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Hi, in your ofp bis pack why did you not add all ofp unit in your CWC pack : the T80, M24, M17, AH-1B, A10, SU25 & others" ? (Can you explain what is the CWC pack ?) Also when we shoot, there is no tracer on land weapon, nevertheless tracer is present in Arma guns...
Hi, I would like that te community think to create first Ammo & Missiles addons (or update addons) for ARMA, like this those who create unit would use those standard & united weapons... Needed Updated Addons : Chain Of Command Artillery JAM_magazines who contain all type of ammo & compatible for SD & standard version... [like the MOD of MAPFACTS] CAVS for A.T some kind of JAM_magazines for the et A.T missiles of All Army from the RPG 2 to 29, from L.A.W to M136, and of course Euro AT missiles (Mistral, Javelin, Eryx...), of course the RPG soviet build elsewhere should keep original name, or a system could show the alternate name of the exported state, using a system of multiname in CPP. COC_torpedoes ACES Missile pack (the last version) from B.W.M... For plane & chopper And If somehone could create : JAM_Missiles for others missiles like SOL SOL tactics, and others (A.T, AS, SA, AG, GA, HEAT, SABOT [155, 88...]) using varialbe like Light Guided, ir, radar... And the most the capability of missiles to change trajectory (RKSL FCSS & RWR AAA weapons and aircraft warning system & Mando Missile) This would help a lot, using one type of missiles with good varialbe rather then uses multiple missiles Addons with different variable... JAM_Electronic, who contains script for plane, chopper, tank.       - AN/ALR-XX RWR Radar Warning Reciever (AH-64A) [script from Franz]       - ASE Aircraft Survivability Equipment (AH-64D) [script from Franz]       Canopy Script           - Afterburner Take Off Script, easier to take off           - Landing Brake script           - Working HUD, with multiples instruments           - Working Tail Hook. Brings Plane to complete stop! Works flawlessly on HMS Hermes 1968 and should work on any new Carriers that have a functioning landing deck. Completely configurable and may also be disabled for carriers that have this functionality already. (From RAD)           - Panel showing weapons left on plane, like MAS_AH64 from Franz           - Panel showing Island on plane & Chopper (DKMM RAH-66 & MI-28)           - Aircraft smoke (E.C.P : Ballistic Addons Studio, RED, Zayfod)           - Helicopter dust (E.C.P : Ballistic Addons Studio/Vektorboson)           - AT/AA launcher backblast (E.C.P : Sui, RED, snYpir, Zayfod)           - AT/AA smoke trail (Extended) (E.C.P : Sui, RED, snYpir, Zayfod)           - Dust on the ground and water in the sea is affected when helicopters fly low. You can see waves and ripples formed while hovering. (FFUR)           - Helicopters produce shockwaves when they hit the ground or sea. (FFUR)           - Helicopters’ rockets produce smoke and sparks upon launch. (FFUR)           - Realistic cannon smoke. (FFUR)           - Planes create trails of white cloud behind them like Jet Liners. (FFUR)           - Upon explosion a plane will send more than 100 fragments of debris in any direction, and then burst into intense flames. (FFUR)           - Waves are created when jets fly very low over the sea. (FFUR)       Sonic Boom           - Sonic Boom speed raised to 925 to prevent it from repeatively going off. (From RAD)       Ejection Seat           - Working Ejection Seat (From RAD).           - Ejection sequence added for jet fighters, so when a plane is damaged the pilot is able to eject using their seat, with the parachute opening once clear of the aircraft. (FFUR)       Jammer           - AN/ALQ 165 Radar Jammer Added or others for EAST. Scrambles missile navigation systems and projects clones to confuse AA fire (From RAD) for F-18, F-16, F-14 and AV-8B.           - DKMM IR/Radar Jammer for Chopper (RAH66)           - DKMM Sthealt Script for Chopper (RAH66)           - Flare & Counter-Measure[/b]           - IR AA jamming and visual counter-measures (E.C.P : MachoMan, TJ)           - Jet planes can launch flares to evade enemy missile fire. (FFUR)       Rotor Script           - Tail rotor failure (E.C.P : Vektorboson, Zayfod)           - Helicopters now have a very impressive rotor failure effect - it produces black smoke and huge flames while falling to the ground, simultaneously twisting uncontrollably in the air. (FFUR)       Alarm and Warning Messages           - AN-AAR-57 Incoming missile warning with countermeasures           - Altitude Warning (E.C.P : MachoMan)           - Stall Warning           - You are given warning messages when coming under attack from enemy fire. (FFUR)           - Damage warnings with alarms and a panel displaying the status on each part of the plane           - Realistic Open / Close Bays Commands used to launch the missiles.           - AI Script (Based on DKM's Commanche Script) used for the AI to open the bays, use the Radar Jammer, etc!           - Multiplayer Tested & Working           - Moving Engine Nozzles, made as realistic as OFP Can.           - Engine Exhaust.           - Realistic Cockpit and new Raise Gears animations!           - Realistic Engine, Gears, Bays and Warnings sounds! Standard missiles nomination : exemple   - AA-11 ARCHER / R-73   - AA-6 ACRID / R-40   - AIM-9 Sidewinder   - AIM-120 AMRAAM Slammer   - AGM-88 HARM   - AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow   - AS-10 Karen / Zvezda Kh-25   - AS-13 Kingbolt / Raduga Kh-59   - AS-20 Kayak / Zvezda Kh-35 For those who make plane can you add extension like :   - A.A : [Air to Air] For plane - 4x Aim-120 Amraam, Aim-9D sidewinder, Strela...   - A.G : [Air to Ground] For static position , Static, Vehicule, Static Building : Mk-8X,FAB, KAB, CBU, (Dumb Bomb)   - A.S : [Air to Surface abreviation of C.A.S] For Strategic Building & Moving Tanks & Vehicule (GBU, Smart Bomb, Laser guided)   - A.T : [Anti-Tank] For Tanks & Armored AGM-88, AGM-120, AT-10...   - RECON   - MULTI-ROLE : AT + AA + AS + AG MIX Example : (F16 A.A, F18 A.G, A-10 A.T, F117 A.S, F22 Recon, F15 M.R) This to better understand what type of plane is, cause if you look the original plane of ARMA the AV8, there is no extension so nobody knows what is the type of armement... Also It would be great & good the P3D to be able to use multi texture system, so when you go to a snow, desert, jungle, standad map (type of map added in CPP), te game or the p3d to auto switch to the needed texture, rather than add 30 type of the same plane using desert (AT, AG, AS, AA, RECO, MR), Snow (AT, AG, AS, AA, RECO, MR), Jungle (AT, AG, AS, AA, RECO, MR), Urban (AT, AG, AS, AA, RECO, MR), Standard (AT, AG, AS, AA, RECO, MR), & night version (Black), and Sea version (Blue, white)... Can you add in CPP for plane & chopper : Furtivity_value_to_wave :   - Acoustic      furtivity_to_Sound= 3 (ear audible sound)   - Sonic (Sonar)      furtivity_to_Sonar= 3 (sonar)   - Radar      furtivity_to_RADAR = 1.2 (Radio Freq)   - Micro Wave      furtivity_to_MASER= 1.2 (Micro Wave freq)   - Infra-Red      furtivity_to_IR = 2   - Psychic      furtivity_to_Psy = 2  (detection by soldier & psy, sensation look UFO : Afterlife)   - Visual      furtivity_to_Eye= 2  (visual : recognizability standart light)   - Laser,   - Electromagnetique U.V      furtivity_to_UV = 2   - Electromagnetique Black Light   - Electromagnetique X-Ray      furtivity_to_XR = 2  (X-Ray)   - Electromagnetique Gamma Ray      furtivity_to_GR = 2  (Gamma Ray)   - Electromagnetique Unknown      furtivity_to_Electromagetic = 5 (other frequencys) Those add are need to better handle radar & missile reactivity Needed New category : to better handle a numerous addons Men   - Officer (from Lieutnant to General) [sub_class = men_officer]   - Crew & Pilots (From Car, to Tank, driver and Plane et chopper Pilots...)  [sub_class = men_crew]   - Machinegunner (from RPK, PK to RPK74M & PKM, KORG & NSV, from M60 to M240 & M249, XM312...)  [sub_class = men_mg]   - Sniper (all sniping weapon for M21, to M99, SVD to SVU, KSVK...)  [sub_class = men_sniper]   - Soldier (all AK, all M16 to XM serie, with GL verison)  [sub_class = men_soldier]   - Soldier AA, AT, RPG (RPG2 to RPG29, Strela 7 to Strela 18 ; from LAW to M136, ZEUS, JAVELIN, Stinger)  [sub_class = men_rocket]   - Special (All kind of Special Unit [Genie, Commando, Saboteur, Spy])  [sub_class = men_special] Air   - Assault [sub_class = air_assault]   - Bomber [sub_class = air_bomber]   - Cargo/Transport [sub_class = air_cargo]   - Chopper      - Attack [sub_class = helicopter_attack]      - Recon [sub_class = helicopter_recon]      - Transport [sub_class = helicopter_cargo]   - Fighter [sub_class = air_fighter] Armored   - MBT [class = mbt]      - Wheeled [sub_class = mbt_wheeled]      - Tracked [sub_class = mbt_tracked]   - Tank      - Artillery [sub_class = tank_shell_artillery]      - Ground Combat (Tank from M60 to M1A2, from T55 to T90...) [sub_class = tank_ground]      - Surface to Air [sub_class = tank_missile_artillery]      - Strategic (Soviet S.S-0 serie, tomahawk, Scud...) [sub_class = tank_strategic_artillery] Car   - Armed (Tow, Stinger, Strela, AT...) [sub_class = car_armed]   - Support (Ammo, Fuel, Repair, Ambulance) [sub_class = car_support]   - Transport (To move) [sub_class = car_transport] Object   - Ammo   - Bunker   - Civil Building   - Defense system (Patriot, Adats/Hellfire, Connection au Satellite Ballistic Militaire...)   - Flag   - Military Building   - Various Ship   - Corvette (corvets)   - Croiseur (cruiser)   - Destroyer   - Frigate   - Navire (ship)   - aircraft carrier Submarine Pleas add new valuer in CPP to ARMA engine for the unit & machine : Value to add in CPP :   - APPARITION_DATE (Date de mise en service)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_USA (WEST in OFP)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_CEI (EAST in OFP using AK74M or AK100 serie, BMP3, T80, MI-28, SU-30)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_AFRIKA (RESISTANCE in OFP using AK47 serie & BMP1, T55)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_EYRO (BLUFOR in ARMA)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_UKCW (OFPOR or Royal Army Corps of Sahrani in ARMA] (Commom Wealth : United Kingdom + Canada + Australia & Others [monarchic Protestant State)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_MIDDLE_EAST (INDEPENDANT or Liberation Army of Sahrani in ARMA using AK74, BMP2, T72, MI-24, SU-25)   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_ASIA ()   - OBSOLETE_DATE_FOR_EXPORT () So when a map appears in 2000, and when the map is in 1998, the unit won't appears and not listed in Editor, of course if OBSOLETE_DATE is 1995, they don't appears to... This to help creation of mission & campaign, like this taht shorter the list of addons... Add new side keep the ancient from O.F.P & add new camp please   - BluEfor - Euro (G36 & FAMAS, Marder, Leopard, Leclerc, Tiger serie, Eurofighter) {Catholique} [Armed Assault]   - R.A.S : Corps d'Armée Royal Sahrani - U.K or C.W - INDEPENDANT (L85A2 & SA80, Stryker, Chalenger) {Protestant} [Armed Assault]   - L.A.S : Armée de Libération du Sahrani - OPFOR - MIDDLE-EAST or Asia (AK74, BMP2, T72, MI24, SU25, MIG29) {Islam} [Armed Assault]   - WEST - U.S.A/N.A.T.O (M4, M2A2, M1A2, AH64, F22, F117, B2) {Unknow} [Operation Flashpoint]   - EAST - Soviet (AK74M, BMP3, T80, MI28, MIG31, SU34) {Orthodoxe} [Operation Flashpoint]   - RESISTANCE - Africa (AK47, BMP, T55, Serie, MIG25) {Unknown} [Operation Flashpoint]   - CIVIL   - ASIA {Buddhist}   - HINDU-PAERTHIAN {Hindousim, Zoroastrism} Please, could you add those new side in C.P.P sous forme de : //Group Types //    #define TEast 0    #define TWest 1    #define TGuerrila 2    #define TCivilian 3    #define TEuro 8    #define TIndia 9    #define TSla 10 (Indepedant)    #define TRAC 11 (UK & CW)    #define TAsia 12 (Indepedant)    #define TSideUnknown 4    #define TEnemy 5    #define TFriendly 6    #define TLogic 7 C.E.I : EAST in OFP    Weapons : AK74M or AK100 serie, PKM, KSVK, Dragunov SVD-M    Tank : BMP3, T80...    Plane : MI-28, SU-30, MIG-29 U.S.A : WEST in OFP    Weapons : M4, M24, M240, M256    Tank : M2A2, M1A1...    Plane : AH-64, AV-8, F-22 AFRIKA : RESISTANCE in OFP [b.A.S]    Weapons : AK47 serie, PK    Tank : BMP1, T55    Plane : MI-17 C.E.EYRO : BLUFOR in ARMA    Weapons : G36, G3, FAMAS, STEYR, BERRETA, H&K MSG, HECATE...    Tank : Leclerc, Leopard, Stryker...    Plane : Eurofighter, Tiger... U.K & C.W : OFPOR Royal Army Corps of Sahrani in ARMA (C.W : U.K + Canada + Australia & Others [monarchic Protestant State])    Weapons : L85A1 and L85A2 , L86A1 - SA-80, AWP    Tank : Challenger, Landrover 88, FV-432    Plane : MIDDLE-EAST INDEPENDANT Liberation Army of Sahrani in ARMA    Weapons : AK74, Dragunov    Tank : BMP2, T72    Plane : MI-24, SU-25 ASIA CHINA+JAPAN+KOREA+SIAM+Indonesie, Malisie, Philippines, Singapour Hindu-Paerthia India, Iran, Nepal, Afghanistan Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka... CIVILIAN Also can you name your README.TXT Files like this "XXX_unit_readme_version", cause if you use only README, the file will be overwrite by other files... Also use HTML extension.
Please if somehone could make the Rambo 2 Russian Chopper... It would be cool, I don't know the code name, i try to find it at FAS.ORG but i mess do it... Also it would be great that before making addons somehone make the ARMA version of : - B.W.M : ACES.PBO (air plane weapons A.A, A.T), - B.A.S : JAM_magazines, - C.O.C : COC_torpedoes, - ?.?.? : JAM_rpg [CAVS] for RPG & AT (ICP, RHS), - ?.?.? : JAM_arty (for Sabot, HEAT, 155mm, 90mm...), - ?.?.? : JAM_missiles (magazines for AS, SA, AT, SS missiles)... So the addon creator would not have to spend time on weapons configuration, using standard one. Quite a help...
Realistic stuff to add in OFP2 engine PLEASE DO IT ! ---------------------------------------------------- 1. "Ghoul III engine" to add realistic wounds to soldier (Look Soldier of Fortune 2 - Raven Software) 2. "Thermal view" (Like Project I.G.I II or Splinter Cell 3) 3. "Realistic materiel" [wood, rock, metal] for building, to be able to shoot even if they are behind (Look Project I.G.I II - Innerloop) 4. Hability to use knife [Like Soldier], swords [Like Ninja], bow [Like Rambo] and other weapons [Axe, Hammer like Viking] (for anim to be in engine so addon creating is better) 5. Tweakable gun (camo, optic, silencer), bipod automatik when your crouched (Like Sniper in Raven Shield 3), and the most important the same ammo for a weapon model even if he is using SD or different rate of fire, it would be cool to have a lot of magazine in game (those in J.A.M) so it would be easyer for addon-maker 6. Add "Year=?" in Mission Editor and in Config.cpp "YearOfService=?" so when you put 19?? all unit after this date are not avaible in editor, you can also add "YearObsolete" => when the unit is not using in the army anymore, and In the editor those unit who are after this date are not avaible in Editor 7. Put "Version=?.??" in config.cpp for unit, Island, Campaign so when "OFP watch" check the addon I can see what version you are using, and update it if new version is released you can create some kind of addon installer to do so
Hi, LSR why did you not ask for original TGA (to suchey) for your new optic ? You have use old PAC and the quality is not great... Have you in plan to do it ?
Hi, LSR why did you not ask for original TGA (to suchey) for your new optic ? You have use old PAC and the quality is not great... Have you in plan to do it ?
Hello, On this page you will find the last BETA. Sorry for my English, I usualy speek french... I have remade the UCE addons, I have take all addon and put them in tree big pack for resistance 1.75, all unit can use handgun. Check it. I send the files at - Operation Flashpoint CZ - OpFlashpoint.Org NEW VERSION ON FIRST PAGE, I NEED SOMEHONE WHO CAN'T MAKE STRINGTABLE FOR MULTI LANGUAGE NAME, I CAN DO IT BY ME SELF I DON'T KNOW HOW IT WORKS AND I DON'T SPEAK OTHERS LANGUAGE...IF SOMEHONE CAN HELP ME, HE CAN CONTACT ON PM... WHEN BE DONE THE FILE WOULD BE FINAL, UNTIL THE RELEASE OF JAM3... INFO: You just need to download one time the UCE_JAM_pack final, after you just need to update UCE_JAM_cpp_beta_0.XX, the UCE_JAM_weapons & UCE_JAM_addons(If needed), thanks Killswitch for this good idea. You need 4 RAR files. LAST UPDATE : 11 FEB 2004 - YOU CAN DOWNLOAD NOW, I HAVE UPLOADED THE FILES. If the links don't works go to page 9 for mirror... 1. UCE_JAM_cpp_BETA_0.96 (CPP of the RES/EAST pack) New version, dl ! Last Update : 21H20 - 11/02/2004 (869 Ko) 2. UCE_JAM_weapons_FINAL  (UCE weapons using JAM) New Version, dl ! (1.858 Ko) 3. UCE_JAM_addons_FINAL (All needed add-on)  (10.355 Ko) 4. JAM_Optics_1.0 (All needed Optics)  (5.439 Ko) Download this files only if you not have the pack installed or if you download it before the 25/11/2003. 5. UCE_JAM_pack_final  (P3D & PAC of UCE units) (18.866 Ko) UCE/JAM WEAPONS PACK VERSION1.02 BETA 0.95 FOR RES 1.85 MODIFIED BY NEMZAG (Gazmen) (Original Creator : UceE aka Jussi Soini) FOR RESISTANCE ONLY: INSTALLATION NOTE: Usage: Unzip all the “PBO†files into the "Operation Flashpoint\Res\Addons" folder. If you download an UCE/JAM add-on .zip that contains one of the files mentioned below, check the version of the downloaded pack (it should say somewhere in a text file included with the download.) If this is newer than the version of this add-on, overwrite. FEATURES: - All UCE Weapons in a big pack using JAM_Magazines. Still using BIS_ammo but with some trouble, because I have changed the fire rate to be realistic. - All UCE Resistance and East. unit in two big packs modified to use handgun. - All old map and campaign will works with this, the pack used same class type, you can can now erase old UCE add-ons. - Realistic rates of fires. "Single, Auto" for aks-74u, pmkm, AK-74m, m-70b1, MPi ak-74n. MULTIPLE SQUAD CHOICE : - 1985 - Platoon, Squad, Troop, Sniper Team for Infantry & Spetsnaz (AK-74, RPK-74, SVD) - 1995 - Platoon, Squad, Troop, Sniper Team for Infantry & Spetsnaz (AK-74M, RPK-74M, SVD-S) - 2000 - Platoon, Squad, Troop, Sniper Team for Spetsnaz (AK-100 Serie, RPK-74MS, KSVK) - 2005 - Platoon, Squad, Troop, Sniper Team for Infantry (AK-100 Serie, RPK-74MS, SVD-S) and for Spetsnaz (Groza-1, RPK-74MS, SVU) THESE FILES ARE IN THE PACK: You need the originals files from & AK101 and RPG29 from & LSR_rfwp. - AK101 (Original AK-101 using 5.56) - GAZ_pack (All weapons by KEG & LSR using JAM_Magazines) - GAZ_JAM_pack - KEGak103 (Original KEG AK-103 using 7.62) - KEGak107 (Original KEG AK-107 using 5.45) - KEGrpg7 (Original KEG RPG-7) - KEGrpk47 (Original KEG RPK-47 using 7.62) - KEGrpk74 (Original KEG RPK-74 using 5.45) - KSVK (EAST Heavy Sniper) - LSR_rfwp (Original LSR weapons pack) - M82A1 (WEST Heavy Sniper) - RPG29 (RPG-29 from KEG_pack) - UCE_JAM_est_PACK (Bosnian-Serb, East German, Russian, Yugoslav) - UCE_JAM_res_PACK (Jungle, KLA, Middle East Resistance) - UCE_JAM_weapons_PACK (All UCE weapons using JAM) - VAL - VNGroza TO THE COMMUNITY Tell me: Tell me what weapons you want squad & troop to use… FEATURED SHOWGIRL: Alexandra: wearing a black leather jacket and AK-74M. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.95 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Corrected : the KEGRPG7VLauncherMag & RPK74M scope bug - Corrected : some errors & name. - Added : more squad & units. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.90 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Corrected : Team formation of some group modified to match JAM_Magazines Squad. - Corrected : Error of the M82 missing config.bin corrected. - Added : New Heavy EST Sniper riffles: GAZ_KSVK using JAM_E127_5mag. - Added : Platoon (12 men), Squad (9men) & Troop (4 or 5 men) & Sniper Team (2man) for some Russian units, still some to finish… CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.89 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Thanks to Killswitch for his help. - Corrected : Addon dependancy & required version. - Corrected : East & Resistance P3D/PAC & CPP split to avoid multiple big download. - The SVU will not fonction because it need a futur JAM AMMO : JAM_E762_10SAmag. - The AK-100 SD Serie will not fonction because it need a futur JAM AMMO : JAM_E762_30SBASDmag & JAM_E762_30SBASDHDmag, JAM_E545_30SBASDmag &. JAM_E545_30SBASDHDmag. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.88 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Removed : Class Group. To avoid futur mission problem. - Corrected : Error in UCE_JAM_RES_PACK\CONFIG.CPP. - Added : New group & Squad - UCE/JAM Russian Infantry 2000 (AK-74M) - Added : New group & squad – UCE/JAM Russian SOBR 2000(Groza-1) - Added : Groza-1 (GL, Scope, SD) added to GAZ_pack. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.87 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Added : New entry added in CPP: Class GROUP to avoid compatibility problem. - Added : All needed PBO are included in the pack. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.86 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Added : Now this pack will be compatible with the old mission and campaign. But perhaps with some bugs. You can erase the old UCE*.PBO without problem. - Added : All UCE weapons added to the pack to allow compatibility. - Bug : The map make with BETA 0.85 will not works with BETA 0.86. Sorry but to allow compatibility with old mission, I have to change class. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.85 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Removed : UCE_JAM_ak74m & GL version, replaced by GAZ_ak74m & GL version. - Removed : UCE_JAM_SVD_Dragunov, replaced by GAZ_SVDS. - Removed : Removed “KEG†weapons using “JAM_MAGAZINES†- Added : New weapons pack added - GAZ_pack. Who use LSR & Kegety’s gun with “JAM_MAG†without changing original files. WEAPONS: MAGAZINES: GAZ_ak74m: {LSR_ak74mMag, AK74, JAM_E545_30mag, JAM_E545_30HDmag}; GAZ_ak74mgl: {LSR_gpmag, JAM_VOG25grenade, JAM_VOG25Vest, JAM_MarkerGrenades, JAM_MarkerRound, GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow, JAM_FlareWhite, JAM_FlareYellow, JAM_FlareGreen, JAM_FlareRed} GAZ_ak101: {AK101, M4, JAM_W556_30mag, JAM_W556_30HDmag} GAZ_ak103: {KEGak103mag,KEGak104mag,LSR_AK103mag, LSR_AK104mag, JAM_E762_30SBAmag, JAM_E762_30SBAHDmag} GAZ_ak103sd: {LSR_AK103mag, LSR_AK104mag, JAM_E762_30SBASDmag, JAM_E762_30SBASDHDmag} GAZ_ak103gl: {KEGak103mag,KEGak104mag,LSR_AK103mag, LSR_AK104mag, JAM_E762_30SBAmag, JAM_E762_30SBAHDmag} {LSR_gpmag, JAM_VOG25grenade, JAM_VOG25Vest, JAM_MarkerGrenades, JAM_MarkerRound, GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow, JAM_FlareWhite, JAM_FlareYellow, JAM_FlareGreen, JAM_FlareRed} GAZ_ak104: {KEGak103mag,KEGak104mag,LSR_AK104mag, LSR_AK103mag, JAM_E762_30SBAHDmag, JAM_E762_30SBAmag} GAZ_ak107: {KEGAK107Mag, JAM_E545_30SBAMag, JAM_E545_30SBAHDMag} GAZ_rpk47: {KEGrpk47Mag, JAM_E762M_40mag, JAM_E762M_40HDmag, JAM_E762M_75mag, JAM_E762M_75HDmag} GAZ_rpk74: {KEGrpk74Mag, LSR_rpk74Mag, JAM_E545M_75mag, JAM_E545M_75HDmag, JAM_E545M_45mag, JAM_E545M_45HDmag} GAZ_rpk74m: {KEGrpk74Mag, LSR_rpk74Mag, JAM_E545M_75mag, JAM_E545M_75HDmag, JAM_E545M_45mag, JAM_E545M_45HDmag} GAZ_rpk74ms: {KEGrpk74Mag, LSR_rpk74Mag, JAM_E545M_75mag, JAM_E545M_75HDmag, JAM_E545M_45mag, JAM_E545M_45HDmag} GAZ_pkm: {lsr_PKmag, PK, JAM_E762M_200mag, JAM_E762M_200HDmag} GAZ_vss: {LSR_vssMag, JAM_E9x39Sniper_10SDmag} GAZ_svu: {LSR_SVUMag, SVDDragunov, JAM_E762_10SAmag} GAZ_svds: {LSR_SVDSMag, SVDDragunov, JAM_E762_10mag} GAZ_aksub: {JAM_E545_30SDmag, JAM_E545_30SDHDmag} GAZ_aksubgl: {LSR_gpmag, JAM_VOG25grenade, JAM_VOG25Vest, JAM_MarkerGrenades, JAM_MarkerRound, GrenadeLauncher, Flare, FlareGreen, FlareRed, FlareYellow, JAM_FlareWhite, JAM_FlareYellow, JAM_FlareGreen, JAM_FlareRed}; GAZ_rpg7d: {LSR_rpg7dMag, JAM_RPG7Rocket, JAM_RPG7AARocket, JAM_RPG7APRocket} GAZ_rpg7v: {KEGRPG7vLauncherMag} GAZ_makarov: {KEGMakarovMag, LSR_pmMag, JAM_Makarovmag}; GAZ_gsh18: {LSR_gsh18mag} GAZ_gsh18sd: {LSR_gsh18sdmag} GAZ_m82a1: {M82A1mag, JAM_W127_10Mag} GAZ_ksvk: {} GAZ_Groza1: {} GAZ_Groza1GL: {} GAZ_Groza1S: {} GAZ_Groza1SD: {} GAZ_Groza1SSD: {} GAZ_Val: {} - Added : Group GAZ Squad & Troop added. CHANGES FROM NEW VERSION 1.02 BETA 0.80 (UCE/JAM) for RES 1.75: - Added : Only officer has handgun to avoid stupid IA fire fight. - Added : Full JAM_Magazines support for "UCE_JAM_WEAPONS_PACK". For easy MPMission making. - Added : Some new weapons added to units (SKS, RPD, RPK). - Added : New KLA Sniper and New secondary KLA Soldier. - Modified : New class Kegety's weapons using "JAM_MAGAZINES". - Removed : Obsolete files “UCE_AK74†& “UCE_AKMâ€; replaced by “JAM_AK74†& “JAM_AKMâ€. - Bug : I need someone who can make the Wounds texture of the Yugoslav Units, and Wounds texture of DDR units; check at "\UCE_JAM_EST_PACK\PAC\YU*.PA*". CHANGES FROM OLD VERSION (UCE) for OFP 1.46 : 1.25 - ADDED: uce_M21.pbo for uce_reswoods 1.20 - ADDED: uce_ak74.pbo and modified uce_ak74m for uce_taiga 1.10 - PLACED: all the weapons into separate PBO. If there's a Grenade launcher version of the rifle, it is included in the same PBO. 1.10 - ADDED: The grenade launcher version of the MPi AK-74N FEATURED WEAPONS : UCE_JAM_PMKM AK47 - PMKM (The Polish AKM) UCE_JAM_M70B1 AK47 - M70.B1 (The Yugoslav AK) UCE_JAM_M70B1GL AK47GrenadeLauncher - M70.B1 with grenade launcher UCE_JAM_MPIAK74N AK74 - MPi AK-74N (The East German AK-74) UCE_JAM_MPIAK74NGL AK74GrenadeLauncher - MPi AK-74N with grenade launcher UCE_JAM_AKS74U AK74SU - AKS-74U UCE_JAM_SVDM_Dragunov SVDDragunov - another modern and shinier version of the svd. UCE_JAM_M21 M21 - M21 wood Version. Some weapons use the magazines of the weapons they are based on. But with some trouble Help!!! I need the recoil of AK47 class and AK74 class to put it in config.cpp, I think the uce_jam_weapons has not enough recoils. You can send me MPmission using this units, i will put them in the download pack Feel free to comment and report bugs to LEGAL STUFF (Thanks to...) - Kegetys - Laser - UceE aka Jussi Soini (textures) - Mailman (model elements and textures) - BIS for producing OFP DISCLAIMER THIS IS NOT THE OFFICIAL ADDON. This addon is FREEWARE. Files included cannot be altered or changed in any way. If you want to use something from this add-on, contact me for written permission.
Hi, can you add JAM_E762_10SASDmag for Silenced SVU and RPG-XX mag ? Thx Also some mag of JAM2 are not powerfull like in other pack, RPG-7, LAW, M136... Can you increase the hit power ?
I had try the pack, and it's very interesting, but I find a little bug, you forgot to add JAM_compatibility for the AT M136 and Law, can you check it please ? Thanks Do you have in plan to update your russian weapons and unit ?
Hi, the JAM_E762_10SAmag is for the LSR_SVU a special force automatic sniper based on dragunov bullpup configuration used in LSR & UCE_JAM unit. Also make JAM_E762_10SASDmag for the silenced version of SVU... Do you have in plan to add AK74M and RPKM serie (LSR_pack) and ak100-->103 -> 107 (KEG_pack), AS, VSS (ORCS ICP_pack), Groza, the KSVK and M82 Â in JAM3 ? it would be cool and also the pack would be complete... Here are the weapon I need, it's not an obligation cause I have already the GAZ_weapons - JAM_gsh18, [LSR] - JAM_gsh18sd, [LSR] - JAM_Makarov, [KEG] - JAM_MakarovBase, [KEG] - JAM_AK74m, [sUCH] - JAM_AK74mgl, [sUCH] - JAM_AK101, [KEG] - JAM_AK103, [KEG] - JAM_AK103sd, [LSR] - JAM_AK103gl, [LSR] - JAM_AK104, [KEG] - JAM_AK107, [KEG] - JAM_Groza1, [VN] - JAM_Groza1GL, [VN] - JAM_Groza1S (Scope), [VN] - JAM_Groza1SD, [VN] - JAM_Groza1SSD (Scope SD), [VN] - JAM_rpk47, [KEG] - JAM_rpk74, [KEG] - JAM_rpk74M, [LSR] - JAM_rpk74MS (Scope), [LSR] - JAM_VSS, [iCP] - JAM_SVU, [LSR] - JAM_SVDS, [LSR] - JAM_M82A1, - JAM_KSVK, - JAM_aksub, - JAM_AKsubgl, - JAM_r163, (Radio), [LSR] - JAM_RPG7d, [iCP] - JAM_RPG7v, [iCP] - JAM_PKM, [LSR] - JAM_AS [iCP] Look in my pack to help find model...
For me, great addons, the website is good if they have good links
Hi, your website don't work do you have a new adress ?
Final 1.00 will be realesed if JAM3 add the ammo I need. To the creator of JAM3 look in Gaz_weapon_pack to add the ammo I need, please
Hi, I just hope that the recoil will be realistic in JAM3, cause JAM2 add no recoil on ammo, so when you use them for weapons it was a bit unrealistic... Also I hope that they add the ammo (GAZ_JAM_update) that I need for the UCE_JAM pack... Link to download the pack. GAZ_JAM is in the weapons pack ! Here are the JAM_ammo in need I hope we can find them on JAM3 : // AK47 SD class JAM_E762_30SBASDmag: AK47 { scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; displayNameMagazine = "30rd 7.62x39 SD Mag"; shortNameMagazine = "30rd 7.62x39 SD Mag"; picture="\JAM_Magazines\pics\JAM_762x39_30rdMag.paa"; count=30; initSpeed=350; drySound[]={"weapons\AK74Dry",db-40,1}; modes[]={"Single","Burst","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo = JAM_East_762x39_Silenced_Single_Bullet; multiplier = 1; burst=1; displayName = "7.62x39 Semi SD"; dispersion=0.000342; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=1; recoil=JAM_762x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class Burst { ammo = JAM_East_762x39_Silenced_Burst_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=3; displayName="7.62x39 Burst SD"; dispersion=0.0005; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M16BurstSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=3; recoil=JAM_762x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class FullAuto { ammo = JAM_East_762x39_Silenced_Auto_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName = "7.62x39 Auto SD"; dispersion=0.001368; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=30; recoil=JAM_762x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = true; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; uiPicture="ivojak"; canDrop = true; }; // AK47 SD HD class JAM_E762_30SBASDHDmag: AK47 { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; displayNameMagazine = "30rd 7.62x39 SD Mag HD"; shortNameMagazine = "30rd 7.62x39 SD Mag HD"; picture="\JAM_Magazines\pics\JAM_762x39_30rdMag.paa"; count=30; initSpeed=350; drySound[]={"weapons\AK74Dry",db-40,1}; modes[]={"Single","Burst","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo = JAM_East_762x39_Silenced_Single_Bullet; multiplier = 1; burst=1; displayName = "7.62x39 Semi SD HD"; dispersion=0.015; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=1; recoil=JAM_762x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class Burst { ammo = JAM_East_762x39_Silenced_Burst_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=3; displayName="7.62x39 Burst SD HD"; dispersion=0.0225; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M16BurstSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=3; recoil=JAM_762x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class FullAuto { ammo = JAM_East_762x39_Silenced_Auto_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName = "7.62x39 Auto SD HD"; dispersion=0.03; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=30; recoil=JAM_762x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = true; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; uiPicture="ivojak"; canDrop = true; }; class JAM_E545_30SBASDmag: AK74 { scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; displayNameMagazine = "30rd 5.45x39 SD Mag"; shortNameMagazine = "30rd 5.45x39 SD Mag"; picture="\JAM_Magazines\pics\JAM_545x39_30rdMag.paa"; count=30; initSpeed=350; drySound[]={"weapons\AK74Dry",db-40,1}; modes[]={"Single","Burst","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo = JAM_East_545x39_Silenced_Single_Bullet; multiplier = 1; burst=1; displayName = "5.45x39 Semi SD"; dispersion=0.00027075; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=1; recoil=JAM_545x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class Burst { ammo = JAM_East_545x39_Silenced_Burst_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=3; displayName="5.45x39 Burst SD"; dispersion=0.00027075; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M16BurstSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=3; recoil=JAM_545x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; // delay between shots at given distance aiRateOfFireDistance=500; // at shorter distance delay goes lineary to zero useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class FullAuto { ammo = JAM_East_545x39_Silenced_Auto_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName = "5.45x39 Auto SD"; dispersion=0.001083; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=30; recoil=JAM_545x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = true; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; uiPicture="ivojak"; canDrop = true; }; // AK74 SD HD class JAM_E545_30SBASDHDmag: AK74 { scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; displayNameMagazine = "30rd 5.45x39 SD Mag HD"; shortNameMagazine = "30rd 5.45x39 SD Mag HD"; picture="\JAM_Magazines\pics\JAM_545x39_30rdMag.paa"; count=30; initSpeed=350; drySound[]={"weapons\AK74Dry",db-40,1}; modes[]={"Single","Burst","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo = JAM_East_545x39_Silenced_Single_Bullet; multiplier = 1; burst=1; displayName = "5.45x39 Semi SD HD"; dispersion=0.015; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=1; recoil=JAM_545x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class Burst { ammo = JAM_East_545x39_Silenced_Burst_Bullet; multiplier = 1; burst=3; displayName = "5.45x39 Burst SD HD"; dispersion=0.020; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M16BurstSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=3; recoil=JAM_545x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = 0; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; class FullAuto { ammo = JAM_East_545x39_Silenced_Auto_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName = "5.45x39 Auto SD HD"; dispersion=0.025; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\M4FireSD.wss",db0,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.092; ffCount=30; recoil=JAM_545x39_RifleRecoil; autoFire = true; aiRateOfFire=0.850000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction = false; useActionTitle = ""; }; uiPicture="ivojak"; canDrop = true; }; class SniperRiffle: Riffle{}; class M21: SniperRiffle{}; class SVDDragunov : SniperRiffle {}; class JAM_E762_10SAmag: SVDDragunov { scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; displayNameMagazine = "10rd 7.62x54R Mag"; shortNameMagazine = "10rd 7.62x54R Mag"; picture="\JAM_Magazines\pics\JAM_762x54_10rdMag.paa"; initspeed=830; maxLeadSpeed=50; drySound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\Dry.wss",0.010316,1}; count=10; modes[]= {"Single","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo=JAM_East_762x54R_Sniper_Single_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="7.62x54R Semi"; soundContinuous= 0; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\SVDfire.wss",db0,1}; ffCount=1; dispersion=0.000114; reloadTime=0.400000; autofire=0; aiRateOfFire=7.0000; aiRateOfFireDistance = 700; UseAction=0; useActionTitle=""; recoil=JAM_762x54R_RifleRecoil; }; class FullAuto { ammo=JAM_East_762x54R_Sniper_Auto_Bullet; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="7.62x54R Auto"; soundContinuous=0; sound[]={"\JAM_Sounds\sounds\SVDfire.wss",db0,1}; ffCount=10; dispersion=0.000114; reloadTime=0.400000; autofire=1; aiRateOfFire=6.0000; aiRateOfFireDistance=300; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; recoil=JAM_762x54R_RifleRecoil; }; canDrop = true; }; }; Thanks
Yes, if all ammo I need are in the pack, I will update it, to FINAL 1.0 pack. Thx
Hello, thanks for your pack, but it sad to see that the unit don't have wound texture, can anyone add it ? Thanks
I think that you can look for a good PK replacement in the ICP_rfwp_3.2 pack or in the CSLA weapon pack II with new cool optics... Look at LINK... Thanks for EECP Â
Hi, long time ago, I had downloaded a replacement texture pack for resistance using high resolution. But I have erased it. I try to download it again but I can't find it on web site or on forum. Can somehone help me ? The files was called Data.PBO, but i forgot who made it... Tanks for your help...
Hi, long time ago, I had downloaded a replacement texture pack for resistance using high resolution. But I have erased it. I try to download it again but I can't find it on web site or on forum. Can somehone help me ? The files was called Data.PBO, but i forgot who made it... Tanks for your help...
No, not island update. It was a texture pack to replace Dta\DATA.PBO file
No, not island update. It was a texture pack to replace Dta\DATA.PBO file
No, isn't the space alex replacement and not even a Island. It was a texture pack to replace the old low resolution resistance DATA.PBO files.
No, isn't the space alex replacement and not even a Island. It was a texture pack to replace the old low resolution resistance DATA.PBO files.