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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    Ghost recon 2 confirmed by ubisoft

    I hope it will improve on GR1 in the aspects: - Weapons should be visible (done in Raven Shield, so it's safe to assume it will be in GR2) - Competent AI!!!!!!!!!!! I can't stress this enough, in GR your teammates were just idiots that stood in the open and couldn't return fire towards the always-accurate enemies. I always just have to go through the mission alone and keep my AI back, as extra lives. - Mission planning, you should be able to plan it like in Rainbow Six. - Vehicles and large playing areas... Okay, now I'm starting to talk about OFP2 GR1 was probably fun in MP, but I've never tried that.
  2. If you want realistic 1985 soldiers, try HYK U.S infantry These IMO they're in another class than helmet remodels... Another pic Download btw the latest version looks even better than the ones in the pics.
  3. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    @ parvus, Really, I have to agree with MSpencer here. MARINES not soldiers. The guys wear MARPAT which is short for MARine PATtern. When you really want to use soldiers use Hyk's modern infantry v1.02 ; they're great. When you use Marines call them Marines not soldiers. Go to a Marine Corpse base and shout that you think Marines are just army grunts who like playing on the beach. Then try to get of the base alive... This is getting f***g ridiculous. "Soldier" is just a word, and it's commonly accepted to call infantrymen "soldiers" all over the world, except in the military maybe. If the U.S Marines want to kill anyone because they call them "soldier" over "marine" then they're out of their minds. Even if calling them that would be so terribly disrespectful (which I think is ridiculous), I don't think that anyone here would do it intentionally. Sorry for OT. Picage: Artak carrying the big guns: A flight of Hawks getting ready to fly: Desert Island Destruction: Units: FDF, RHS T55, and Kegetys Hisky...
  4. Gollum1

    Flashpoint 2 not on e3?

    There's a bigger chance that you'll be struck by purple lightning 30 times on a clear day than a terrorist will kill you at a gaming convention. (I'm assuming you mean terrorists?)
  5. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    Niice pic Llauma, it really gives a sense of...cold.
  6. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    Niice pic Llauma, it really gives a sense of...cold.
  7. Gollum1

    Force recon

    Force Recon with useful camo - just what we needed.
  8. Gollum1

    Test ecp config

    ...what? Do you even know the meaning of the word? OK, you enjoy BIS weapons (and apparently have a 5 year old computer), Locke does not, that doesn't mean that Locke should "stop playing OFP". I can't believe I'm having this conversation.
  9. Gollum1

    Test ecp config

    WHAT!? No matter what you think of BIS, the the weapons are CRAP compared to some others that are out. Fact. "then don't play OFP anymore", that's just...absurd! I don't understand how you're thinking at all.
  10. Gollum1

    Your ofp skills

    Pilot of anything, harassment strikes behind enemy lines.
  11. Gollum1

    Custom faces

    Sorry to be fawning over your faces so much, but liquid_snake, you RULE! Especially that Josh Hartnett face just fits so perfectly on OFP heads! Ahem, to include a constructive element to this post, I would most like to see the De Niro 'Nam face from a few pages back.
  12. Gollum1

    Guide to on-line play for noobs

    I can testify that there are LOTS of newbies out there still, unbelievable I know. A lot of my RL friends are only beginning to play the game now after my encouragement, I'm a veritable OFP propaganda machine.
  13. Gollum1

    Vit apc missions?

    Check it out, very atmospheric, diverse, quality mission with Chechens as the players, by my teammate MI_Fred. I have betatested this many times, and it's still a beta, but it's great. Set on Saruago. Bold Wolf Includes custom sounds. Feedback is also welcome. Edit: It's MP.
  14. Gollum1

    Mapfact airport addon

    Hmm, is there a non-registration link for this addon? It looks good.
  15. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    @Sniperuk02: REALLY beautiful scenic pic, your pics have gotten better and better, keep it up. @Sole: Great perspective on the second pic, gotta love the SSV Jeep. @Antaris: Coincidence, I took a pic like the first one at the exact same spot but only with EDG resistance in similiar poses once. edit: And the Swedish units, especially the AK5c, are looking great.
  16. ...Any covenant city that you could pull off with the OFP engine would look quite pathetic compared to anything you can see on a Playstation 1, I assure you. And how are you going to fight in a dense covenant city (with multiple levels, of course), with the OFP AI!? IMO, the thought of this is absurd, sorry.
  17. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    That's the "Black Eagle" tank. DKM-Mod
  18. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    KICK-ASS pics, Acecombat!
  19. Gollum1

    Lsd tested on British troops

    Haha, they sure had a good time! And fell over.
  20. Gollum1

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Uh, I'd scream in horror and proceed to crash into the ground and burn to death in the wreckage, because I've never been trained how to pilot a helicopter gunship Good one. True.
  21. Gollum1

    Us colonial marines

    Me and my friend have been looking for this book for a loooong time, now finally found! He's a total AvP freak! THANKYOU THANKYOU!
  22. Gollum1

    Vip awards

    Heh, sorry.
  23. Gollum1

    Vip awards

    Congratsss! Hmm, only Denoir won of my nominations, too bad Hellfish didn't get friendliest poster/best mod. Better start changing that vip 2002 avatar BTW?
  24. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    Here you see the cream of BI forums at work! /me sobs.
  25. Gollum1

    How about a forum night?

    Here you see the cream of BI forums at work! /me sobs.