik_MedEvac","HMMWV_Armored","HMMWV_Ambulance","HMMWV_Avenger","Ikarus","Kamaz","KamazOpen","KamazRepair","KamazReammo","KamazRefuel","Lada_base","Lada1","Lada2","LadaLM","LAV25","LAV25_HQ","MTVR","MtvrReammo","MtvrRefuel","MtvrRepair","TowingTractor","V3S_Civ","V3S_Gue","VWGolf","WarfareSalvageTruck_USMC","WarfareSupplyTruck_USMC","WarfareReammoTruck_USMC","WarfareSalvageTruck_RU","WarfareSupplyTruck_RU","WarfareReammoTruck_RU","WarfareSalvageTruck_CDF","WarfareSupplyTruck_CDF","WarfareReammoTruck_CDF","WarfareSalvageTruck_INS","WarfareSupplyTruck_INS","WarfareReammoTruck_INS","WarfareSalvageTruck_Gue","WarfareSupplyTruck_Gue","WarfareReammoTruck_Gue"]; _cars = _cars + _wrecks; for "_i" from 0 to _carcount do { _class = _cars call bis_fnc_selectrandom; _car = createvehicle [_class, position _trig, [], _trigsize*0.8, "none"]; _car setdir (random 360); _car setpos [position _car select 0,position _car select 1,0]; _car setdamage (random 0.8); _car setfuel (random 1); _car setammocargo (random 1); _progresscount = _progresscount + (_i / _progresscountMax); progressLoadingScreen _progresscount; if (cheat1) then { _marker = createmarker [format ["www%1",round _i],position _car]; _marker setmarkertype "mil_triangle"; _marker setmarkerdir direction _car; _marker setmarkercolor "colorblue"; }; }; //--- Create ammo boxes _allammolist = ["USMC_Soldier","USMC_Soldier_Light","USMC_Soldier2","USMC_Soldier_GL","USMC_Soldier_Officer","USMC_Soldier_SL","USMC_Soldier_TL","USMC_Soldier_LAT","USMC_Soldier_AT","USMC_Soldier_HAT","USMC_Soldier_AA","USMC_Soldier_Medic","USMC_Soldier_AR","USMC_Soldier_MG","USMC_SoldierS_Spotter","USMC_SoldierS_Sniper","USMC_SoldierS_SniperH","USMC_SoldierM_Marksman","USMC_SoldierS","USMC_SoldierS_Engineer","USMC_Soldier_Pilot","USMC_Soldier_Crew","USMC_LHD_Crew_Base","USMC_LHD_Crew_White","USMC_LHD_Crew_Blue","USMC_LHD_Crew_Brown","USMC_LHD_Crew_Green","USMC_LHD_Crew_Red","USMC_LHD_Crew_Purple","USMC_LHD_Crew_Yellow","FR_TL","FR_Commander","FR_R","FR_Marksman","FR_Light","FR_Corpsman","FR_AR","FR_GL","FR_Sapper","FR_AC","FR_Miles","FR_Cooper","FR_Sykes","FR_OHara","FR_Rodriguez","FR_Assault_R","FR_Assault_GL","RU_Soldier","RU_Soldier2","RU_Soldier_Officer","RU_Soldier_Light","RU_Soldier_MG","RU_Soldier_AR","RU_Soldier_GL","RU_Soldier_Marksman","RU_Soldier_LAT","RU_Soldier_AT","RU_Soldier_HAT","RU_Soldier_AA","RU_Soldier_Sniper","RU_Soldier_SniperH","RU_Soldier_Spotter","RU_Soldier_Medic","RU_Soldier_Pilot","RU_Soldier_Crew","RU_Soldier_SL","RU_Soldier_TL","RU_Commander","RUS_Soldier1","RUS_Soldier2","RUS_Soldier3","RUS_Soldier_GL","RUS_Soldier_TL","RUS_Commander","RUS_Soldier_Marksman","RUS_Soldier_Sab","MVD_Soldier","MVD_Soldier_GL","MVD_Soldier_TL","MVD_Soldier_AT","MVD_Soldier_MG","MVD_Soldier_Marksman","MVD_Soldier_Sniper","GUE_Soldier_1","GUE_Soldier_2","GUE_Soldier_3","GUE_Soldier_GL","GUE_Worker2","GUE_Woodlander1","GUE_Woodlander2","GUE_Woodlander3","GUE_Villager3","GUE_Villager4","GUE_Soldier_CO","GUE_Commander","GUE_Soldier_AT","GUE_Soldier_AA","GUE_Soldier_AR","GUE_Soldier_MG","GUE_Soldier_Sniper","GUE_Soldier_Sab","GUE_Soldier_Scout","GUE_Soldier_Medic","GUE_Soldier_Pilot","GUE_Soldier_Crew","Ins_Soldier_1","Ins_Soldier_2","Ins_Soldier_CO","Ins_Soldier_GL","Ins_Soldier_Medic","Ins_Soldier_AR","Ins_Soldier_MG","Ins_Soldier_AT","Ins_Soldier_AA","Ins_Soldier_Sniper","Ins_Soldier_Sapper","Ins_Soldier_Sab","Ins_Worker2","Ins_Woodlander1","Ins_Woodlander2","Ins_Woodlander3","Ins_Villager3","Ins_Villager4","Ins_Commander","Ins_Lopotev","Ins_Bardak","Ins_Soldier_Pilot","Ins_Soldier_Crew","CDF_Soldier","CDF_Soldier_Light","CDF_Soldier_GL","CDF_Soldier_Medic","CDF_Soldier_Sniper","CDF_Soldier_RPG","CDF_Soldier_Strela","CDF_Soldier_AR","CDF_Soldier_MG","CDF_Soldier_TL","CDF_Soldier_Officer","CDF_Soldier_Militia","CDF_Soldier_Pilot","CDF_Soldier_Crew","CDF_Soldier_Spotter","CDF_Soldier_Marksman","CDF_Soldier_Engineer","CDF_Commander"]; _ammolist = []; // Select random 20 of them (to prevent loading many different models) for "_i" from 1 to 20 do { _class = _allammolist call bis_fnc_selectrandom; _ammolist = _ammolist + [_class] }; for "_i" from 0 to _trigsize do { _class = _ammolist call bis_fnc_selectrandom; _ammo = createvehicle [_class, position _trig, [], _trigsize*0.8, "none"]; _ammo setdamage 1; _ammo setdir (random 360); _progresscount = _progresscount + (_i / _progresscountMax); progressLoadingScreen _progresscount; if (cheat1) then { _marker = createmarker [format ["aaa%1",round _i],position _ammo]; _marker setmarkertype "mil_triangle"; _marker setmarkerdir direction _ammo; _marker setmarkercolor "colorred"; }; }; //--- Create border (only for circle) _classlist = ["Citizen1","Citizen2","Citizen3","Citizen4","Worker1","Worker2","Worker3","Worker4","Profiteer1","Profiteer2","Profiteer3","Profiteer4","Rocker1","Rocker2","Rocker3","Rocker4","Woodlander1","Woodlander2","Woodlander3","Woodlander4","Functionary1","Functionary2","Villager1","Villager2","Villager3","Villager4","Priest","Doctor","SchoolTeacher","Assistant","Pilot","Policeman"/*,"Secretary1","Secretary2","Secretary3","Secretary4","Secretary5","Sportswoman1","Sportswoman2","Sportswoman3","Sportswoman4","Sportswoman5","ValentinaFit","ValentinaVictim","Madam1","Madam2","Madam3","Madam4","Madam5","Farmwife1","Farmwife2","Farmwife3","Farmwife4","Farmwife5","Damsel1","Damsel2","Damsel3","Damsel4","Damsel5","HouseWife1","HouseWife2","HouseWife3","HouseWife4","HouseWife5","Hooker1","Hooker2","Hooker3","Hooker4","Hooker5","WorkWoman1","WorkWoman2","WorkWoman3","WorkWoman4","WorkWoman5"*/]; _bodydis = (360 / (_trigsize * pi)) * 3; _bodycount = ((_trigsize) * pi) / _bodydis; for "_dir" from 0 to 360 step _bodydis do { _class = _classlist call bis_fnc_selectrandom; _dis = _trigsize + (-_trigsizedev/2 + random _trigsizedev); _pos = [(_trigpos select 0) + (sin _dir * _dis),(_trigpos select 1) + (cos _dir * _dis),0]; _body = _class createvehicle _pos; _body setpos _pos; _body setdir (random 360); _body switchmove ""; _body setdamage 1; _progresscount = _progresscount + (_dir / _progresscountMax); progressLoadingScreen _progresscount; if (cheat1) then { _marker = createmarker [format ["xxx%1",round _dir],_pos]; _marker setmarkertype "mil_dot"; _marker setmarkercolor "colororange"; }; }; //--- Move NPCs { //if (!isplayer _x) then {_x setpos [100,100,100]}; _x setpos [(_trigpos select 0) + (cos (random 360) * random (_trigsize)),(_trigpos select 1) + (sin (random 360) * random (_trigsize)),0]; if !(isplayer _x) then { _x execvm "init_respawn.sqf"; _x addeventhandler ["killed",{(_this select 0) execvm "init_respawn.sqf"}]; _x setidentity (vehiclevarname _x); _x setskill random 0.5; }; } foreach allunits; //[ap_0,ap_1,ap_2,ap_3,ap_4,ap_5,ap_6,ap_7,ap_8,ap_9,ap_10,ap_11,ap_12,ap_13,ap_14,ap_15,ap_16,ap_17,ap_18,ap_19]; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// endLoadingScreen; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //sleep 0.01; waituntil { _players = [] call bis_fnc_listplayers; _score = 0; {_score = _score max (score _x)} foreach _players; _score >= param2 }; end_score = true; /* File: init_respawn.sqf Author: Karel Moricky */ sleep 0.01; _var = vehiclevarname _this; _newunit = objnull; waituntil { call compile format ["_newunit = %1",_var]; alive _newunit; }; _newunit addrating -10e10; _newunit switchmove ""; if (_newunit == player && _newunit == _this) then {cuttext ["","black in",10000]}; waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"}; if (_newunit == player) then {cuttext ["","white in",1]}; _newunit addrating -10e10; removeallweapons _newunit; for "_i" from 1 to 12 do {_newunit addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD"}; _newunit addweapon "G36_C_SD_eotech"; _newunit addweapon "nvgoggles"; _newunit selectweapon "G36_C_SD_eotech"; _newunit switchmove ""; if (count waypoints _newunit == 1) then { _wp = group _newunit addwaypoint [position _newunit,0]; _wp setwaypointtype "sad"; _wp setwaypointbehaviour "combat"; }; //onmapsingleclick "player setpos _pos"; //setTerrainGrid 1000; //--- _trig = zone; _trigsize = ((triggerarea _trig) select 0); _trigzonesize = 20; if (isnil "truetime") then {truetime = time;}; //--- Respawn codes player setpos [(position _trig select 0) + (sin (random 360) * (random (_trigsize * 0.8))),(position _trig select 1) + (sin (random 360) * (random (_trigsize * 0.8))),0]; player execvm "init_respawn.sqf"; player addeventhandler ["killed",{(_this select 0) execvm "init_respawn.sqf"}]; mapanimadd [0,0.1,position player]; mapAnimCommit; //enable GPS in mission showGPS true; //--- Ambient Light _lightColor = [1,1,1]; _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal position player; _light setLightBrightness 0.1; _light setLightAmbient _lightColor; _light setLightColor _lightColor; _light lightAttachObject [vehicle player, [0,0,-20]]; xlight = _light; //--- Post process effects sleep 0.01; "colorCorrections" ppEffectAdjust [1, 1, -0.005, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.4], [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0]]; "colorCorrections" ppEffectCommit 0; "colorCorrections" ppEffectEnable true; //player setvehicleposition [position _trig,[],_trigsize]; //player setpos [(position _trig select 0) + (sin 360 * _trigsize),(position _trig select 1) + (sin 360 * _trigsize),0]; while {true} do { waituntil {alive player}; if (isserver) then { truetime = time; publicvariable "truetime"; }; //--- Environment //skiptime (-daytime + (-0.001 + random 0.002)); 0 setovercast 0.7; 0 setfog 1; 0 setrain 0; //if (random 1 > 0.5) then {_light setLightBrightness (0.28 + random 0.04)}; _light lightAttachObject [vehicle player, [0,0,-20]]; //--- Detectorâ„¢ _unitlist = []; //_possibleUnits = position player nearentities ["man",500]; _possibleUnits = allunits;// [] call bis_fnc_listplayers; _timeleft = if (param1 > 0) then {parsetext format ["<t align='center'>%1</t>",[(param1 - truetime)/60,"HH:MM"] call bis_fnc_timetostring]} else {""}; if ({alive _x} count _possibleUnits > 1) then { //--- Show name and distance for "_n" from 0 to (count _possibleUnits)-1 do { _actual = _possibleUnits select _n; if (alive _actual && _actual != player) then { _unitlist = _unitlist + [_actual]; }; }; _nearestunit = objnull; _dist = 1000000; { if (_x distance player < _dist) then {_nearestunit = _x; _dist = _x distance player}; } foreach _unitlist; _name = parsetext format ["<t size='1.1' align='center'>%1</t>",name _nearestunit]; //--- Sort by danger _dist1 = round (((player distance _nearestunit)/10))*10; _color = if (_dist1 > 50) then {"#d6ff8c"} else {if (_dist1 > 20) then {"#ff9900"} else {"#ff0000"}}; _enemy1 = parsetext format ["<t size='2.0' align='center' color='%2'>%1 m</t>",_dist1,_color]; _text = if (param1 > 0) then {[_enemy1,linebreak,_name,linebreak,_timeleft]} else {[_enemy1,linebreak,_name]}; hintsilent composeText _text; } else { //--- Null _name = parsetext "<t size='1.1' align='center'>???</t>"; _enemy1 = parsetext "<t size='2.0' align='center' color='#d6ff8c'>??? m</t>"; _text = if (param1 > 0) then {[_enemy1,linebreak,_name,linebreak,_timeleft]} else {[_enemy1,linebreak,_name]}; hintsilent composeText _text; }; //--- Zone _zonedis = player distance _trig; if (_zonedis > _trigsize) then { _alpha = ((_zonedis - _trigsize) / _trigzonesize); "filmGrain" ppEffectEnable true; "filmGrain" ppEffectAdjust [_alpha, 0, 1, _alpha/100, 1]; "filmGrain" ppEffectCommit 0; if (_zonedis > (_trigsize + _trigzonesize)) then { player setdamage 1; player addscore -1; }; } else { "filmGrain" ppEffectEnable false; }; sleep 0.1; }; i have a trigger called zone that is 1500 x 450. and the functions module is there also. (im not sure if i need it) What do i need to take out and change? i know this is a pretty big question but i have tried and cant do it. TIA, grim.
  4. well ive searched but cant find anything. i want to change the way SOM drops supplys. what are the set variable commands? i want to change osprey to a c-130, the Humvee to a landrover and the supply's as a ukf weapon box. is this possible?
  5. or here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2:_Weapons
  6. Grimfist

    chinook extraction

    Hi, 1. call the chinook chin1. 2. init its init box put: 'chin1 enablesimulation false' 3. put a trigger as radio alpha 4. in the text box put: 'call for evac' 5. in the act box put: 'chin1 enablesimulation true'
  7. ok ill have a look. i have fixed it, here they are: http://www.filefront.com/14834477/kamel1Files.zip
  8. well what do you want? someone to help fix your briefing and init?
  9. Firstly, is it possible for the ACM to work on custom islands such as everon? and if it does how do i get it to work? (i have already placed down the player, and synced the ACM (called BIS_ACM) to him. i also have a 200 x 200 marker over my base called BIS_ACM_1 (to stop it working there) and then in my init file i have: //waits for the ACM to get itsel ready before trying to alter its settings. waitUntil {!isNil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}}; waitUntil {BIS_ACM getVariable "initDone"}; //Sets frequency and number of patrols (0-1). BIS_ACM is module name [0 = no patrols 1 = uber mega war] [0.7, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setIntensityFunc; //min max spawn distance [bIS_ACM, 300, 600] call BIS_ACM_setSpawnDistanceFunc; //factions to be spawned [ you can change this to usmc say ( but not civs ) [["RU"], BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setFactionsFunc; //Skill range for spawned units [0, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setSkillFunc; //Amount of ammo spawned units posses [0.4, 0.6, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setAmmoFunc; //Type of patrol. With 0 meaning no chance of appearing, and 1 meaning 100% chance. -1 removes patrol type completely. [the setting will make ground units definatly appear and a 25% chance that aircraft will appear] ["ground_patrol", 1, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; ["air_patrol", 0.10, BIS_ACM] call BIS_ACM_setTypeChanceFunc; //sets what is acctually spawning [bIS_ACM, [ "RU_InfSquad", "RU_InfSection", "RU_InfSection_AT", "RU_InfSection_AA", "RU_InfSection_MG", "RU_SniperTeam", "RUS_ReconTeam", "MVD_AssaultTeam", "ru_motinfsection_recon", "ru_motinfsection_patrol", "ru_mi24vsquadron", "ru_mechinfsquad_2" ] ] call BIS_ACM_addGroupClassesFunc; }; this works perfectly on chenarus. But nothing seems to be happening? TIA for any input.
  10. Grimfist

    ACM on Everon

    Well, i was playing my mission, when i was attacked by an inf squad and btr-90, i thought that these must have strayed from thier partoll routes but they havent. it does work!
  11. Grimfist

    ACM on Everon

    thats too mutch work for me, ty anyway pete!
  12. Grimfist

    ACM on Everon

    ty pete do i need to put down game logics or something?
  13. ahh thanks, any 1 have any leads to the full list? (ill try think like r_engineer) maybee thats redfor engineer?
  14. do i need to put down a heuy, uav and harrier, or are they created automatically?
  15. place a group of USMC, put down a Russian soldier with rank general and put him as group leader, then set his probability of presence to 0 you now have a group of enemy us marines.
  16. Grimfist

    Commanding SP squadmates

    thats called team switch, in the editor set there control as playable.
  17. unbo the file missions. in the addons folder, find Manhattan and unbo it. then fut the folder in My documents/arma 2 other profiles/Azrith/missions. then load it in the editor. (if you have done this try checking if there is a manhatten.chenurus inside another manhatten.chenurus
  18. you can use the som module but disable everything it does but artillery. (so it wont make those mission things)
  19. Grimfist

    RH M4/M16 Pack ver 1.0 Rearmed

    ausome. +1 on replacement! cant wait for more weapons.
  20. unpbo the mp mission 'sector controll' have a look in that and you will find it usefull.
  21. Grimfist

    A few questions

    put in the init line this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), x] this will spawn something 300 (mterers or feet i dont know) in the air this setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), 300]
  22. you could put them there yourself and put: dostopthis OR disableAI 'move' into their init lines.
  23. Grimfist

    Desert Stormers ACE

    i thought visitor 3 was like some uber military tool that costs lots of $$$, personly i think thats silly. why would BI care about his maps anyway? well i love his maps and i hope that he makes future releases as they are AUSOME!