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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    New physics  or same as always?

    Yes, that's exactly right, they take feedback, neither they nor the regular Joe take orders or "rules". Maybe this was all a miscommunication...
  2. Gollum1

    New physics  or same as always?

    I'm sorry but you're sorely overestimating your own importance if you think BIS takes orders from the the OFP "community". Regular people put food on their tables (last I heard the original OFP sold much over a million copies, correct me if I'm wrong), not a few hundred (at most)...ahem, avid gamers who hang around BI forums and give them development suggestions and feedback on every scrap of news. Likewise, I don't think the average gamer gives a shit what the OFP "community" thinks about a game before buying it. Reality check.
  3. Gollum1

    Another London Bombing

    You're right that using a firearm is of course first and foremost meant to neutralize the target and not necessarily kill it, but when a firearm is used it is considered lethal force, a last resort. Then all intent of wounding is out of the window, if the situation is such that the threat can be neutralized with non-lethal force, non-lethal means will be used, not a 9mm for it's "shock" effect. I think it's very possible that the British police use subsonic ammunition as I think many US law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, do the same. Correct me if I'm wrong, though.
  4. Gollum1

    Another London Bombing

    Especially police officers aren't trained to shoot to wound or threaten, they shoot to neutralize the threat. If you're going to neutralize the threat of a suicide bomber it would be best to empy a mag into him at close range. That's assuming he was one, of course, but how many times they shot him is completely irrelevant, you don't shoot to wound. But I'm convinced everyone here would have put a well-aimed round into his head so as not to be criticized on an Internet forum.
  5. Gollum1

    New screens

    Actually that argument can be used for every game. Does Boiling Point have ugly models in places? Hey, just buy it and we, the devs, will release an SDK so you can mod every model in the game. We'll make it real easy to use too! Oh so it is buggy too? No problem, here is the source code, good luck! That's a ludicrous idea. I'd rather not have a whole slew of addons added that newbies have to install and learn to manage before they can start playing a decent-looking OFP. That's what I call a flawed, unfinished game. BIS started the AAE initiative, well-intended but a failure, because they realized that installing and managing addons is too much of a fuss in OFP. I think you're forgetting that 90% of missions and campaigns for OFP1 are without addons, even today the units made in 99-2000 are used simply because they're easy and don't require anything other than a vanilla OFP (especially outside the BI forums where people don't know about every new addon). I trust that BIS will deliver a well-rounded product, these are just WIP screens after all.
  6. Gollum1

    T-72: Balkans on Fire

    What kind of laggy toyland from 2000 is this engine trying to portray? Looks like crap, performance is crap, no immersion, no excitement to be seen yet...I can't see this developing to be anything but a bore-a-thon yet but maybe I'll give the demo missions another shot.
  7. Gollum1

    Terrorist attack on London

    It would be surprising, the IRA seems to be more concerned with robbing banks and selling cheap vodka nowadays.
  8. Gollum1

    Terrorist attack on London

    Terrorist bastards
  9. Gollum1

    CSLA 2 Update1

    Just did some more testing on the helo smoke, I started the retaliation campaign and while you were over the sea in an Mi-8 the FPS gradually started dropping and the exhaust smoke became blacker and thicker. It was obvious that the script was executing over and over and over again much too quickly. Finally when the chopper landed my FPS was about 2 (down from 50) and the smoke was pitch black, almost obscuring the helo. Once the Mi-8 engine turns off, bang, 2 fps -> 70 fps.
  10. Gollum1

    CSLA 2 Update1

    The thing that causes heavy, heavy lag for me seems to be helicopter exhaust smoke scripts bugging, for example, I started the Red Hammer campaign and the exhaust smoke starts off nice and smooth with good FPS. But after a while the script starts to overlap or something, causing the puffs of smoke to become much blacker and further in between. Same thing with looking at Chinooks and Blackhawks flying, sometimes their exhaust scripts seem to be running 5 times for each chopper, causing really bad lag, I mean like 40 fps dropping to 5 fps once the chopper comes on screen. They do work fine for a while before they mess up. That's what I have noticed.
  11. Gollum1

    BF2 Criticism and Thoughts

    Sorry if everyone has seen this, but my friend got a nice quote off Gamespot:
  12. Gollum1

    CSLA 2 Update1

    The official 1.96 works without CD, no need for betas and cracks. I like the mod, spent the last three intense hours playing the coops with a friend. I love the vehicles, weapons, soldiers, sounds, effects etc. EDIT: And the leaning and rolling! Too bad there aren't Czech radio voices or custom terrain, but you can't have everything. Thumbs up to the CSLA team! EDIT: FFUR on medium-to-large battles ran like total ass on my 2,8 ghz, 1gb RAM comp and when I reinstalled without it works totally smooth...it's really a huge, huge performance hit.
  13. Gollum1

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    There are Soviets in there too, I think you missed them. edit: By the way, the MP-28 is peculiar, it's the only weapon I've seen that leaves spent casings on the ground and its sights look really bad. Love the sound, model and skin though. The iron sights could maybe be a bit more consistent, you don't see any hands while using the Mosin's or K98's sights but you do through the SVT40's...? The hands in the pistol sights are also of a kind of orange colour.
  14. Gollum1

    Sweetest .22 since the G22

    It looks like a sweet .22, happy varmint huntin'
  15. Gollum1

    The multiplayer face gallery

    Hey, it's your gallery, just use the one over there ^
  16. Gollum1

    The multiplayer face gallery

    Sorry I'm late.
  17. Gollum1

    Flashpoint Photography 4 - No images over 100kb.

    Team Finlanders 'Nam coop: The jungle dimly lit up by a flare: Team moving out in LSSC: Marine Force Recon advancing in a flare's light: MI_Fred watching our back: Addons: Unreleased VTE stuff.
  18. Gollum1

    Liberation 1941-1945: Barbarossa

    I thought there was only a Flak 18 in this mod.
  19. Gollum1

    T-72: Balkans on Fire

    It looks and sounds really interesting, but I think I'll wait for the demo before ordering it. You never know especially with unknown devs, the game might be a huge RAM hog/generally run like crap and look like crap. The game doesn't look so impressive from the movies that it could justify the "recommended" system specs (Still, I have almost exactly those, only more RAM, so it should work fine ).
  20. Gollum1

    OFP2 Unit/Weapons List

    I haven't seen hand grenades or extra mags being carried by soldiers, what have you done BIS, plz implement hand grenades and reloadable weapons!! :-(
  21. Gollum1

    Armed Assault - development suggestions to BIS

    OFP was different from the beta demo that was released just 5 months before, IIRC that they really listened to community feedback. But you are right, major engine changes like a whole physics engine can't be suggested anymore, they're pretty much done now or they won't be in the game at all.
  22. Gollum1

    Does this mean the end of OFP1?

    Dont really count on Red Hammer . If AA is compatible with OFP1 missions (which I'm sure it will be) then Red Hammer can easily be played or converted. It probably won't come with AA though, RH is made by Codemasters, so you'll have to own it from before. I know at least the artillery scripts won't work since they don't even work with 1.96 right now. edit: Oh yeah, and it's better to forget about OFP. Games like OFP are not fine wines, they do not get better with age.
  23. Gollum1

    Good Article on Boomtown

    The most interesting part I found was that you play as USMC, Army and some kind of Special Operator (SF, Delta, SEALs, or something generic like in OFP1, who knows). Judging by the screenshots there are a lot of USMC in the desert (Asia), guys with Woodland camo in the forest (Europe), altough here I must point out that BIS missed the boat. In 2010 all Army soldiers, most certainly those deployed abroad, will have the grey ACUPAT camo pattern, the Woodland camo in these screens will be a thing of the past. They also won't be using M16A4s as standard issue, that's for sure. If Africa is still in the picture maybe the Spec Op campaign will take place there, so we would have desert, wood and jungle maps, 3 maps like in the original OFP! If you are USMC, an Army officer and then a Special operator then I think you will play the game in this order, starting as a Marine.
  24. Gollum1

    Red Hammer Studios

    Do RHS guys or anyone else know something about this helmet in this OFP2 screenshot? Specifically, what units are it used by, FSB, MVD, GRU? Is it only used by Spetsnaz units or is it possible to see it with regular units? I think it is called Titan-something and it is possible to attach a faceplate to it?
  25. Gollum1

    is it worth it

    Haven't you heard of midprice games? It doesn't have to be an expansion to be cheaper than fullprice. Novalogic is currently selling their Delta Force:Xtreme (terrible name, even worse game IMO), a remake of DF1 with their Comanche 4 engine, at mid price. It has original DF1 missions and a lot of new stuff, plus updated graphics. I think BIS will take this approach to the price, honestly I think it would be a bit of a ripoff if it was 50€.