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Everything posted by GoOB

  1. GoOB

    FOR B.I. Please read

    No further comments really, except: Don't get your panties in a bunch. You really need to read my previous post with some sensitive eyes to get the impression that I am implying that anyone is a liar. I am merely expressing my view that a single instance of mispronouncing corpsman, or someone mispelling manouvre isn't worthy of it's own thread. Especially not one when the dissatisfaction (I apologize if that isn't a word) over such trivial things is expressed through such impeteous wording.
  2. Bring in the mission Flashpoint next why don'tya? Gods damnit I love that mission. Also, is there any way to convert OFP missions to ARMA II without having OFP installed as reference?
  3. Actually I would prefer an even narrower circle for NVg's - And some more effects to degrade their effectiveness. But first however I'd like to be able to zoom in on things without everything but the stars growing dark.
  4. GoOB

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Windows 7 x64 RC is a charming OS - I never jumped from XP to vista but went from XP to Windows 7 RC. Couldn't be happier with it.
  5. +1, it's not our money mate - Personally, the 42 euro I spent on ARMA 2 are together with the 42 euros I spent on buying OFP are the best money I have spent when it comes to games.
  6. GoOB

    FOR B.I. Please read

    Wow, spelling errors - The sound I can understand as a major complaint, and something that is gamebreaking.... But when you mention the fact that corpsman is mispronounced (as far as I have seen, it's been spelled correctly everywhere) and that someone spelled maneuver wrong in some mission you don't remember somewhat reduces the legitimacy of your other complaint(s). Sorry mate, try a different approach to critique next time.
  7. Most likely stressed for time to make the release date - I'm just glad it's in now!
  8. GoOB

    Arma 2 in the snow

    Some more snowflakes into that mix and it looks quite passable for a snowstorm, or rather, a storm with snow covering the ground.
  9. Now don't get me wrong.... I hope you know aswell as I do that there is still alot to work on to make ARMA II all that it can be. But this patch is, atleast for me a large step in the right direction. Performance and looks has improved four times in this build over the last one, before I had 10-30 FPS (regardless of settings) in almost all enviroments, I'm now at a stable 40-50 with everything to normal (except textures at high), AA 4x and 3k viewdistance, fillrate @ 100%. So to sum it up BIS; Take a few days off, and be proud in the knowledge that you are probably one of the very few, if not the only developing team who pays close attention to the needs and the wishes of the community. And to top it all of, you always do your best to grant those wishes and to satisfy those needs. But as said, there is still alot of work to do, after you take those well deserved days off that is, drink a Zlatopramen for me.
  10. GoOB

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    I have to disagree, steering airplanes and helicopters is loads more difficult than it was in OFP - For one I think the rudder controls have to little effect, and for seconds it seems as if aircrafts hardly respond to mouse movements. So the tailrudders need to give more impact on aircraft heading and indeed, all vehicles, with a focus on wheeled ones need to be made more sensitive for mouse steering. On the plus side, playing an infantryman in ARMA2 is totally awesome - It's so responsive and it feels just right, the official mission for the guerillas for instance created such a great ambiance, make a campaign featuring that little group, please!
  11. For me there was an RPG soldier just near the farmhouse where the first encounter of the mission took place - When I encountered the Shilka I merely ran back there, picked up the RPG and in short order I dispatched of it.
  12. For me, the infantry/armour/whatever support just attacked the bases without any order or request coming from me - Strange indeed.
  13. GoOB

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    I would say that focus should be on performance optimization, after that campaign bugs, AI issues (I've not noticed too many, except that the squad AI doesn't seem to work when combat mode "danger" is set) and whatnot. However, I too would want a way to holster/shoulder weapons. Especially pistols.
  14. What I want to know if is there's a key to hide the interface - I remember there being one in OFP.
  15. GoOB

    OKB 915 addons for ArmA2

    Looking great, looking forward to it - The RHS addons were always top notch stuff, I can't imagine this being any different.
  16. I don't know if it has anything to do with my squad being ordered to "stay crouched" or not - But during the latest mission I played in the editor all my subordinates did was struggle to follow me whilst yelling "Covering!" "GO!" and similar phrases over the comms... I told them a number of times to regroup, move and god knows whatever else, but they'd always stay about 200 meters away from their objective. Naughty marines.
  17. I have been playing the game for about a day and a half now (sometimes it's swell to be unemployed) and whilst performance is a sad chapter in the story of this game, and indeed, a rather frustrating one at that. I am in love with this game as I was in love with OFP. I am sure this won't change as time passes and BI continues to turn out the patches (and hopefully a solid expansion) like they did for OFP. Great work
  18. GoOB


    There are indeed civilians - And ghosts too, I swear I saw one run through my Vodnik and then through the wall of a house to get away from the fighting in central Chernarus :P
  19. GoOB


    My first question would be: Does this pseudo-FLIR work with postprocessing disabled in the options menu? If not, let use hope BI addresses such a potential issue in a future patch, perhaps along with a standardization of FLIR on stock vehicles that would indeed have FLIR realistically.
  20. GoOB


    Nice going Soul_Assasin, hope to see some stock tanks modded to adopt your FLIR for vehicles "hack" soon.
  21. No worries about that, I've ordered several films on DVD from Play.com to my own address with a foreign (Swedish: ä) letter in it and I got them delivered just fine, and quite swiftly too.
  22. Mate, no postal service on Midsummers eve, however if you opted for SMS notifcation upon delivery you might be able to fetch it from your local package pickup depot, but I wouldn't count on it.
  23. No go for me here in Sweden yet - My bet is on monday at the earliest.
  24. GoOB

    I got it!!!!!

    Ehem -> http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=74889 Enjoy the game, mate.