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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    Project: uk forces.

    Ooo, nice. I just hope it won´t lag like a pig.
  2. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    Yes yes, but the gains of and SMG in close quarters are minimal compared to the all-round power of the MG. (and to be sure to kill a man in CQ you´ll still have to fire a long burst, using up all your ap. And if you manage to kill a soldier in a room with 2 short bursts you´ll only have 1 burst left, which won´t kill the other guy with 95% probability) But let´s just drop the MG subject! I registered in Nival´s forums as "Tarc", it´s the only way I can express my opinions and hopefully influence the patch a little by supporting popular voices calling for grenade and CQB improvement, among other things...
  3. Gollum1

    Can you still download red hammer?

    Same here.
  4. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    You´d have to be about lvl 10 with an SMG to be a bit deadlier than a 4th level soldier is with an MG, and then I´d also use an MG since you can hit with it at incredible ranges, too. 3 out of 4 times one of my men(/women) die, it´s because of a long burst from an MG. That aside, Taras was standing in the middle of the main street today and a German manned the MG34 on the motorcycle and seriously wounded me before I got to cover I didn´t know the AI could take that kind of initiative! In the same map, Viper was on the 3rd floor of the first left-hand building and was dealing some serious damage to the enemy (he shot the head off a machine gunner and threw him back through a window, leaving only his feet dangling out ) After Ramon died the ground floor was completely uncovered by me. So a German with an MP40 fired at me from the ground floor (the building is like Swiss cheese) Each turn he was trying to hit me with SMG bursts and I heard that his buddy was running through the building, heading in my direction. I shrugged it off, thinking that the AI was too stupid to climb through the bulding to get to me anyway. By the time the flanker had climbed up to the second floor(!!!) I was bleeding from his buddies´MP40 rounds. I retreated to bandage myself and the next turn the flanking German climbed up and offed me with his MP40. So basically the "primitive" AI on the ground floor had suppressed me while his buddy flanked me! (don´t tell me it was just coincidence!) The lesson of today´s story is: Never underestimate SS AI! Edit: A guy on the Nival forums says his sniper hit an enemy in the hand and it made him let off a burst by accident, hitting the man next to him! Aaah, details...:)
  5. Gollum1

    Now we get our cars chipped  :/

    Because...there´s a difference between cars and people? What kind of question is that?
  6. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    Headshots should do much more damage since they´re so hard to get. A headshot should be critical every time. And as I said, MGs are WAY too powerful. Can anyone tell me the DISADVANTAGES of using an MG? Mike just owns the brits when he gets the "good shot from any pose" skill almost immediately. He´s like Rambo and everyone else just basically watches. Did anyone notice how lacking the tutorial was? It didn´t walk you through aiming modes, skill points, vehicles, static machineguns, grenades/explosives, HEALING, etc. But minor (?) gripes aside, the game just rocks. Try using Taras´ Heavy grenades. Boom! Kind of surprising that his heavy grenades can blow holes in walls (a great thing I liked about JA2) but L.A´s Explosive Charge can´t. What are you going to use it for, then?
  7. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I really liked that AA pic, ShadowNX. Did you see the footage from Chechnya where rebels down a Hind with an AA launcher (standing just like that) and then yell "Allahu Akhbar" for 2 minutes straight? Â Â Â It looks inspired from it.
  8. Gollum1

    Congratulations to Major Fubar

    Congratulations Fubar.
  9. Gollum1

    Freedom fighters

    Well, that´s not far from the truth...
  10. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    I was really surprised when I picked up the Suomi SMG (what was that German soldier doing with it anyway?) And if you´re playing the Axis map in the near future, try looking into the crate in the middle train carriage with the machine gunner. You won´t have much use for what you find at that point, but it´s damn cool Also, have you tried shooting people on floors above you? I had a sound contact above the room in which Viper, the spaniard and Elf were in. I tried shooting him through the ceiling, but I didn´t know where he was exactly. I peeked up onto the floor above with Viper and there he was, just sitting there. Now that I had some fire control I fired a long burst from the MG through the ceiling. It blasted a big hole in the ceiling and ripped the German to shreds, then threw him up against the wall that he had been crouching by. My MG guy could see his kill looking at him with empty eyes through the hole in the ceiling! Now that was stylish!
  11. Gollum1

    Freedom fighters

    The rifle isn´t a Ak47, just a fictional Kalashnikov and the "BTR-80" is a fictional APC too (BTW I tried to kill it with molotovs and the rocket launcher but it´s invincible) And hey, it´s an alternate reality, who are we to say what Russians should look like
  12. Gollum1

    Jungle boots and other stuff

    <span id='ME'><center>Gollum1 thinks rwryne needs a few lessons in U.S military history, especially years 1962-1972</center></span> Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
  13. Gollum1

    Freedom fighters

    It´s fun and simple, obviously it´s developed mainly for the xbox. Pros: Nice graphics, AI use cover, shoulder view, nice music... cons: Hard to control teammates, no blood (altough the sparks and half-fantasy Russians kind of fit the game´s comic-book style ), flat weapon sounds, no autosave, seen it 1000 times before... I like the demo, but I don´t know if it´s worth 50 EUR... go Freedom Fighters!
  14. Gollum1

    Fia mod

    Jamming! I thought that was impossible! Great job!
  15. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    I think it would be pretty hard and work slowly to control 12 men with the current system. And I see your point about realism, but as it has been stated before, this isn´t a simulation and your characters are Characters and not faceless grunts. Wonder why only 2 of the 10 soldiers you have controlled so far have helmets? Your guys are supposed to be superhero-esque.
  16. Gollum1

    Bas and dkm

    Well, it´s already destroyed.
  17. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    You mean they developed the characters and gave them their lines or did they just write the bios in the character tab? The things the mercs say are SO JA2. And yes you are right, the first to use the general combat system was Laser Squad (never played it, though) and then Xcom, now, I´ve only played XCOM: terror from the deeps which sucked BIG time. I´ve heard that "enemy unknown" was better... IMHO JA2 does it best and it´s the latest example, so...  BTW defragging my HD helped my performance problems a LOT...silly me...I think I´ll still get that extra memory.
  18. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    I know, weapons do too little damage (I once shot a German at point-blank range 5 times with a revolver and he was still standing). But the game isn´t that focused on ultra-realism anyway, the main thing is that the weapon damage values *WORK*  Battles would be very easy and quick if enemies could take 1-2 hits, and if your guys can take 1-2 hits...well, you know how that would turn out. Fire-quickload-quickload-quicksave-fire-quicksave-quickload...you are right about the fact that you aren´t rewarded when you sneak up on enemies, I remember that was an issue with ole JA2 too Which brings me to another issue: The game is a total ripoff from JA2. Total. Ripoff. Not saying that´s a bad thing, but they could have modified it a little to make it its own game . Ok so I´m exaggerating but still... I´ve found a few patchable gripes: The ragdoll effect is exaggerated. If a corpse is lying on the ground a few MG bullets will roll it 5 meters back. Riight... But on the other hand, I just love the it. I´ve had a number of very cool kills with the ragdoll effect. In the allies mission I sniped a german sniper on the 4th floor of a ruined building and he tilted forward and tumpled into the bowels of the building, hitting a lot of edges of half-destroyed floors until he stopped at the bottom floor and was left staring at the sky. In a related incident, a German was trying to escape my MG by retreating towards a window which he was probably going to climb through. I hit him with a long burst that lifted him into the air, blew half his head off and blasted him through the window. Just gave him a helping hand, that´s all And MGs are too powerful. You can snipe people while STANDING UP and firing bursts at them Otherwise, I have simply fallen head-over-heels in love with the game! I urge everyone to try the demo, the graphics and animations are perfect, and I just love the usage of cover, multi-storeyed buildings and the intense city fighting. Once I had to defend a ruined building against 8 Germans with my MG while my medic had to sprint across the street to come help my half-dead commando who was bleeding at the back of the building. Once the medic had healed her they both sprinted to the window and helped my MG gunner in fending off the Wermacht. Great stuff, great stuff... BTW will someone tell me why some Brits are using DsHKs and PPD40s?
  19. Gollum1

    Something for ja2 and xcom fans

    I just tried the demo and I loved it Have you tried reading your character´s bios? Try reading the German sniper´s one... The combat system is copied DIRECTLY from JA2, and I mean completely, but that´s just a good thing. The graphics are VERY nice but it´s a shame that it works sluggishly on my system. Every time I shoot an enemy the game freezes for a few seconds and when I scroll around the map I always have a lot of HD access and constant freezing up. I think I might need more RAM, I´ve got 256 megs "regular" right now. Do you think 256 more would make the game run smoother? I think the only thing that actually gives me low fps in the traditional sense is fire and smoke, otherwise my comp just loads all the time, which is very annoying and frustrating.
  20. Gollum1

    New combat mission screens

    I just played through the demo mission and it´s good, but now I remember my personal gripes with it; it´s mainly the visuals and the nonexistent feeling of being there. The map is a piece of green slapped into the middle of a vast, brown space, with the "invisible walls" CLEARLY visible. That´s just plain ugly. A rifle squad is represented by *3* squeaky clean soldiers who move and look like some kind of "funny" tin soldiers, with round faces and very blocky models and weapons. I couldn´t care less if an MG42 mows them down. If I "human wave" attack a position with 4 rifle squads it looks like 12 guys (representing the "HUMAN WAVE") half glide, half march to the position while taking heavy fire from immobile Germans. And I don´t know if my troops die unless I look at the squad´s status indicator or if the squad has 1 of 3 men missing. I don´t get a message if someone is hit and there are almost no corpses on the battlefield, maybe 1 guy facedown to represent 9 men dead. The game is just so damn ugly, I might as well have bought a real game that you can play on a table. Close combat looks twice as good with its old 2D graphics. I don´t think it´s a bad game, I just think Close Combat does it all just as well and looks a lot more believable. Just my 2 cents, I can understand why you would think it´s great if you don´t care about the appearance much.
  21. Gollum1

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    Is this some big secret or are you just too busy talking about bullet cavities, Eviscerator
  22. Gollum1

    Modern usmc marpat

    BD, you just have to accept that no-one cares about your pathetic, ugly Marines with their...*drool* perfect...scrumptuous...AKs and RPKs...*slobber*...and perfect textures... Erm, excuse me for a moment while I go look at those uninteresting vids 1 more time