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Everything posted by Garbol

  1. Garbol

    Avgani Iraq

    Hi, I just wanted to say that the island/map is kick ass! But there is one really big problem the preformance hit in the center of the city is really really big... Some friends I play whit are really complaining about that. Any word on fixing that?
  2. Ok I have this one litte problem... I can't finish my mission :/ I mean, I can but I dont want it to end when all objectives are destroyed, I want it to end when all or any west units return to the starting location. For example: S1 goes out form base and destroys tank, than returns to base and tada mission completed. How do you do that?
  3. MAybe a stupid question... but is anyone making Army Rangers?
  4. Garbol


    @Jahve Maybe you should stop bitchin and start working on CWR?
  5. Garbol

    Xam 1.4 released

    New radio songs dont work, MP5A5 dosent work.
  6. Hi there, dose anyone know any MP co-op missions for this greate map? I was googling it and searching on armaholic and arma.info but there are 3 maybe 4 missions for it. Dose anyone know where I can get some more missions? Thanks in advance.
  7. Garbol

    Multiplayer unplayable

    Solution?: We need Linux server!
  8. for what i know library is a simple mission script and armoury is more advanced.
  9. Garbol

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Shashman - I agree in 100% BiS - WTF?!
  10. Garbol

    Expansion: Arma: Queen's Gambit

    Another EA-Policy-Clone-give-us-more-$$. This really sux... this is a cheap jump on costumer's cash.
  11. Garbol

    AI disaster + tanks

    Ok so today i run the editor, place a tank M1A1 (empty). Then i place that russian heavy MG and i soot all mags out at M1A1. Then i jump in to the tank on a drivers seat and what i see? a Tank has orange status on evrything... 2nd AI is still stupider than a stick... RPG shoot at infantry, I placed 2 tanks in the middle of Rhamadi city, T-72 just didnt move and was shooting whit MG at the other Tank, M1A1 has driven out of the city about 100M and than destroyed the T-72... I have Ai set to expert and "Super AI" truned on - super...
  12. same here, euro/polish and i dont see anything that says "Textures: Default"
  13. one question: english... when?
  14. Garbol

    Patch 1.08 - Released!

    installing now
  15. Garbol

    1.07 compatability

    No. You cant.
  16. Garbol

    ArmA is just ... disappointing

    What i don't like: - No radar locks. in helis/planes "static" left & right radar screens in cockpits - Targeting system is just Stoneage! no laser/thermal lock sometimes i feel like i'm flying a AH-1 in WW2 era... and no pilot's helmet targeting. - why there is no T-80?! Sahrani forces can aford a SU-34 but no T-80!? - Hovering a heli is just a nightmare... - T-72 should get converted to T-80 or get better armour... T-72 can take only 1 hit form M1A1 and be destroyed (which ofcours is realistic) but puts an unfair advantage over multiplayer... - Correct the VOIP! i want to know who i'am speaking whit. It should work like this: i see a player nick to the left when he is saying something over VOIP and there should be channels like in chat (vechicle, side, group). - AI... after many patches its still dumb... tanks shooting other tanks whit KM... this is not normal.
  17. Garbol

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    yup no dubt about that. I like to fly my heli a bit around Sahrani, i wish someone made a mission/campaign similar to the ones i EnemyEngaged
  18. Any one has any problems whit 8600GT?
  19. sooo if i get this right. I must set my settings to 256MB (7600GS 256MB) to get best preformance on ArmA and maybe other games... man i hope my card wont overheat :P
  20. Dose any one else have this? when i connect to a server i download the map. ok fine, but now i want it out of the "my documents\" folder to mpmissions. I was searching in "ArmA" folder and "ArmA Other Profiles" - foun it there but those are only empty folders whit map names and nothing in there. Whats wrong?
  21. Garbol

    Beta or Realese

    Windows Vista 64bit - why in God's name are you using this crappy system!? BTW Vista dosent have DX9 it has DX10 so there is your problem :P
  22. Garbol

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    sooo... wating for 1.05, 1.05.1 or 1.96? i prefer the number 2.00 :P
  23. Garbol

    Textures not showing up

    Me and my buddy have this also. but i have 6600GT(128) and he has 7600GS(256) and we both have the problem i think its the engine it self not the hardware.
  24. Garbol

    MP missions not saving.

    no wait just searched again... its in C:\documents and settings\local settings\aplication data\arma\mpmissionscache\ :P also had empty folders but when i turned it off to be read only it worked :P
  25. Garbol


    ppl bitching like that should be banned on sight.