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Everything posted by Gollum1

  1. Gollum1


    I agree with Vikingo, the jokes are fun the first time, less funny the second time and the third time I just get annoyed. The 3rd person view for the gunner in the SA-13 is too close to the ground.
  2. Gollum1

    Russian btr70

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wardog @ Dec. 25 2002,22:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gollum1 @ Dec. 24 2002,23:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wardog @ Dec. 25 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BTW, I've also seen that video. If that was just a mine, I'll eat hay with a donkey!<span id='postcolor'> Roger that. Maybe it was a VERY HIGHLY modified one?<span id='postcolor'> More likely that they couldn't find enough sand to bury it, so filled the hole around it with about 200kg of semtex?<span id='postcolor'> heh heh
  3. Gollum1

    Sa80 nearly finished

    Just a bit OT but are there any Oxygen made British units and if not, are there any being made and what are the best British addons? There are just so many and I don´t know which ones to download. Thanks.
  4. Gollum1

    Zu 23-2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LightBringer @ Dec. 25 2002,17:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hm, make one without radar, with the same modell, and make another with a radar, but put down near to it a little moveable (rotating) radar. There should be some older not too big russian radars... (hehe lol)<span id='postcolor'> VERY good idea IMHO. A zip with 2 PBO´s, one realistic and another...useful The radar version might not be or look realistic, but it´s a lot easier to use than the realistic one. Of course, no radar makes it a lot more exciting to look for silent choppers in the night... Hence, two versions, one without radar and another with a radar to the right of it, in a "small shad" and the commander standing over a table with radar ecquipment and a dish on the roof...(or something, I´m no expert on radars) OK I´m getting carried away here but think about it
  5. Gollum1

    Zu 23-2

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (LightBringer @ Dec. 25 2002,17:07)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hm, make one without radar, with the same modell, and make another with a radar, but put down near to it a little moveable (rotating) radar. There should be some older not too big russian radars... (hehe lol)<span id='postcolor'> VERY good idea IMHO. A zip with 2 PBO´s, one realistic and another...useful The radar version might not be or look realistic, but it´s a lot easier to use than the realistic one. Of course, no radar makes it a lot more exciting to look for silent choppers in the night... Hence, two versions, one without radar and another with a radar to the right of it, in a "small shad" and the commander standing over a table with radar ecquipment and a dish on the roof...(or something, I´m no expert on radars) OK I´m getting carried away here but think about it
  6. Gollum1

    Russian btr70

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wardog @ Dec. 25 2002,11:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BTW, I've also seen that video. If that was just a mine, I'll eat hay with a donkey!<span id='postcolor'> Roger that. Maybe it was a VERY HIGHLY modified one?
  7. Gollum1

    Russian btr70

    I know, I´ve seen that BTR (80?) video too, but what if they´re driving into combat, and they KNOW about it? You should be able to choose... And in OFP, you have a small arms threat 98% of the time, and if you do hit a mine in that 2%, the OFP engine kills you wherever you sit in the BTR. So...
  8. Gollum1

    Zu 23-2

    Wow, that looks like a dream come true...and you still ask us if we want more? You´re one of the best modders ever Just give it a new sound, any sound.
  9. Gollum1

    Zu 23-2

    Wow, that looks like a dream come true...and you still ask us if we want more? You´re one of the best modders ever Just give it a new sound, any sound.
  10. Gollum1

    Russian btr70

    Feedback: Once again, there´s lots of cool new stuff in this release, but it´s implemented a bit wrong and you didn´t fix some things from the last beta Good: +Cool animations! The "kick" attack is especially nice. +soldiers sit on the APC. Great! +sharper optics for the gun. thanks +fixed LOD textures Bad: -Spetz Natz crew (with bandanas? come on) -Kick attack causes an explosion!? Strange...if you can´t make it better than that, leave it. And why does it have 100 ammo? Might as well be 0 or 1. -Soldiers PREFER sitting on the roof, the second guy who gets in cargo sits on the roof even tough there´s plenty of safe, armored space inside. Are they suicidal? -the muzzle flash is too dark, restore it to how it was in beta 2, please. This addon keeps on getting better and better, good work! Edit: I can see the advantages of having soldiers sitting on the roof before sitting inside, if you want to have it look cool...maybe you could release 2 versions in one pack, one where they sit on it and the other inside. Just a suggestion...
  11. Gollum1

    Finnish defence forces

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Blake @ Dec. 24 2002,14:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">In the end, I just like old weapons <span id='postcolor'> Heh heh Well, they would make a good start for a WWII mod... But you just finish this beautiful pack first.
  12. Gollum1

    Uaz with mg

    Yes a UAZ W/ PK would be very nice, I would use it in all my missions. Surprised no-one has done it yet (not counting the mg42 one...what´s a German WWII MG doing on a UAZ??) Want! Need!
  13. Gollum1

    Directx 9 released

    I haven´t noticed any problems or improvements with DX9, except that my Radeon 8500 T&L bug is fixed! Up to now, you couldn´t run OFP in HW T&L with a Radeon 8500 if you didn´t want textures flashing white occasionally. You also missed out on the cool lighting effects introduced in 1.60. But I downloaded DX9, the newest drivers for my card and the newest VIA drivers, now it works like a charm!
  14. Gollum1

    Finnish defence forces

    That model IS too good to be true, units in OFP can´t have self-shadowing, and that thing looks like it needs a Geforce 10 Megaplatinum to render it But the hornet will be as beautiful as it can be in OFP. An opening canopy would be nice. Merry Xmas!
  15. Gollum1

    Zu 23-2

    OMG!!! This addon is GREAT! The model is so detailed and beautiful, but the main thing is that I can USE this in almost every mission I make (go to hell, Shilka). This is still a beta, right? 1. The LOD is strange from a distance, it is white and looks like a different model... 2. The sound isn´t original, it´s the V-80 cannon´s sound. Are you sure that´s how the ZU-23 really sounds? 3. It´s called "tank" in the radio messages. Maybe "machine gun" or "shilka" would be better (or not, there isn´t much to choose from) I recommend putting these guns in emplacements, with 2 wood fences on each side of the gun, another soldier with setunitpos "UP" beside the ZU-23 and an Ammo Crate II (East) I noticed that you can´t target it with missiles, nice touch. Looking firward to the final version, and merry xmas
  16. Gollum1

    Zu 23-2

    OMG!!! This addon is GREAT! The model is so detailed and beautiful, but the main thing is that I can USE this in almost every mission I make (go to hell, Shilka). This is still a beta, right? 1. The LOD is strange from a distance, it is white and looks like a different model... 2. The sound isn´t original, it´s the V-80 cannon´s sound. Are you sure that´s how the ZU-23 really sounds? 3. It´s called "tank" in the radio messages. Maybe "machine gun" or "shilka" would be better (or not, there isn´t much to choose from) I recommend putting these guns in emplacements, with 2 wood fences on each side of the gun, another soldier with setunitpos "UP" beside the ZU-23 and an Ammo Crate II (East) I noticed that you can´t target it with missiles, nice touch. Looking firward to the final version, and merry xmas
  17. Gollum1

    Operation northstar tank pack

    ...I can´t open any of my old missions since I got the new beta (missing addon SIG_T72). Can anyone give me a link to the old pack!? (I deleted mine, silly me)
  18. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R71 @ Dec. 21 2002,18:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The new tanks killed my mission I made with your old version. Â Â I am going to have to find the old version again and redo the mission.<span id='postcolor'> Hmmm...same thing here. All my missions are now inaccessible and I deleted the old pack...could someone give me a link to the old pack??
  19. Gollum1

    New official unit !

    Shows that BIS never lacks the imagination to make something really useless They could just as well have created something USEFUL! It´s like the fire department coming to extinguish a house fire, then they use their fire hoses to start a pool party!!! And the crying children who live in the house look on in horror, and their parents wonder why they pay TAXES! Oh and merry xmas BIS
  20. Wow, really great work, I can´t believe this is still beta! Just two small things: 1. The Type 98 only has a "MGun" with 500 bullets. 2. I´m not sure, but don´t the mg´s, like the PKT, have to be reloaded, or do they shoot 2000 bullets uninterruptedly?
  21. Gollum1

    Russian btr70

    Wow, that snow BTR looks amazing. The best part is those men sitting on the top (if only they could shoot...) Keep on perfecting this addon, it is something that should have been in OFP since the beta demo!
  22. Gollum1

    Scud rockets

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Dec. 16 2002,19:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I did not chuckle 10 years ago, when we had to put our then-4 children in a sealed room, with gas masks donned for the 3 oldest and placing the under 2 year old in a crib (with raisins, books and a teddy for company). <span id='postcolor'> But as the scuds only scared Israelis in 1991, imagine how "terrible" they are now that Iraq´s weapons program has been blown all to hell. And if it does come to war, the scud-hunters are a lot more effective than in the last war (not a single scud launcher was destroyed in the Gulf War! and Saddam would have more important targets, like American and British forces (this time, they would be coming directly for HIM)
  23. Gollum1

    The role of the sniper

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Balschoiw @ Dec. 14 2002,15:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Simo Hayha W.W. II Finland 542 kills<span id='postcolor'> Oooh man I´m Finnish, and I don´t know if I´m supposed to be proud or not...that´s a lot of dead Commies... And try to stay on topic.
  24. Gollum1

    2 helo issues/question

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (_WTF_onslaught @ Dec. 09 2002,04:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It would also be comforting to see him sitting next to you in vehicles like the UH-60-MG rather than him doing the crew chiefs job on the MG, and a vacant seat next to you!<span id='postcolor'> This is exactly why there isn´t a loader position in the M1A1. BIS have tried to make OFP as fun as possible while spicing it up with realism. How fun would it be for the copilot to just sit there and watch until the pilot dies (very rarely)?
  25. Gollum1

    An interview with ondrej

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RalphWiggum @ Dec. 11 2002,08:11)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">as if BIS owes them something<span id='postcolor'> They DID PAY MONEY for the game, didn´t they? BIS owes them as good a product as possible. But I know who you mean, people who want a "jump" button so they can bunnyjump in MP and so on... BIS really are involved, unlike other "godlike" Electronic Arts developers and such. And for that, I´m thankful.