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About GasCan

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  1. GasCan

    Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

    Yeah I also played BF1942, BF:Vietnam, but BF2 erm... no way. BF2 was totally screwed, and omg the map size, are you kidding me ? That mapsize for an Airplane ? ROFL !! You need to fly uhm about 5-20 seconds, and you will have to turn arround, or you will go out from the zone. Lol that is so bollox. Even for choppers the map is too small, not talking about the planes. Well in this point I like Joint Ops, they didn't do the the mistake with the planes in their game, and I like it. And please don't talk about those Pilot "Pros" who just get their kills by fly off the carrier>spawnrape>back to carrier for ammo>spawnrape>back to carrier etc. I've played BF2 only for about 50 hours, and those I spent on city maps, cuz they had no planes, but those city maps, are bollox as well. And afterall Screw EA and BF
  2. GasCan

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Yeah, online, oh damn right, pff im fustrating here for nothing, we got here in Latvia also the 1C and/or Akella, ops, heheh, forgot pfff... Was too fustrated when saw that post about those regions, and Baltic states were excluded, false-alarm. And totally forgot about the e-shops, I'm just waiting this game so much, that I totally forgot :/
  3. GasCan

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    What No Baltic States ? Oh Comeon this is total bollox, this means, Baltic States: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, wont get this game never ? Jezus Christ... Becouse of all this Publisher thing, I bet there will happen alot of piracy... becouse of these release dates...
  4. GasCan

    Bulletholes and Shellshock ?

    Yes I mean that Blurry and That Silenced Sound which you got near an explosion etc, about the earplugs ok, i dint know, thanks for info. But in ArmA the "Good Guys" are also US Soldiers, so why they can't have them in ArmA as well, ok enough with this, it can go forever. So Back to the topic, so noone has the info about these 2 thingies ?
  5. GasCan

    Bulletholes and Shellshock ?

    Well are US Soldiers in Iraq also wearing earplugs, dont think so :/ I'm just saying an nice game feature is the shellshock, thats all, just an effect...
  6. Hello there, I've been reading this forum for a while, and nowhere i couldn't find any information about Bulletholes and Shellshock in ArmA. I was thinking if there are bulletholes like, in Joint Ops, when you drive a car, fly a chopper etc. when you get shot in the glass you can see the actual bullethole in the glass, which gives a nice few heartbreaking moments, driving with a jeep and bam a sniper bullet hole hits ur window, and miss your head for 1 mm, got a nice feeling thinking:" How lucky I am that the sniper or me, has too big ping to hit me" And yeah the Shellshock, I like the Shllshock especially in BF2, well in BF2 there is an ordinary shellshock like almost in all games which have this effect, but one thing, I really like about it in BF2, is that if you stand near a tank, and if it shoots, you get shellshocked from the tank fire, which I think is pretty realistic. So as I said above anyone knowes about these 2 things included in ArmA, theyre still minor features, but still theyre pretty cool Thanks and Best Regards, GasCan