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Everything posted by GodHammer

  1. GodHammer


    Work in progress on a special forces' candy Around 900 polys so far, still missing some pieces Cheers, GH.
  2. GodHammer

    Gun Pod for Hinds

    That's another thing, UPK-23-250, a later model, lighter in weight and with different caliber. It brings a pair of GSh-23L twin-barrel 23 mm calibre cannons and 260 rounds of ammo. Probably I'll model that too, together with SPPU-22 to complete the Pods family
  3. GodHammer

    Gun Pod for Hinds

    Yes, I have already good pictures of the naked grenade launcher Making the GL version will be really fast, the pod body is the same, for what I know. And Soviet, thank you again for support, your pictures were of great help, expecially the blueprints
  4. GodHammer


    First of all thanks everybody for kind comments. I'm trying to help out many Mods at the same time, lol, I think cooperation is the key My Sams are all on hold but not forgotten, need to finish some models requested, then I'll be back on those babies Soviet, may I ask you a favour? Are you able to find good pics of the GUV-8700 gatling pod? I'd like to add it to my collection, lol Thank you all again, cheers GH.
  5. GodHammer


    Little update on Soviet weapons. Cheers, GH.
  6. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Right u said, I'm deep into '85 project, so I'm trying to follow a list of " need to be done " things. The Gammon is still alive, I just need some free time to finish it Thanks again for comments, cheers, GH.
  7. GodHammer


    Tha's a mean machine  Finished also the dispenser, got to work on those rocket pods now Cheers, GH.
  8. GodHammer


    R-60 ( AA-8 Aphid ) done, 248 faces, 512x512 texture. Cheers, GH.
  9. GodHammer


    WIP on Molniya-Vympel R-60 ( AA-8 Aphid ). (edited for saving space) Cheers, GH.
  10. GodHammer


    I have to thank again you Soviet for the help. I'd like some tips on writings, serial numbers and symbols used on missiles/bombs if possible. If anyone can help with good links/pics he's welcome to help, feel free to PM me In my "wannado" list I have some more surprises for you guys, I am in love with your project and I hope that I can really help a bit there Cheers, GH.
  11. GodHammer


    Finished today the KH-29L ( AS-14 Kedge ), laser guided version of the missile, for the Frogfoot, or whatever else air to ground attack vehicle. I put it in a picture to compare with Strela, its darker color is because of Jpeg compression Enjoy Need to model the right pylon AKU-58 Launch Catapult, and it's done. Main Lod says 296 faces Cheers, GH.
  12. GodHammer

    MI 24 : Who wants it ?

    OOOh love the Mil-28! What a mean machine is that helo, hope you raleasing it soon Very good job on textures
  13. GodHammer


    Thanks Robert, much apreciated  It's my fault I should save models as soon as I finish them, I was kidding around and then it all happened Anyway I'm happy with the Pod, so nevermind, I'll build another Fab
  14. GodHammer


    Unfortutely I lost the Fab model for a power loss on my PC today, before saving it I was really pissed off and I decided to put all myself in next model, before making a new Fab. Here I give you: Ub-57-32 Rocket Pod. I consider it my best model so far, just 534 faces for closest LOD. Cheers, GH.
  15. GodHammer


    As requested for the beautiful FrogFoot, some nasty loadout Cheers, GH.
  16. GodHammer

    New Island from USEC

    First o all you got my compliments for the great job on island and custom characters. Then I can say that it will perfectly suit a Russian artic base with my very long range Sa-5 model It's almost ready for release, just needs scriptings. Gimme a call if interested Best wishes, GH.
  17. GodHammer

    SA-5 Gammon

    Unfortunately Sa-5's launcher is different form Sa-2's or Sa-3's. The best choice for such a map would be Sa-3 Goa, for its shorter range of engagement. Anyway I'm making a Sa-9 already for Project'85 friends, short range too. Sa-5 it finished, just needs LODS and some good normal maps Cheers, GH.
  18. GodHammer

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    I do not understand why they had to put the cannon on the side, leaving all the left part uncovered and unprotected by such a great gun. Eos system is also great ( the one that allow you to lock missiles just by looking at the target ), I enjoyed it in Enemy Engaged II, but the game was a bit too flat, imho. I could do a reskin of Ka-50, dressing it in Black Shark camo, I'm building a 1/72 plastic model and I have many good walkaround pictures, but do not ask me to bring in some scripting or animating features, 'cause I'm a ZERO on that stuff
  19. GodHammer

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Yes you are right, I just have spot a beautiful Ka-52 in Navy camo once, on a modelers website, and fell in love with it Autolanding on those carriers would be a great addon! Editing: I found the pic, not sure is Navy camo but I still love it Ka-52 is a really nice helo Â
  20. GodHammer

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Su-27K and Su-33 is the same plane Would be nice seeing also some helos from russian Navy... Ka-52 Alligator and Ka-25 Hormone maybe?
  21. GodHammer

    AAN - ArmA Navy

    Outstanding job, guys. As long as ships enter ArmA universe I will be modeling my favourite missile ever: SS-N-22 "Sunburn" Just need somebody modeling a Su-27K to carry it
  22. GodHammer

    Texture tips

    I'm writing here few tips about how making a good texture for your models, hope it's the right place for such a 3D. OK, let's start from the beginning. UV maps and unwrapping methods For best results on your texture you want a very good set of UVs. I know it's a boring and long work, but if the UV set is not complitely done or done in the wrong way it will reflect on your texture layout, giving you sucky results. To avoid texture stretches, mirror texture reflections, or worse blur effect when you need a clear and sharp map, you must give the model a good Uv set. It's useful to make and save few primitive objects ( cylinder, cube, cone..) and unwrap them correctly, so you can recall them in times of need and just put them inside your model saving the time of a new unwrap. Tools for a good unwrap are many and various, personally I use a combination of Maya 7's UV Editor and O2 UV Editor. Maya gives me a good auto-map tool, while O2 offers me the possibility to unwrap manually every single face when I need the complete control on my texture. An example could be the lens of a scope, or the seeking head of a missile, things that have a special place in my UVs sets because they have to be clear. Other friendly programs may be Lithunwrap, Ultimate Unwrap 3D Pro et similia. Choose the one you like best, become its best friend and you'll see a big improvement in your models. Always try to plan very well your sets, thinking about the space you have, according to texture dimensions, shape of Uvs map ( a rectangular 1024x2048 offers you a longer side if you need for example to map a missile avoiding to repeat texture pattern in more than 1 face, this is used if you need to map a realistic texture very close to reality), and first of all the list of priorities: what you want to be cristal clear in your texture needs a bigger portion of space in UVs map. Also, try to keep the set in a good shape, you may need to change something and you do not want to click on the wrong UV and stretch everything because it's too close to another one . A good way to do this it's modeling a polygon and immediately build its own UVs map. Once again, already unwrapped primitives help you a lot. So once you decided the dimensions of your texture just open Photoshop and create a new file with 72 DPI ( dot per inch, use 72 because videos just display that much, creating a bigger file is useless, definition is given by whole texture dimensions, so a 1024x1024 will give you a sharper texture than a 512x512, right?). Paint the background black or white, I use black because gives me better contrast when searching for errors. Give it the proper name ( using the "_co" suffix results useful and tells you what map you are talking about) and save it as a .TGA obviously uncompressed. Open your Text View 2 and save the .TGA into the .Pac file. All these files, obviously on Drive P, right? Go back to O2 and assign the texture to the model ( select the whole model, press "E" key then select manually texture from folders and click Apply then OK ) Give it a try, searching for errors ( Main menu - Structure - Check Faces : will display unwrapped faces or errors in your mapping ). Give it a second try, searching for errors ( make sure your SECTIONs have the same texture, when you copy/past something a new section is created, less sections the better). Done? Cool let's dress our model. Texture Building Here we go folk, start taking a pic of your brand new and fabulous UVset with the Stamp key, then copy it right in your texture Photoshop file, layer 1. This is useful to have an idea of where exactly a mapped object is in your set, ans you can also put a trasparency over and paint directly on the UV set. For this tutorial I'll use the model I built for Wld427's SAM launcher, a 512x512 texture. Here you are the uv map set. You may notice I used a complete unwrap of the cylinders to have a better result on the model, at the cost of space in my UV map, of course. But because the model is really light and simple I decided to do so. If you want to save space you can map an half of the cylinder's faces and make a mirror image of the others. Go back to the UV editor, select half the faces, use the Break command from the Edit menu and then again from same menu apply a Mirror ( vertical or orizontal ). Put back the UV and make sure they perfectly match the other half, et voila' the trick is done. You may also choose to map 1/4 of the cylinder to save more space. Example, the metallic burnished barrel of a cannon, no need to plain map every face, just use mirrors and it will be fine Back to UV map, please notice the big circles on the right, engine and seeking head respectively, they are so big because I do not want them to blur when in game I walk close to the model ( example would be a saboteur putting C4 on the SAM launcher, you would have a pretty definition on the missile even looking close. On mine you can spot the reflection of the target on the seeking edge, a small eye candy I added for fun..) The bigger is the UV, the better and less blurred texture will appear in game. Here you are the color map: Ok let's start building it up, from zero. Let's start from the main base color, a grey. What's the best way to simulate a real weapon's color in a game? Taking a good picture from the Net ( plastic scale modelers' walkarounds are your best friends ; ) import them in Photoshop and use the color picker to choose the right tone. Sometimes a Autocolor or Autolevel command is useful, expecially if the picture was taken under the sun or with a grey sky colors may change a bit. Cool, you now have a sucky plain grey color that will make your model look like a Southpark cartoon and not a real thing. The Net helps you again. Search a good image of a plain metal surface with scratches and rust and whatever you need, import in photoshop and from the layer panel select the fusion method to Screen or Muliply. Then apply a control of trasparency untill you are satisfied with the results. The new layer will add to your plain grey all the real surface details you need, and it will still remain grey. If you are not satisfied with the results, try a different blending method, like Soft light and so on. I use this way to have a realistic metal texture. Add some shadows-hilights with the Photoshop Burn/Dodge commands, not a lot if you plan to add a specular mapping later. Scratches on the surface are done in the same way, just find a scratched pattern and blend it with various methods/trasparency untill surface appears real and used. How did I make bolts and rivets? Simply building a circle of the same metal and adding a Bevel/Emboss filter from the menu. Control the parameters to make it look like flat and not a bubble. Again control trasparency and if needed blend them down with Overlay method. Play around with blending methods and you'll have great results. Paneling? Ok easy task. Create a pattern with a simple (black, 1 pixel wide, no blur) brush, then apply a Gaussian Blur and control its trasparency. With a soft brush set to 20% gently remove the centre of every line, leaving the cross higlighted. This because borders in reality catches more dirt than middle portions on a panel. Once you like your paneling add some variety to those panels. With a soft brush apply a lighter tone of the base color in the central part of every panel, being worried to add some differences from panel to panel. Control blur and trasparency again and again. Writings on the missile are actually real ones taken from pictures around the Net and scaled down. To match the color of my model I play with same commands I wrote above untill I'm satisfied with the layout. Markings an warning lines are simply painted down with a brush and then blurred. You see using Blur and Trasparency often are the best solution to make a model look not chaotic. For the engine I used a circular selection and Bevel/Emboss command many times in different layers, to create the illusion of depht. Shadows are painted manually to avoid lighting change in the whole texture. Every time you apply an automatic shadow it must have the same direction, or all the layers using such a filter may change, so better use a black brush on a layer below. Seeking head is actually a real Maverick sensor scaled down Ok, I'm done fot today, hope all this was interesting/useful, I'm going to cover more deeply other arguments sooner or later, for questions feel free to PM me Here's the model, good job everybody Cheers, GH
  23. GodHammer


    I'm working on a Sa-9 chassis, based on the 4x4 wheeled BRDM. The one displayed is the 9M31M " Strela-1", improved version missile. Meanwhile, SA-13 uses, for what I know, the 9K35 "Strela-10 ", a different radar and of course a different chassis. They seem similar but are in effect different But all my knowdledge is based on Web researches, so I may be wrong
  24. GodHammer


    Work in progress over Sa-9 Gaskin. Cheers, GH.
  25. GodHammer


    Lol, it's the perspective that makes it looking bigger. It's less than 2 meters in lengh ( 1.803 m to be accurate), in-game, already