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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    Ubisoft to Buy Codemasters...........

    And you think Codemasters dosen't ? I guess they're just in it for the love.
  2. Gollum1

    Real life photography/photo editing

    Some olde "dramatic" sun pics... A path leading to an old manor-thingie:
  3. Gollum1

    Far Cry military modding

    You should always update your drivers no matter what (even if you aren't having problems, you will most probably get some performance boost), go download Catalyst 4.7 from ATI.com.
  4. Gollum1

    Far Cry military modding

    Aah yes, I got the game just a week ago in conjunction with my new computer, I played the game almost a third through on medium settings and mediocre FPS until I really sat down and tweaked the resolution, AA and everything, then I realized I could have everything on High with smooth FPS and started the game over. The only things I don't like about the game are some lame sound effects and a terribly clichéd plot, otherwise it's great. Pics edited for HUD and crosshair... Many things pain me about the (un)realism, I'm really looking forward to all these realism mods.
  5. Gollum1

    Top 100 games PCGamer Sept 04

    MTW? What does that stand for? Planescape: Torment As for the positioning of just about everything: Not even worth the trouble of correcting it, it's PC Gamer.
  6. BIS isn't trying to be your lifelong friend OR screw you over for the fun of it, stop taking game releases so seriously ffs. @ a lot of people
  7. Gollum1

    ORCS RF Motorized Riflemen

    That is JUST what OFP has needed from day 1! I have always wanted something to replace the ugly BIS soldiers.
  8. Gollum1

    Csla 2

    Aah yes, sounds very promising.
  9. Gollum1

    Web addiction excuses conscripts

    ...maybe they should be placed in military hospitals with FDF Mod as a kinda interim therapy IMO this all is caused by the fact that in Finland these "anti-social bandwidth hoggers" (Kegetys NOT meant here, but I love the term) are able to buy their food via internet instead of being forced to even go out Dont know what you are talking about. At least I have not heard about anyone ordering food via internet, would be way too expensive especially for the kind of people we are talking about. I don't know how I would go about ordering food on the Internet either and never heard of anyone who would have done it.
  10. Sorry but it isn't. Only pixel shader capable video cards are able to run this. Note: Except GF3.
  11. Gollum1

    Web addiction excuses conscripts

    Haha, nerds. I'm kind of surprised by this whole affair though.
  12. Gollum1

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    Aaah, looking good, looking forward to these. Has the FAMAS sound been changed btw? I hope so, right now it sounds more like a quiet blat/pop, very very bad IMHO, should be more like the MAP or JAM sound.
  13. Spent the last 2 days building and tweaking my new PC. P4 Prescott 2,8 ghz ABIT IS7-E2 Kingston 512 mb DDR400 Sapphire Radeon 9600 XT Maxtor 80 gb 7200 rpm SATA It works great with Dxdll, I think I'll put reflections to default, thanks again.
  14. Gollum1

    Armstrong's unit

    I'm guessing there was troops already stationed on Everon, but i am possibly wrong as Malden was the US Base Island. BIS surely didn't have complete realism in mind. No need to come with far-fetched apologies/explanations (not saying you are).
  15. Gollum1

    Armstrong's unit

    The developers just gave Armstrong's squad different tasks even though it would be unrealistic, Armstrong both conducts parachute insertions, sea insertions, a small-unit ambush and more regular stuff during the campaign. It's just so you can experience a lot and not have to jump to new characters in the Marines and Airborne or whatever all the time.
  16. Gollum1

    New Anim pack for replacing Anim.pbo

    Eeeek, now theres a creppy sentence .
  17. Gollum1

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    How players UNDER the minimum age react to this game should have absolutely nothing to do with selling it or not selling it. What your underage son plays is YOUR responsibility.
  18. Gollum1

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    Been there in the past some times and it was sugested/requested by many (ironsights), but anyway ive heard GR is turning into 3rd person shooter so what wasnt already much good will only become worse. Anyway i hope there will be an option to disable useless HUD stuff and crosshair in stalker, it would a shame for this one to turn out another run&gun . If you watched the latest videos you would know that Stalker now has iron sights. So I'm sure you can disable the crosshair. Yeah, but they did them wrong. How is that?
  19. Gollum1

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    Been there in the past some times and it was sugested/requested by many (ironsights), but anyway ive heard GR is turning into 3rd person shooter so what wasnt already much good will only become worse. Anyway i hope there will be an option to disable useless HUD stuff and crosshair in stalker, it would a shame for this one to turn out another run&gun . If you watched the latest videos you would know that Stalker now has iron sights. So I'm sure you can disable the crosshair.
  20. Gollum1

    Jail break in Sweden

    Heh, There's a saying. "If it's stupid but it works, it isn't stupid". The key word here is generally, when it doesn't work it's beyond absurd. The criminals walk out with the agreement of the jailers and for example kill 20 people. Then tell the families that you have this unspoken agreement that usually works but sometimes it goes wrong and sorry but shit happens, bye I'm going back to the jail now. Mmmhmh.....
  21. Gollum1

    addon request: navy seals

    Oh man, that site is kickass, thanks for the link.
  22. Gollum1


    Yeah, I speak 3 languages excellently and can order a beer in 3 others, English is my third language, I'm 17, so what's your excuse? Nah mate, but you don't really come off as a good mod leader if I may be so frank. You could structure your request a bit better and explain what the texturing is for directly, I don't think good texturers are attracted to requests like your first post.
  23. Gollum1

    Why do WW2 games do not have swastikas?

    You're assuming that everyone thinks it seems like a joke. Your assumption that I'm assuming that everyone thinks its a joke is wrong. Ok, it just came across that way.
  24. Gollum1

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    No you can´t go prone in the game. And worst thing is that they skipped coop mp and put DM and other retarded mp modes instead. Yes I know, they claimed time constraints was the reason, and I really believe them considering the scope of the world they have made, AI move around everywhere even though you aren't there and different things happen purely as more or less random acts of the AI. There is a long chain of events that that influence each other and just dropping more than one player on the map would probably mess everything up. The coop mode is requested by many and the devs have acknowledged that, maybe something for an expansion...? Really, coop would kick serious ass, judging on what I've seen I dare say it could be one of the best MP experiences ever. Of course, all this is assuming what the devs say about the 'incredible' gaming world is true.