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Everything posted by Grimnirsson

  1. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    And I consider it as 'funny' how you guys think that the folks who come here to discuss a possible Arma2 on the 360 are interested in the opinion of some PC-fanboys. We know you don't like it and you don't believe it and all that...but you know what? We don't care what you think and believe. BI did an awesome job with OFP:Elite (and everybody telling me that wasn't a sim, is full of crap and didn't even touch the cover of that game, let alone PLAY it) and said they will publish something for the 360. We hope that is still true because we like BI games. That's the reason this thread is here and it shouldn't be allowed to be the fuckin playground for all you ignorant PC-naysayers. But obviously the mods here totally agree with you guys and this whole thread is nothing more than a bad joke. Grim
  2. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You PC-fanboys never disappoint, hm? Why is no mod here able (or willing?) to keep this thread clean of the 'consoles suck' and 'it won't work' and 'get a PC!' posts? Grim
  3. Grimnirsson

    Console version of ARMA 2

    If you open a thread that has both words in it ArmA and Consoles, then prepare to get your thread hijacked by the PC-fanboys with their mantra 'consoles suck'. It's the way this forum works, so accept that or better don't open a thread about consoles on the BI forum. Btw you won't get an official answer from BI here regarding Arma2 on consoles, except from 'nothing is confirmed and nothing is unconfirmed' so really better use your time playing a cool console game. Grim
  4. Grimnirsson

    Dragon Rising has been released

    They better don't wait for the next consoles because both the 360 and the PS3 will be alive for many many years to come. Sony usually has a 6 year life cycle for their consoles before a new generation is on the market and MS also said the 360 will not be replaced with a new console as it was done with the Xbox 1-> 360. Grim
  5. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    First chapter of FDR Game Guide: http://community.codemasters.com/forum/showthread.php?t=382565 Grim
  6. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Absolutely, all versions of the 360 with HDD can handle this with no problems. Don't feed the troll... Grim
  7. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Good question, afaik you'll be limited to the fireteam...but I'm not really sure. Grim
  8. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Play it on hardcore and that won't happen Grim
  9. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    No I'm not working for a developer or publisher. And of course I don't know that business from the 'in game view' but there have always been many games available that are simply bad or downright crap, so even bad games obviously find a publisher. We already had Elite for a console...so what's the problem now with ArmA2? What makes it so difficult to find a publisher who can see that this game on the 360 is a big opportunity? Grim
  10. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Do you have what it takes soldier? New preview Grim
  11. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I don't understand all the fuss about the story. It's just a possible (or not possible in RL, doesn't really matter anyway) future scenario based on a sort of alternate history. A milsim isn't necessarily about good story, all the better if it is, but if that's not the case I could care less - it all depends on how the game portrays the environment, interaction and weapons. Grim
  12. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I actually wonder why it seems so difficult to find a publisher... Grim
  13. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Helios (CM) said that the grenade hit an ammo crate or something like that and that was the reason the grenade went off with so much Boom. The copter pilot was hit by a sniper shot. Grim
  14. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    No... Grim
  15. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It was stated in one of the many interviews that the game will be as moddable (is that actualy a word? :D ) as the original to make sure it will live long and prosper. :) Grim
  16. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I still don't see how FDR is a light version of the milsim genre, really. It is murmured like a mantra here, but it won't get truer by repeating. Grim
  17. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Not so untouched when FDR is out. But competition is good for the gamers because they hopefully get better games this way. Grim
  18. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    fanboy post LOL
  19. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    A) is not true because it is new in the way that it is the first really working voice command feature. It didn't work properly in R6, not at all. B) is of course - as you said yourself - a personal opinion only, many gamers enjoy the game. Voice commands are the way to go imho because it creates a feeling of really commanding your troops and therefore do enhance any illusion of 'realism'. A game like ArmA2 or FDR with this voice command feature for commanding your troops and perhaps using Natal for a TrackIR/view would really make a big jump regarding the player immersing in the situation portrayed by the game. Grim
  20. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I don't think I'll waste my time to answer your troll post.
  21. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Don't feed the troll...
  22. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    What's the reason that the poll is closed? Grim
  23. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You either didn't read my post or you did play a different game with your cousin. I said: Btw look at EndWar on the 360 with the fantastic voice commands. The controller is not really used that much in EW. Ask BIS Since FDR can be played without problems on the 360 it's obviously not the hardware. If a game is built for a console and not simply ported over from the PC then the hardware (which is the same for every player) offers actually an advantage for the developers. They know exactly what to expect from the hardware the player is going to use to play their game. The RRoD is a problem of the past, the new 360s don't have that problem anymore. Still having issues? I don't know on what console you play. Grim
  24. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Flashpoint: Dragon Rising - the legend reborn ;) Grim
  25. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Btw look at EndWar on the 360 with the fantastic voice commands. That's much better and more 'realistic' even in RTS than the usual PC mouse interface. There's lots of potential in consoles and new innovative features are likely at the horizon (e.g. Natal), so the argument that a certain genre is better off on the PC as a platform is a view from the past. Grim