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Everything posted by G-LOC

  1. G-LOC

    XM-109 Antimaterial Rifle

    The XM-109 will have HE, HEAT and thermobaric ammo. I remember army testing a supressed version. This is my dream weapon = sniper granade launcher :-) G-LOC
  2. I take a screenshot of control´s config screen to show some ideas to use animations and other commands with the keyboard´s keys. I hit the New Anim Config to open a slot to call a animations list available. Other option is call a menu to bind a key to every menu item available to every plataform or weapons I want. If I´m inside a Challenger tank I have the option do throw smoke grenade wall or make a smoke screen. This option will be available (New menu command key). Then I can launch grenades and smoke wall without use the menu. It´s more fast and I will never hit the wrong option when appears new items in menu. http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/outros/ofpcontroles2.jpg We will need a option to save the config (challenger). When I enter the challenger the keyboard will be loaded/changed. When I get out the tank the keyboard controls will be restored to infantry. A help key list will be useful to show the new keys available. http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/outros/ofpcontroles3.jpg http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/outros/ofpcontroles4.jpg This options will be very useful to planes and chooper. They have severals menu commands I want to use more fast with the keyboard like launch flare, afterburner, flaps, ECM, eject. Other option to bind keys it´s create new group menu commands list (keys 1 till 0). I want to create a group menu command to order indirect fire or supress fire. First I need to install the PBO with the scripts (still not exist).I choose the letter "N". When I´m playing and want´s to throw a M203 granade, I choose the grenadier, hit "N", order to launch M203 grenade, hit map or use mouse´s aimpoint, choose the numbers of grenades, choose point or area attack, and the grenadier will attack. The game Full Spectrum Warrior have this options. Other options it´s order to launch a grenade, smoke grenade, fire a LAW, supress a area with the machinegun. I want to choose numbers of magazines or time firing. If I want to control a attack to a enemy camp I order the group to cease fire and will order every member attack or supress a point/area. When I order open fire the groups will storm the enemy camp even if the group still don´t see the enemies. One command I hope to bind a key it´s the autopilot. If I´m a group leader, I hit autopilot then choose a place to go (F1 go to "clic on map"). With they keys "run" and "walk" I can choose the velocity and stop. I want to use the mouse to look around while walking. My finger´s will have much less pain when travelling larger distances. G-LOC
  3. I edit the controlsmenu whith paintbush to show my ideas. I do this in my work to show my ideas. I hope this will be done. G-LOC PS1 sorry the bad english. I calling from Brazil. PS2 I post this in OF:General. Placebo transferred to A&M:D PS3 Bind keys it´s choose a key to a command (some game have this option)
  4. I take a screenshot of control´s config screen to show some ideas to use animations and other commands with the keyboard´s keys. I hit the New Anim Config to open a slot to call a animations list available. Other option is call a menu to bind a key to every menu item available to every plataform or weapons I want. If I´m inside a Challenger tank I have the option do throw smoke grenade wall or make a smoke screen. This option will be available (New menu command key). Then I can launch grenades and smoke wall without use the menu. It´s more fast and I will never hit the wrong option when appears new items in menu. http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/outros/ofpcontroles2.jpg We will need a option to save the config (challenger). When I enter the challenger the keyboard will be loaded/changed. When I get out the tank the keyboard controls will be restored to infantry. A help key list will be useful to show the new keys available. http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/outros/ofpcontroles3.jpg http://sistemadearmas.sites.uol.com.br/outros/ofpcontroles4.jpg This options will be very useful to planes and chooper. They have severals menu commands I want to use more fast with the keyboard like launch flare, afterburner, flaps, ECM, eject. Other option to bind keys it´s create new group menu commands list (keys 1 till 0). I want to create a group menu command to order indirect fire or supress fire. First I need to install the PBO with the scripts (still not exist).I choose the letter "N". When I´m playing and want´s to throw a M203 granade, I choose the grenadier, hit "N", order to launch M203 grenade, hit map or use mouse´s aimpoint, choose the numbers of grenades, choose point or area attack, and the grenadier will attack. The game Full Spectrum Warrior have this options. Other options it´s order to launch a grenade, smoke grenade, fire a LAW, supress a area with the machinegun. I want to choose numbers of magazines or time firing. If I want to control a attack to a enemy camp I order the group to cease fire and will order every member attack or supress a point/area. When I order open fire the groups will storm the enemy camp even if the group still don´t see the enemies. One command I hope to bind a key it´s the autopilot. If I´m a group leader, I hit autopilot then choose a place to go (F1 go to "clic on map"). With they keys "run" and "walk" I can choose the velocity and stop. I want to use the mouse to look around while walking. My finger´s will have much less pain when travelling larger distances. G-LOC
  5. G-LOC

    Support Pack Editor

    I start do use the SP/MP Support Pack (SPT) from Editing Center: http://www.ofpec.com/editors/spt_pack.php I merge the SPT with MFCTI and PMC Campaign. I change the code to allow more artillery and change some unit (I use the MH-60 and RAD F18). I like to go to battle with superior force like real life. It´s more easy but I don´t like to spend too much time playing. I thing it´s possible to change the mission editor to create support forces like SPT. I want to create (or insert) a supporte force like CAS, troops, transport, artillery, ammo drop etc. I will change the unit like I choose another unit (air, BAS, armor, SKT, FDF..) when making a mission. I will name de support force (showed with marine´s simbols). A CAS force with a RADF18 armed with ARM-88 HARM will be named CAS SEAD (showed in menu bar when playing). A CAS force with a RADF18 armed with AMRAAM will be named CAS CAP (to kill the enemy´s helos). Two artillery with the same weapon could be named "81mm ONE" and "81mm Two" to be used in MP with two player at same time. My support troop could have the option to add new waypoints after be dropped. This resemble the CoC - Command Engine. If I want to assault a city I need to droop the troops just in the middle of the enemy. With waypoint I drop the troops in a safe place and tell them were to go. CoC - CE need the units present when start the game. With SPT the units only spawn when needed. This is frame friendly. The support troops need the options to "join" my squad if I want new troops. Now I have to edit the SPT code to make changes (this is allowed). With a dedicaded editor I thing this will be much more easy. Now I have problem when change units. With a SPT editor will became easy to make a mission with support forces. G-LOC
  6. G-LOC

    Falcon 4 Mod

    I have a idea to merge Falcon 4 and OFP (or another games). F4 is one off de best air sim. OFP will use te F4 code to improve the air models. We will need both CD´s to play this way. G-LOC
  7. I want to know if it´s possible to use two options to respawn. I always respawn in base when playing MFCTI ( respawn = 3; respawndelay = 30;), but I want to "respawngroup" and only respawn at base after loose all my team. G-LOC
  8. I hope OFP 2 have the option to change body like Hidden & Dangerous, but I think it´s possible to close a squad´s soldier and use the menu bar to order another soldier to change weapon. I will give all my primary weapon and ammo and receive others. Then, I can change my weapon to AT, sniper, CQB, domolition, etc. My squad will became a ammo/weapon loader like a lone Quaker. Another option it´s take ammo from another soldier. The french mod do this with the Eryx and Milan ATGW. G-LOC
  9. I start to unpbo and edit same mission (PMC and FDF) to play with friends in a home LAN. I edit the game with the soldiers, weapons an enemies we want. When I want to play alone I put the file in folder user/name/MPMmission to use the respawn group option without need to save game. The file description.sqs need the option respawn="group"; I change the file init.sqs adding the code setviewdistance 1500; ( to change view distance) What I really wants is to change body. I thing it´s possible bind a key to go to next group´s soldier like the game Hidden and Dangerous. When a soldier is killed the "respawngroup" allow to go on with another soldier. If I can kill a soldier an respawn at the same time I can use the "change body" whithout loose the soldier. G-LOC
  10. G-LOC

    Changing Body

    yes. That´s what I want. Another option is to change group with the option "take command" of CoC Command Engine. I (soldier1) choose another groups to control, hit a key to make the change, take command, go to group´s leader body (soldier1 is killed, I go to group´s leader, soldier1 respawn), and soldier1 is tranferred to original group. G-LOC
  11. G-LOC

    Changing Body

    I start to unpbo and edit same mission (PMC and FDF) to play with friends in a home LAN. I edit the game with the soldiers, weapons an enemies we want. When I want to play alone I put the file in folder user/name/MPMmission to use the respawn group option without need to save game. The file description.sqs need the option respawn="group"; I change the file init.sqs adding the code setviewdistance 1500; ( to change view distance) What I really wants is to change body. I thing it´s possible bind a key to go to next group´s soldier like the game Hidden and Dangerous. When a soldier is killed the "respawngroup" allow to go on with another soldier. If I can kill a soldier an respawn at the same time I can use the "change body" whithout loose the soldier. G-LOC
  12. G-LOC

    Iraq war ii

    This a big online book about iraq war II: http://onpoint.leavenworth.army.mil/toc.asp Can help some mission´s maker. If people work together to finish this (and others) MOD we can have a new mod every couple of months. G-LOC
  13. G-LOC

    Finnish Defence Forces Modification 1.3

    Excelent work. I´m very happy to use rudder. I´m not happy with Eurospike. I want o control this weapon like a fiber optic guided missile to blow tanks behind a hill. I think is easy to put a camera in the nose end control like a UAV. G-LOC
  14. I start to use the FDF mod and when I fired the Eurospike missile I can´t control the missile like a fiber optic guided missile. I had hope to control a missil with a camera in the nose like EFOGM, Polyphem or Spike. I think this is not hard to implement. G-LOC
  15. G-LOC

    using animations

    I have a idea about start animations using the keyboard. I will need to config my keyboard and save the config to each troop, tank, weapon, plane, etc wihtout go to Option menu every time. I want a option to choose the animation and the key like (I´m using the OPTION menu): New animation Key (.....................) (.......) Example (if I want to fire my RPG stand or lying): (rpgstand ) (a ) (rpgdown ) (z ) Then I save the config to this weapon: Save config (to this weapon/platform) Load config (to repet to another weapon) The keyboard config will always change when I using RPG (or another shoulder weapon I choose). I thing this will be very usefull to change the config to control planes (use chaff, flare, ECM, afterburner, eject, etc) or use another animations like jump, lean or swim. I will need a way to repeat the key to severals animations like lean stand or crouched, or roll when lying. I will need a key to remember the change to new config (like a help key) when I playing (or when I star to use the new config). The animations can included the menu bar options like "get in", "get out", "go to drive position", etc. G-LOC
  16. G-LOC

    Iraq war ii

    This a big online book about iraq war II: http://onpoint.leavenworth.army.mil/toc.asp Can help some mission´s maker. If people work together to finish this (and others) MOD we can have a new mod every couple of months. G-LOC
  17. I send a email to microsoft to know if it´s possible to use two or more joystick at same time. Windows see the joysticks but the game have to support this option. I hope OFP2 do it. G-LOC
  18. G-LOC

    Joystick support

    I can use pedals to turn my planes or have two more keys to control my soldier (up and down, speed, map...). G-LOC
  19. G-LOC


    I see two problem in this picture that I see in another maps: http://ofp.gamezone.cz/news/pics2/kras_01.jpg There is a house and a mountain in the ends of the landing track. My planes will hit them if overloaded. G-LOC
  20. G-LOC

    No jump

    H&D2 are a good example to use jump. When I jump playing Soldner demo I see my hands holding my legs. I can´t fire while jumping. Lag before jumpp, became tired, slow down after jump will solve some problems. I wanna jump. G-LOC
  21. G-LOC


    Some options I want to realistic flight model in OFP2: - I want to choose play realistic or arcade mode - config the menu bar itens in keyboard shortcut. It´s hard to use menu bar itens and joystick at same time. Itens I like to use in keyboard: . auto-pilot modes . speed brake . wheel brake . mouse look/mouse control . raise/drop gear . hook . afterburner/WEP . eject/bail out . ECM . chaff . flare . flap . radar on/off . zoom in/out - Without hold key . normal zoom . padlock . next waypoint . map zoom - I want to create a keyboard config to every plane or chooper with the proper menu bar itens. - I want a autopilot modes to my aircraft. . auto-terrain following (chopper fly TF in OFP) with up end down to choose the altitude . auto- straight and level (panic button). Keep the last altitude and direction . auto-navigate (go to next waypoint) . auto-trottle (keep the velocity when auto-trottle is hit) . auto-land / auto take-off (we have auto-land in OFP) . auto-engage (AI will atack target) . auto-formation / air refueling (follow leader or follow air refueling plane People will be able to fly the entire mission with autopilot. - tracer more visible and with more smoke. I have problem to see small tracers in OFP. - In flight I want to see the target like tags used in the game Wardird (IEN). Targets inside the radar field of vision will be showed. Target tracked by another partner will be showed also. Only the designated target are showed with tags in OFP. - I want a CCIP mode (Continuosly Computed Initial Point) in the HUD/Sight. Maybe a pipe were all bombs home like a fake missile. I very hard to drop bombs in OFP. - Taxi mode. Planes will have a limited speed an will not take damage. - Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) to show the enemy radar. We could use the clock used to show the enemy direction (enemy five o´clock). Troops can use the RWR like a Sound warning receiver to "see" were the sound is coming. In real live I know instantly were the sound is coming. In OFP I have to turn my head and only hear continuous sound. Ghost Reacon have a threat indicator. - Planes with realistic suspension. The noze will sink when I brake. G-LOC
  22. There is a topic were we discuss what we like in another game. I take this from Joint Ops: "However, to promote tactical team-play, and to reduce the free-for-all chaos that might otherwise ensue, a team can only capture strategic points in a certain order - basically, frontline points first. Any beyond these are deemed impenetrable until the outer bastions fall. It's a great idea, as it creates a rolling series of offensives, rather than a mucky great melee." http://gamesradar.msn.co.uk/preview....id=1599 G-LOC
  23. I´m playing Warbird (www.wbfree.net) and I think OFP(2) will be a good game to play the same way. This is a continuos war and we can join/unjoin every time. We can make a very large map (200x200km) with very small island (hardware friendly). Warbird don´t have the option to play first person, but in OFP we can jump and take the enemy airbase. Other option is control ships (CV, cruiser, destroier, PT, sub, etc) and land in enemy´s island (with naval gun support). In another treat I see people talk about what they like and flying is always a must have. G-LOC
  24. G-LOC

    Multiple squad control

    We can control severals squad with CoC Command Engine. OFP2 need a screen to control large troops. The OFP´s map it´s enough to squad control. G-LOC
  25. G-LOC


    I start saying that realistic flight model is optional x arcade. I forget to list black-out (G-LOC) and stoll. G-LOC