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About Geezer_AU

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  1. As llauma says the product you imagined does already exist! Its called VBS and the Australian army uses it to train their troops, you too CAN buy this product AND it has a price! (undoubtedly set by BIS ;)). Isnt it great when dreams come true ;) Geezer
  2. The the problem is not lazy programming... The fact is we could have full simulator style vehicle physics and controlls in this game... If our PCs where up to the job. Unfortunatly the state of the art of CPU tech is not at that point and thats the ONLY reason we dont have that level of realism thruought this sim. I can guaruntee that within 10 years games like this WILL be the very best of EVERY sim youve played but untill our computers can deal with that workload we will be left with what we have. The fact is Armas OFP was one of the first PC titles (followed by Crysis) to push your system so hard that it was impossible to run the game at full graphics settings etc with a decent frame rate. BIS took a big risk in releasing a game in that fashion and DID have to take a lot of criticism from people complaining about the game only running at mid settings despite being run on a top end modern machine. Its the same now, do a search and check out some proper hardcore PRO simulations such as what the military use and you will find that the graphics tend to look like a ZX Spectrum game (you can google Spectrum too ;)). So...would you really prefer better graphics and bling at the expence of AI/vehicle controlls or... More realistic physics/controlls but a game that looks like Tetris... Or... would you prefer the BEST than can be offered by a company that HAS to make their product available to the masses (and lets face it they are still actually losing a large sales demographic due to the high PC spec required to run their software). Hmm sorry got on a ramble lol. Just trying to say that the game is NOT restrained by the authors apathy but entirely by a lack of affordable, mainstream computing power. Geezer
  3. Geezer_AU

    The Value of FPS (And a bit of a rant)

    Some good points have been bought up here. Thank you. To try to steer this debate more towards the value of what ARMA has to offer rather than the value of FPS we need to remember what sort of game ARMA as with OFP was created to be. To quote myself (ahem) "I remember when OFP arrived, out of the blue, created by (as i recall) two brothers that lived in Czech that where fed up with the lack of access to PC games and so decided to write their own ( Accurate solar constellations and all! Now, "accurate solar constellations" are of course just a touch of the realism those brothers did strive to bring us. ARMA and OFP are a VERY particular kind of game. I think most of us (OFP vets) already new that ARMA was going to be, not so much a stopgap before 'Game 2' (which is being made by different developer (and publisher?) altogether) but an update to OFP (OFP 1.5 as it was nicknamed during development). Anyone who played OFP would already have known that that there was never gonna be any chance of playing ARMA on full graphics settings, at any decent frame rate with any decent hardware. ARMA is a simulator, on a huge island not a 'gunfest' in a small field/city block. You just cant expect the same level of visuals from a sim of this size and caliber as you would from a game like FEAR etc. As i said before " BIS could so very easily have made it so any reasonable PC could run it at full options (just lower the possible visual quality) and probably no one would complain" Take your eyes off the settings menu, set your options while watching your FRAPS and enjoy the experience BIS has created for you Cheers Geezer
  4. OK... So... Some people say that because movies, TV etc run at 28 FPS then that should be enough in a computer game. What they dont realize is that an optical camera that films a movie has natural motion blur which helps trick your visual perception, whereas computer games dont have this (although there is an emergence of this technology occurring at the present time). The Next next thing to consider is that different peoples visual perception differs. Sometimes i notice TV flicker/refresh (usually related to an excess of my favorite beverage) but 95 percent of the time i dont see a fluid, smooth animation. Remember though that the next man may be more sensitive in this respect than you. Of course a twitch shooter, such as CS really does require a high FPS to be able to play with any kind of competition (Ive watched my younger bro play...), whereas, a game like ARMA, really, in my opinion does not. Now i realize that BIS is fully responsible for some major shortcomings in regards to system optimization , especially in relation to the very latest technology ( I laughed when i read the specs of their Dev?/ test rigs!. Now... Ill admit i am a fanboy... But... I remember when OFP arrived, out of the blue, created by (as i recall) two brothers that lived in Czech that where fed up with the lack of access to PC games and so decided to write their own ( Accurate solar constellations and all!. Ive never known any game (or developer) to give the support that BIS has (still releasing updates for OFP even after removing all copy protection). I think that if someone creates a game that can not be run with all graphical options turned to max ( with todays top end tech) you should respect their daring approach. BIS could so very easily have made it so any reasonable PC could run it at full options (just lower the possible visual quality) and probably no one would complain... But they have given us a gift by making the game look better and better as technology catches up. As we all know ARMA, as with OFP is a slave to the AI, Physics, world size and a valiant attempt at realism (shit the army uses this engine to train troops for real combat!. BIS have done the same thing with ARMA as they did with OFP. The same thing that has caused people to still be playing OFP now, five years after its first release and we still get a kick from the extras that we gain from it each time we upgrade our systems. (To be honest i think that the current top end spec, can only now run OFP at full available options). I think it would be fair to assume that, to be able to play a game of such scope and depth as ARMA, you should expect pretty basic visuals. Fortunately BIS has given us enough graphics/game options to be able to scale the game to an individual system. So rather than whinge about not being able to run the game at full options despite you having the latest tech, appreciate what you can get despite you not owning an military mainframe. Geezer
  5. Geezer_AU

    nVidia application profiles with 1.05?

    Hi, I also am having this problem which as you say wouldnt be a big deal if it was just affecting my nHance profile but it also stops me from applying my Logitech Setpoint mouse profile which is a real pain in the but. Does anyone know of a way to get round the problem of ARMA running under the name of ARMA.Locked? Thanks, Geezer P.S. i Tried binding a profile to another app (Teamspeak Overlay) and ran that in the background but it didnt work. Any ideas?