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Everything posted by GodHammer

  1. GodHammer


    Some " freelancing " for you guys This is the '85 version of Strela-M, that goes into SA-9 launchers. The turret is being modeled soon. Cheers, GH.
  2. GodHammer

    M1A1 Abrams by Mateck

    Very nice piece of armor guys, well well done
  3. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    @ Bospor: I'd like to make it as close to reality as possible. If I ever will understand how, I will make trail smoke and jettisoning boosters as well. Radar is almost complete, would be nice making the SA disable while the Side Net radar is destroyed So spec ops can choose their objective, radar or missile or both. A SA-5 SAM site is usually formed by 6 launchers, a couple of radars and a power generator plus command postation. Making it all would be really close to reality. Let me work on it a bit more boys Cheers, GH.
  4. GodHammer


    Awesome stuff, please keep us updated with news
  5. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Actually you could fire Gammon against slower targets as formations of troops-transporting helos ( consider the real missile's killing zone is about 75 m....) or big slow-manouvering aircrafts ( I've spot some addons in the past ). Else, do not worry, we'll cover every range, I have a good collection of SA-3 pictures waiting for attention ... Also, I almost finished a textured model of a Side Net radar, to add some realism to my Sam site Stay tuned for coming soon pics What do you mean with " smoke trail" ?
  6. It happens that I make my own enemy patrols guarding a building or a given objective. I make the path including waypoints with pauses to add some reality and a bit of randomization. But as I start shooting on them from a distance, with my snipers, they get mad and start running all across the whole map, in every direction, searching for me. Is there a way to assign a patrol just a portion of the area, so they won't leave that place even if I shoot them? I mean, I'd like them to run for cover and react, but not leaving the objective they were guarding or getting too far from the base. Hope there's a solution  Cheers, GH.
  7. GodHammer


    I already love it, I would just suggest to upgrade the turret's searching light to a smoother poly, maybe a 24 sides cylinder, my eye's at once catched by the difference with the other lights' shapes. Just my opinion, you all made a great work Cheers, GH.
  8. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Seems boosters jettison really soon, in the movie. I love its ROOOOOOARRRR ehehehehe, would be really nice making a similar one for my model ( anyone wish to help ??). Model is finished, now working on LODS. Cheers, GH
  9. GodHammer


    Looks GREAT mate, I found some pictures of this one and lost them in the billion links I saved on my favourites lol. As soon as I find them I'll post some, they may be helpful Great work again, hope to see this baby soon ingame Cheers, GH.
  10. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Thak you all again for comments, criticism and advices, I really apreciate them all to make a good work. I am still working on shadows and edges, so no worry if the baby looks weird in some pictures, I'm just trying to find the best color selection for it, keeping the model close to the real one. Actually I am working on the green of the launcher to find one that matches the real model. I was also thinking about a radar system to put together with this Sam, actually I was considering Straigth Flush because she's damn sexy, unfortunately that radar's associated to Sa-6 Gainful and not to my Gammon. Seems that I have to model one of those 80's weird looking radars lol Anyway, first comes the creation of LODS ( maybe 4 of them, because model is not so heavy ) and a very very good and accurate selection of scripts for it. I'll do another research about limits of engagement ( found another voice claiming it to be 17 km..) and decide about it. Probably I'll choose to decrease the minimum engage distance but decrease the missile hit capacity at the same time, to simulate the impossibility of the Gammon to do an accurate manouvering while boosters are still pushing it to reach a maximum speed of Mach 4. It was created to engage and destroy aircraft such the Valkirye or Blackbird at very far distances, but it may also be used against Awacs and similar slow planes. And consider that many updates were done concerning maneuverability and radar's capabilities. Anyway its speed, dimensions ( the baby's 10,72 m in lenght and launch weight is 7100 kg ), possibility to bring a tactical 25 KT nuclear or a 217 kg HE conventional warhead, make me want to give my Gammon a real killing power. Else it would be just an annoying dumb object to attach C4 to. I'll see what I can do, any concrete help is really apreciate Cheers, thank you all again, GH.
  11. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    I have read somewhere that maybe the minimum range was mistaken with a similar missile developed in the same time and later aborted, and it could probably be 7 km instead of 60. Anyway nobody stop us to make a playable version with custom settings, so it could be used as a deadly treath ingame instead of a dumb objective for spec ops Cheers, GH.
  12. [ig]http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w73/GodHammer74/9e260c7c.jpg[/img] No Sky will be safe anymore.
  13. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    No Sky will be safe anymore. Â
  14. GodHammer

    RH weapons

     Bizons  Santa Claus listened to my prayers lol Thank you RH
  15. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Thank you again for the links, they will be useful for sure. I'm thinking to model a Straight Flush based on an Ural chassis... What do you think? Meanwhile watch this little dwarf and this giant put together for size comparison The Gammon is missing just the Engine back starter and it's done. Cheers, GH.
  16. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Awesome pics, thank you again I'll finish the Sam and I'll see what radar to model and place around Cheers, GH.
  17. GodHammer

    Texture tips

    Thanks guys, I'll add advices and tips later, for sure And if anybody is willing to help, he's more then welcome! Cheers, GH.
  18. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    SA-3 is a thingy I'd like to work on, it's small and cute. But the most famous is SA-2 Guideline, still the most notorious and used surface to air missile around, even if a bit out of date... Ofp? No idea how to configure-make things for Ofp, just made some custom mission once upon a time
  19. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Texture tutorial is already online, it's a fast one but hope it can help a bit Under Arma Editing - O2 Modeling. @Universal: I loved your S400 in Ofp
  20. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    @ wld427: Nope Eddie, it's going to be fired from the postation you see. It's a fixed SAM site I like also SA-2 and SA-3 to be honest... maybe... well.. I'm in modeling mood
  21. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Soviet thank you for helping me so much I have a big favour to ask... Can anybody find me some good pics of the P-35/37 Bar Lock Radar? It's simple to model and will not take so much time. A mobile radar would add some reality to the Sam site, even if I read that SA-5 radars were deployed in backlines and not close to missiles batteries. Â Cheers, GH. (editing) Ehr... if someone's willing to model a proper radar for the baby, you are more than welcome
  22. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    @ Stewy: nope my friend, this is the "resting" position. The "ready to fire" position is with the missile pointed to the sky, but it's missing a couple of things, then I can make and save selections. @TheSun: I think I'll have a bit more space on my texture to improve concrete, but now I must save space for other stuff. And with a good normal map and some dirt, the concrete will be OK Cheers, GH.
  23. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Small update. I decided to put the baby on a concrete platform to save some polys, but I like the results. Need to finish a pair of things missing on the model and then weathering a bit the launcher. Cheers, GH.
  24. GodHammer


    It's coming out really nice, I like it a lot, great work
  25. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Thank you all for comments Soviet, your walkaround was really important, it's the only one I have showing perfectly all the sides of the missile and its own launcher in every detail! Thank you very much. In case of a working version release of this Sam, do you scripters think it will be possible : 1) making the lower booster fin extend after launch, because it's retracted while resting on launcher. 2) make the boosters jettison after a while and the main engine start and work untill impact 3) give it the proper sound, a terrible loud roar !!! I'm working hard to make a detailed and still light model ( around 4000 polys so far ), so I would like seeing it working ingame soon... Also... what about the destroyed site model? Do I need to build up a destroyed version too? Cheers and thank you all again for support, GH.