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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    A war mod wouldn't be bad, but then AI would have to go prone too, from all the videos I've seen they mostly crouch and fire and run from cover to cover. Can your character even go prone? The game world already looks pretty war-like (not to mention beautiful) otherwise, if you just remove the mutants and anomalies. If we're talking realism, I don't like the "crosshair glued to head"-type of moving the weapon that is so common. You know, in OFP you point in a direction, you look there and the weapon follows, you don't immediately look with the weapon as if your arms were locked.
  2. Gollum1

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    I like to keep my OFP 1985.
  3. Gollum1

    Update site?

    I think BIS has figured out that you want screenshots ever since they announced OFP2, no need for a thread thanks! It's just a bit silly asking placebo for answers; -"I am not allowed to say anything about this new project yet, company policy" -"BUT CAN YOU TELL US ANYTHING!?" -"Oh well since you asked:" Complaining about it won't change anything, and we all know you'll buy the game anyway. Don't worry, BIS will give you your info when they have some info to give...
  4. Gollum1

    Recommended Requirements

    An interview with BIS said that it will be designed to work good with a 2 ghz CPU, but that can of course change...mm, so my new P4 2,8 should handle it just fine.
  5. Gollum1

    What kind of Sound would you prefer?

    I don't think you understand how this sound works, every game I have played that has THX quality lets you choose stereo, 4.1, headphones, 5.1, 6.1 etc. Why would I choose one of these, OFP2 will obviously have stereo and probably 5.1 sound and if we're really lucky it will be THX certified (which doesn't concretely mean anything besides a quality sticker). It's like asking, do you prefer pixel shading, anti-aliasing, vertex shading or vsync. If you mean what kind of sound setup I have, I use headphones.
  6. Gollum1

    OFP MP Addon...

    Honestly, nobody would BUY an OFP MP PATCH. OFP is a 4 year old game and is played by a hardcore amount of a few hundred people in MP. These are like bug fixes anyway, nothing I would pay for. Yes you are dreaming too hard, BIS really just needs to let OFP die and concentrate on making OFP2 (as they are), if they keep patching up this old mess we will never get OFP2. Sorry, that's just fact.
  7. Gollum1

    Jail break in Sweden

    There's nothing strange about it. As a matter of fact is more or less policy. There is an unspoken agreement between the police and the criminals that shootouts are a big no-no. We don't have armed security guards in our banks etc As a result it is very rare that anybody gets killed by a professional criminal and very few professional/career criminals are killed by the cops. They generally get caught anyway so saving people from getting killed in the process might not be a bad idea. And it works. (That's why the Malexander killings that Tony Olsson was involved in was such a shock. They opened fire on a pursuing police car after the robbery, disarmed the police and killed them execution style) Yes, it generally works...but what happens when one of the criminals goes crazy? 20 people murdered (hypothetically) because the criminals and police have an "unspoken agreement" and let the dangerous criminals walk away...the prison guards are there to separate these people from society, not hide under a table, let them go where they want then send the police after them for a cat-and-mouse game. It may generally work, but it's still f***ed up, IMHO.
  8. Gollum1

    Why do WW2 games do not have swastikas?

    You're assuming that everyone thinks it seems like a joke. Yes, IRL you could have a limb hacked off and crawl around screaming or scream through an open throat so I don't see the joke in it. And yes I have played through SOF 1&2.
  9. Gollum1

    Jail break in Sweden

    Was it last year or the year before that when some criminals in Sweden pulled up in front of a prison with firearms and were able to bust their colleagues out because nobody wanted to stop them. They just work there...
  10. Gollum1

    Us presidential election 2004

    Google search of Heinz plants
  11. Gollum1

    New Anim pack for replacing Anim.pbo

    That's the case with all switchmoved anims, those soldiers are dead but the animation is being played on their corpses. It's just an OFP "bug" but the anims are just meant for cutscenes anyway.
  12. Gollum1

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    Yes, I saw those vids quite some time ago, the DX9 lighting effects were completely life-like. Can't wait to put my new computer to the test with this. Of HL, Doom and Stalker I'm definitely looking forward to Stalker. It has, above all, a free game world. All the best games in history (IMO) are free, like Fallout, Jagged Alliance, in a sense OFP... (And dare I say it Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
  13. Gollum1

    New Anim pack for replacing Anim.pbo

    Yes, I LOVE THIS PACK! It's the best one out there. But, the patrol anim really needs to be changed as suggested earlier, soldiers should have the weapon slung in front of them, but TAKE NOTE: It can't be too close to the body or it will cut through the pouches of units like BAS, UKF and a lot others... BTW doing it the "hard" way took a few minutes with PBO tool and PBO decryptor 1.5. O.pbo didn't cause any problems whatsoever.
  14. Gollum1

    Where can I find good quality terrorists

    EDG Resistance and FDF mod 1.3 have the best quality 'terrorists', complete with skimasks.
  15. I'll try Radeon 8500 and up GF4 and up (not MX)
  16. Gollum1

    Why do WW2 games do not have swastikas?

    One could understand the motivation of it being banned, ragdoll physics glorify the death of an enemy and makes you watch every bump he makes as he falls down stairs etc. A dying enemy really catches your attention now and you marvel at the way he is thrown into a wall by a shotgun. That said, censorship is bad.
  17. Gollum1

    Rpg/law effectiveness

    The RPG-7 fires a HEAT grenade too, 85-mm in the PG-7 version, 70-mm in the PG-7M, unlike the smaller 66 mm M72 LAW. What's your point? You can't say "the RPG", there are numerous grenades unlike the M72 which is a prepackaged tube. (Although there is one upgraded version of it?) And from everything I've heard about it, I seriously doubt an M72 LAW could disable a T-80 with anything other than a one-in-a-million 'golden' shot. The replacement for the LAW is mainly the M136-AT4. The SMAW is more like the RPG-7.
  18. Gollum1

    Why do WW2 games do not have swastikas?

    paradox, isn´t it you can see naked people whenever you switch on the tv but violence is completely banned and´sometimes movies are cut that hard that you are really missing out on the story. but some time ago they showed titties even in tv adverts for butter I find that far more understandable than when it is the other way around (like on US TV). Equalizing sex and violence is absurd. I cannot understand people that approve of movies showing killing and mutilations and then flip out when they see a naked human body. ^ Took the words out of my mouth.
  19. Gollum1

    About Sigma-6 US Tanks

    You're firing sabot rounds (Armor-piercing uranium darts) by default, they won't explode, just cause a little bit of dirt to kick up. There are no explosives in a sabot round. If you're the commander, load HEAT rounds for explosions. HEAT rounds are better used against vehicles and infantry other than tanks.
  20. Gollum1

    Spetznaz MVD

    How unpleasant. Don't let it get you down, RHS.
  21. Gollum1

    Why do WW2 games do not have swastikas?

    And that would make the swastikas gay? Well 'straight' is generally assumed to refer to geometrical shape, but if you're more into that kind of thing...
  22. Gollum1

    Why do WW2 games do not have swastikas?

    Swastika, not to be confused with WW2 FDF emblem which has nothing to do with swastikas and is straight.
  23. Gollum1

    Real life photography/photo editing

    OH JESUS KILL IT WITH FIRE I've never seen a spider that hairy/scary in Finland. Maybe it escaped from the zoo after poisoning its keepers...*shudders*
  24. Those Japanese and Asians overall...they're a bit different when it comes to this community stuff. They usually release good quality addons without much hype, answer one or two questions (or none), then disappear and can't be contacted even through their email Ok maybe not, but that's the impression I've got.