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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1

    Military Humor

    Linky The President completing his service? God bless that man
  2. Gollum1

    TcM Crap Mobile

    Sir I take my job very seriously and will not tolerate such slander. I have devoted countless hours to testing the crap mobile so you, the end user, can have the most wholesome and bug free OFP experience possible. Now instead of slandering my good name, why don't you go make some missions for this fine addon? I BID YOU GOOD DAY.
  3. Gollum1

    Anyone interested.

    My gallery Look at meeee!
  4. Gollum1

    TcM Crap Mobile

    As betatester of teh crap mud, I give this addon my seal of approval. It works the way it should and is a worthy addition to the ever growing number of quality OFP addons.
  5. Gollum1

    Today, Halo 2 has gone

    Yeah what a DUMBASS parent, probably doesn't know a thing about Halo the XBOX GAME and assumes it's an ANIMATED MOVIE since the commercial looks like it! Some people just aren't as smart and informed as us teen Interweb denizens, I guess!
  6. Gollum1

    Teh Crap MuD!!!!!!!!!!!111

    I think the car needs something that has been missing from OFP: A GRAVITY GUN LIEK IN HL2! I mean, you could just code a bit of ragdoll into the OFP engine and you could have hours of fun throwing stuff around in the desert, think of how fun that would be in MP! That shouldn't be too hard to do for some talented guys like you right, I mean look at what Kegetys has done, nothing is impossible!11 BTW I see you're making a Bin Laden addon in the background, but what weapons will he have? Will you give him an AK-47 or fragmenting bomb belt, or maybe both versions so you don't have to add weapons by the init line I JUST HATE THAT, anyway I'll love capturing him on desert island with some Deltas in Blackhawks! O and when you capture him he could say like "curse you infidels" that would be so cool! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK CRAP MUD! edit: BTW is this and OFP or VBS addon? I really hope this gets released for OFP!
  7. Gollum1

    Unsung - updates

    I hate to repeat what I and everyone else have said but GREAT WORK, these soldiers look beautiful!
  8. Gollum1

    Monster Slash!

    Sarcasm is often lost on these forums. Anyway, there are more political Flash movies than anyone can count so maybe this is better off in the U.S Presidential Election thread?
  9. Gollum1

    I still see the face!

    Hard thing to do...such a waste, really.
  10. Gollum1

    Clinton - U.N Secretary General?

    Washington Times link I think its pretty cool news, to see Clinton back in the fray in an international organization.
  11. Gollum1

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    Flaming is rare, it isn't really a problem at all in my experience.
  12. Gollum1

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    This doesn't sound stupid at all? Listening to footsteps to get the enemy's position accounts for about half my kills, headphones are very important for this. And yes, the FAMAS is terrific at long ranges, very easy to get headshots with those accurate bursts. So someone pick a server and a time already?
  13. Gollum1

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    Cool, this plane is damn sexy.
  14. Gollum1

    useless poll i guess

    You win at thread titles. I think the basics, like the soldiers, their rifles and basic arachnids should be made well before moving on to other stuff, they could use some more works from the last version...the bugs should also be faster.
  15. Gollum1

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    I used to suck really, really bad at CSS but now I'm just mediocre, the trick is to stay cool, control recoil and stay with your team. You have to know when to move and when to crouch and only fire in two- or three round bursts at any range besides point-blank. You need a feel for when to move aggressively, often you can get the drop on your enemies by flashing and running at them while your teammates, the attackers, are cowering behind a wall begging you to take point. The attacking team is usually quite passive on large public servers, in my experience, they get too careful and actually let the defenders attack them, thus losing their advantage of being able to accomplish objectives to win. I haven't received much smack talkin', except some time when someone with an unpronouncable 1337 name kept saying 'lol luck' and 'why r u alwais killin me from behnid PUSSY!?' when I killed him. Also, be prepared for verbal abuse if you camp the objective you're supposed to defend. The defending team is always supposed to run as fast and far as possible to engage the attackers, at least according to most CS players. By the way you run much faster if you're holding a knife in your hands than if you're holding your primary weapon...
  16. Gollum1

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    There's more to it than that... Steam features
  17. Gollum1

    Clinton - U.N Secretary General?

    That's I-S-R-A-E-L. That's sarcasm, not Israel!
  18. Gollum1

    Clinton - U.N Secretary General?

    Clinton is a lot cooler, if that counts for anything. edit: And it's spelled Finns!
  19. Gollum1

    Half-life 2 is out (and CS:Source)

    Same here.
  20. Gollum1

    CS Source - Any OFP players

    I've been playing it a bit lately on a few Finnish servers, prefer Cs_office. If only they'd add some new skins and maps...
  21. Gollum1

    Cuba denies the dollar

    Shouldn't this man be resting after his temporary toppling? Nerves of steel.
  22. Gollum1

    Us presidential election 2004

    Terrorist reverse psychology!? Are you with us or against us!? lael@Blake
  23. Gollum1

    Clinton - U.N Secretary General?

    I beg your pardon but this is a gnome good madam!
  24. Gollum1

    Us presidential election 2004

    Bush wins Iran's endorsement Hehehe. I like how everyone who would use it against Kerry if he was endorsed will now completely ignore this. Who would teh terorists REALLY vote for!?
  25. Gollum1

    What is the stupid HMMWV for?

    don't bring the israili anti-american crap aboot america's goverment policies were talkign thwe tatics and equment used byt he military..