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Everything posted by Grimnirsson

  1. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    You forgot to add IMHO to your post... Grim
  2. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I don't think so. If you listen to the dev interviews and read the information that is available then you'll see that CM is not just copying BIS or the original Flashpoint game. They want to bring in fresh air so to say and want to widen the potential audience for the game. That's why they include different assistant levels and don't use the 'difficulty settings' such as we know from the run and gun shooters. Everyone will get the same atmosphere, the same AI, the same mission objectives, the same game. But each player can use as much 'help' as he thinks he needs to make it thru the game with his soldier alter ego. That it is a clever move imho and can bring in much more new players to the Flashpoint series than the pseudo elitist approach some people show here. These trailers are mainly made for those who don't know the milsim genre, coming from the action shooter corner, so the trailers will show action, shoot outs and intense battle scenes. That the game is about much more will be revealed when these guys start playing the game. The vets don't need such trailers, they will play it anyway. I agree and it's a good thing that CM did start everything from scratch. Grim
  3. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I know that you meant that. And my answer still stands. There's no such area in the sense that the game will punish you like other games do (you can't go further, you die, you are wounded, whatever), but punishment can happen. It's the situation that will punish you, in the same way as it would be in real life. There are enemies around the area of operation and if they see you there's the danger that you get killed. Or in the case that your order is to stop a convoy before it reaches a certain location, if you choose to walk around instead of doing your job, the commander will say that your unit failed in doing the job - because the convoy was not destroyed in time. That's what you can expect from DR in terms of punishment if you leave the area of operation. I don't really see your point, sorry. Or did I misunderstand you? Grim
  4. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Interesting read, thanks. Part of the problem is that the milsim crowd is a minority compared to the 'arcade shooter' folks. I hope that DR can teach the latter a different style of play to enjoy, so we get enough players in for this game and that for a longer time. Many players mean support by the company and full servers if you are searching for a session. Otherwise the game could be short-lived no matter how good it is - simwise. Only time will tell. Grim
  5. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Someone here posted that there's no aim assist in DR and I said there is, that's all, I didn't want to turn the thread into another DR thread. Is that actually disrupting all the new exciting infos about the soon to be released ArmA2 for the 360? If so I'm sorry. Grim
  6. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    That's what I heard too. There's a war going on over the island but the player is part of his unit. That means this unit can't be everywhere and has to fulfill their mission. The whole idea of 'well, I have to do XY but I will disobey my orders and run to the other end of the island' is kinda silly since it makes no sense at all to do in the setting of the game. Anyway if you want to do that you can and afaik you'll encounter other units engaged in battle, patrols, helis, etc. when you go for a walk. It's the same as with the 'There's no LAN how yould they remove that - FAIL!' cries. There are still lots of rumors out there even now when the real info comes thru step by step from the devs and usually - as with LAN - it all turns out to be hot air. I doubt the island in DR will be empty... Same here, 'it seems'...I read that you can give them orders individually, say if you want to have your sniper on a hill supporting you and your men, you can do so. I don't know the source anymore since there's so much info scattered on the internet now, but I know for sure this has been mentioned. An area of operation is by definition an restricted area because if every soldier can do what he likes and go wherever he wants to in a mission you won't achieve anything. I thought that you guys are so much after 'realism'? Why then this fear that the game is restricting the player? If you are a soldier you are restricted to follow orders, that's your job. Grim
  7. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yeah, that was certainly the most terrible interview I've ever seen ... Mhmm! Grim
  8. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yes I'm sure. Go to the video interview with Tim Brown, the question comes up at 7:20 and he says that in hardcore 'everything is off', there's no aim assist. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cAVDROY96A Grim
  9. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Yes, 4vs4 MP sounds not like much fun compared to 32vs32 on the PC but we will have to wait how the MP is actually done. It has been confirmed that the human players will command AI soldiers, so you most likely end up with 16vs16 soldiers around. That will only work if the AI is as great as CM said it's going to be, of course. But the whole game will stand or fall with the AI quality, so I hope we can have some faith that it will be a superiour Ai compared to other games. Interview Only at the 'normal' and 'experienced' level - if you play hardcore then there's no aim assist. Grim
  10. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Well, I don't think that a close up screenshot of a burning tank wreck or a burning house would be that interesting and that's probably the opinion of the dev team too. All the previews/hands on reviews I know about say that the smoke looks great and reacts to wind etc.. Thank you for your opinion, have fun with ArmA2. --- Just found: RPS Interview And yes I know folks will jump on 'All that said, this is a game that is challenging. As a console game, it’s very tough indeed. Not a simulation as such (...)' :D Grim
  11. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    The only thing that could give BIS an edge in the console war now is that they at least officially (hi, Placebo :p) announce their ArmA2 for the 360 soon and include an editor. That might make for a real head to head situation again, because the missing editor of the CM game is its biggest (only?) flaw. Grim
  12. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I don't understand your point, could you explain it, please? Grim
  13. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You're welcome :D I don't think we will change each others opinion on that, so let's agree to disagree. I'm rather tired of the ArmA vs FDR debates since it makes no sense, really. I'll wait and play and see and then form my opinion on the CM game. Since BIS is not really eager to convince us that we'll also get an ArmA2 for the 360 the whole point is moot anyway. There's only the Codies game on my 360 and I hope it will be good. That's all. Enjoy your games, whatever you play. Grim
  14. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    What you try to build here is far from a logical conclusion. If there's a company out there that has produced only shit so far gamewise, then it might be reasonable to assume their next game will be shit, too. Afaik CM has done many very good games, they have the knowledge, the people and the money to produce a worthy Flashpoint sequel. So the only logical conclusion actually is that one has more reasons to think the game will be good than to guess it will be a big fail. Marketing spin as gospel...read around this forum and you'll certainly find examples of that, plenty... No, it doesn't sound fanatical, it sounds downright stupid. In my world there's room for two true sequels. Grim
  15. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    What you are currently assuming is up to you, but indeed it would be fairer to first trust the company that they will do what they promise to achieve with their game. Since you don't have any real stuff to base wild assumptions on, what's the point in making these assumptions in the first place? Do you remember the voices that cried out loud when the first reviews said ArmA2 is a broken game and can't be played without a major patch? All one could hear was, wait for the patch, then judge the game etc.. A game that is already published and has obviously serious flaws shouldn't be judged until the patch (or even more than one?) is out and fixes it all...but assumptions and wild guessing is ok for a game that is not even out yet? That's what I meant with fanboyism. Grim
  16. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Who says it will be 'simpler'? And how do you define 'simple' here? Where do you think is ArmA2 more 'difficult'? And is more difficult the same as more realistic? To pepper any debate here with such assumptions and guessing doesn't make sense at all. When we are able to play and judge the game after its release then we can draw real comparisons, then it will be possible to say which game is 'simpler' (in the sense of less 'realistic', or even in the sense of 'it plays smoother and better'...). Even those here who are open to a second milsim always seem to have this little bias and I don't know why this is so. There's no reason to think that CM will trifle with the name 'Flashpoint' and rushing out an arcade shooter. I will believe them, that they want to create the most tense milsim ever and then see if the game is actually what they say it is - the tree is known by its fruit... And I agree 100% to the Team Xbox preview that says: Grim
  17. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yeah, the Handbook of true Fanboyism says 'it can't be better than ArmA2 and even if...we don't believe it'. The reactions here are so far away from any attitude a true fan of the milsim genre would have (i.e. love to see two good games on the subject and hope the best for both companies and - as a result - for the gamers) that it's pointless to argue about it. Once this video and the other ones that will be released appear on Xbox Live CM can see the preorders jumping high I'm sure.
  18. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    The interviewer really sucks, though...
  19. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yeah, all the little smilies around the post, I see... Sorry, the atmo here is that anti-CM that such postings are just more of the very same. I find that disappointing to say the least. But even if you think that was a joke, it seems we don't laugh about the same things. ---------- Post added at 10:15 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:08 AM ---------- Back to topic: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2009/08/the-first-hour-of-operation-flashpoint-2/
  20. Grimnirsson

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Because someone has an Iron Cross you call him a white supremacist? It's kinda refreshing to see you never fail to jump at opportunities that can be used to launch a little torpedo towards the Codies crew. Everything that could help to cast a damning light on them will be used, hm? Here's another 'white supremacist' - I wonder if you know who that is... Grim
  21. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Codemasters confirmed a version for all platforms (PC, 360 and PS3) from day one and nothing has changed about that. The game will be published for PC and both consoles in October. Grim
  22. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    I'm not confrontational, as Placebo said, I'm just asking questions. I have no intention to attack him or anybody here personally, I'm sure he knows very well that warsim fans can be quite emotional about this so again, I don't think that he will close the thread because of my questions. Asking questions is not against the TOS here as far as I know. It's not just me if you read the postings in here. The whole thread is about guessing and speculation because the fans here don't know what to believe and what not. I was just adding my opinion to that, so please don't try to impute the whole 'ArmA2 for 360' shebang to me now. Ok I'll leave it at that, but let me add that we at least (and I suppose that goes for many people out there) disagree about the nature of a platform announcement on a game companys website. If it first says 'for PC and consoles' then this pretty much is considered by many folks as an official announcement and consequently the removal of such an announcement any time later looks like it's cancelled. That was indeed the reason that such a posting/question appeared here in the first place about this. Thanks for your replies. Grim
  23. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Is there any reason that you always try to make folks go away if they have questions? I mean 'if you don't like it then move on to another game or shall we close the thread about the console versions?' is certainly not helpful in any way to keep up a friendly communication with customers.But be that as it may I have one question left, would be nice to get a non-zenny answer: If that is the case, if you are only allowed or able to talk about the console version(s) if there's a publisher signing a deal with BI to bring this game out, then why do we have all these interviews by BI employees, developers etc. on the videos we can find on youtube? Interviews where these folks freely talk about the 360 version, about the way how it is done in parallel to the PC version, showing stuff etc.. Does this mean at that time you had a publisher and now you don't have one? And if at that time there was no publisher why were you allowed to talk about the console version and now it's not possible anymore? Thank you. Grim
  24. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    Can't you really understand why folks who would love to pay for this game on their 360, who could be patient and calmly wait for the release no matter how long it'd take, and to promote it among their friends (and many have a really large buddy list on Xbox Live) are slowly getting tired of statements like yours? Statements that actually don't say anything and don't help at all to stop the confusion about the possibility of a 360 ARmA2. This thread is pinned and then unpinned, the platform announcement first says PC and consoles, then it only says PC without any explanation, folks are running around on different fora telling everybody 'I know someone from BI and he says it's cancelled' and stuff like that. And we come here to the BI forum and simply want to know if there's something worth waiting for or not, we want to know if BI still want to have our money or not, if we should wait for their game or just play the Codies game because that's all we will get simwise. And what are we told here? 'nothing is decided, nothing is undecided, nothing is confirmed, nothing is unconfirmed' Some folks might think that comes close to cynicism...I mean this is not a zen forum where such 'answers' might be helpful, it's also not about the great Tao and how to experience it by wu wei- it's all about a game that was clearly announced and about the communication (or better: non-communication) with your customers. Grim
  25. Grimnirsson

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    All valid questions to ask via email or otherwise, if you ask me. They could avoid such questions via email if they would give some concrete info here. I'm not sure that this is the reason, though and again this kind of information policy is starting to turn off folks who are interested in the company and their games. This silly 'guessing around' with almost no info at all to base any valid speculation on, is what people in this thread here are sick and tired of. No matter how realistic the Codies game will be if BI doesn't change their way to communicate with their fans here, it soon won't matter anymore whether they publish the game for any console or not - because then folks are already playing a game on the very same subject. And the one who comes last always has a hard stand. Grim