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About Gloopy

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    Private First Class
  1. I'm not sure about your timer, but for the helicopter extract you could try this. I've tried it and it works well. Create a secondary operations module (f7 for modules), call it som1, in the initialisation field of it put this: this setVariable ["settings", [[], true, nil, nil, false]]; Have a trigger with a countdown of 10 minutes for example. on the condition field use som1 getvariable "initdone" On the Activation field use this: ["transport", player] call BIS_SOM_addSupportRequestFunc; hint "Evac Available via radio" After 10 minutes, You can call a chopper to pick you up by opening the map, pointing where you want pickup and going through the radio to "transport". once all your guys are in, open the map, go back to the radio and choose "transport (active)", and it'll fly wherever your cursor is pointing! p.s the init stuff on the secops module disables you actually getting offered secops so it doesn't get in the way of your mission. Hope this helps. It's easier than scripting choppers and means you get more freedom about where and when you're picked up. Default chopper is a UH60 mg I believe, not sure how to change it but it must be possible. *edit, fixed code.
  2. You sir, Are a hero. Regards -Gloopy
  3. Hopefully this is a nice simple one to answer, but searched the wiki and found nothing and searched here too. This is my init.sqf ["MediumTentCamp_napa", 0, (getmarkerpos "camp")] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; ["heli_park_ru1", 0, (getmarkerpos "camp_1")] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; ["mediumtentcamp2_ru", 90, (getmarkerpos "camp_2")] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; ["fuel_dump_ru1", 0, (getmarkerpos "camp_3")] execVM "Createcomposition.sqf"; construct = "Land_A_BuildingWIP" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "conmarker"); construct1 = "Land_A_CraneCon" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "conmarker1"); For some reason, Land_A_BuildingWIP and Land_A_CraneCon are spawning a few times, sometimes twice, sometimes 3 times. Each one spawns a little bit north of the other. Have tried to replicated running a local multiplayer server and can't do it, when I play it online it's running from my dedicated server. As far as i can tell the three compositions aren't spawning multiple times unless they're spawning inside each other and I can't see them. Someone share their infinite wisdom with me please :) It takes a hell of a lot more than two satchel charges to blow up 3 construction yards.
  4. Gloopy

    Secops Fun on Utes (Co-Op 8)

    Cobra, Thanks very much, i'll clean the up the triggers for the next release. Belgarion, I replied to your PM, basically secops will offer reinforcements if you take casualties, you can turn it off but how to request reinforcements, i'm not sure. will add UAV for next release also.
  5. Hi All, This is my first "mission" release. Basically I was having so much fun with the secops stuff I made a little mission for myself and my friends and figured, hey, why not share it. The mission is on Utes, upto 8 players, and uses secops only, there are no other enemies (I did test using various intensities of the ACM but found it to be more annoying than anything). You don't get offered secops automatically, you use the radio to request whichever kind of secops you want to play, they're all there except TRAP which doesn't always seem to work for me. You can also call in Artillery, transport, supplies, CAS and UAV to aid you in your missions. Respawns at base, (no vehicle respawn yet) and every weapon imaginable all in crates at base also, there's also a rifle range with easy, normal and hard mode settings for ultimate bragging rights among your squad/friends. (Thanks F2K Sel for the script, even if it's not yours). Anyways, download, play, tell me what you think, I'm always interesting in making things better and fixing bugs. Download extract to X:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\mpmissions It's running on my server - "Animals - Arma 2" - Known issues: Artillery sometimes doesn't fire Secops spawn on base, (very annoying) When you leave rifle range, menu option doesn't go :/ (removeaction won't work!) For the Future: stop secops spawning on base. add vehicle respawn. add some kind of scoring. Add more features
  6. I'm getting an issue where once I test the mission (editor or multiplay) with all the sqf files in place I get a "lagspike" or freeze every 2-3 seconds, I'm running fraps and the FPS drops to 0 for a second then goes back up to my normal of 40-50 for a few seconds then freezes again, only happens when the scripts are active and not if i'm just testing the mission with no scripts in the mission dir. It happens during the intro and once you've spawned, making the mission unplayable. Haven't tested on another PC but definitely seems to be linked to the scripts. p.s, love the scripts, I struggled for a long time in ArmA to make any kind of PVP mission. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance
  7. Edit: I'm being dumb, disregard the below. Hi EvilNate and anyone else who might have the answer. Did you encounter any problems after dying? I've done exactly what you've done and in my testing it looks like when i die then respawn (using respawn_west etc) I get no more missions. The first mission offered by HQ is great and I get offered more after completing as well as support but when I die that's it, gotta restart the map which is a bit of an annoyance. Also looking forward to the fix so I can host huge co-op Secop games on my dedicated. Thanks -Gloopy
  8. Awsome, thanks very much I will try it out! -Gloopy
  9. Hi Guys, sure this is pretty simple but can't get it going. I'm using <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">javelin = "SpecialBoxWest" createVehicle (getpos javspawn) to spawn an ammo crate, then i have a custom crate script I want to run on the spawned object. I tried adding "javelin exec "crate1.sqs"" after the spawn code but it's giving me a select error. Crate Script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; **************************************************************** ; Custom crate script for Armed Assault ; Created with ArmA Edit - Version 1.2.8500 ; HELP: Run this script from the INITIALIZATION box of the crate. ; CODE: [this] exec "crate1.sqs" ; **************************************************************** ; Get the crate parameter given _crate = javelin select 1 ; Remove the stock items from the crate clearMagazineCargo _crate clearWeaponCargo _crate ; Add the items to the crate _crate addMagazineCargo ["JAVELIN", 2] Exit Also if anyone happens to know, the countdown timer on the trigger doesn't work, it spawns instantly. Thanks -Gloopy
  10. You can use setunitpos http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setUnitPos e.g <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[this] setunitpos "UP" if you make this an .sqs script you can then use goto to loop it meaning he will effectively always be stood up. not perfect but it should work. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/goto If you don't want to do that maybe a trigger or script that sets his combat mode to safe on a loop, I don't think soldiers can prone while in combat mode safe, not tested and i'm no scripter but it might work! -Gloopy
  11. Gloopy

    AI Controlled Searchlights

    Search field.. enter: searchlight random watch find! this thread
  12. Gloopy

    BIS Editor

    I second your opionion Sexton, but yes it would be a bitch. Have you tried the Real Time Editor? that should help with object placement.
  13. Gloopy

    Boat addons

    ha that landing craft is awsome. Take a big of playing around with wp/markers to get it to drop you right at the shore but i just set up a sweet little mission!
  14. Gloopy

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    The Below photo was taken using the following addons; FDF_Sounds; @NWD_Ballistics; @NWD_ScopeFix; @GMJ_SightAdjustment ArmA Effects Many more pics from our server at the below URL. See if you can spot yourself warning progressive encoding and 1680x1050 size on some of the pics, sizes upto 1.5mb The Animal Shelter Server Combat Photography Gallery Regards Gloopy