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Grim Jack

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About Grim Jack

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  1. Grim Jack

    Is anyone going to boycott bis add-ons?

    BIS IS A BUSINESS! Nothing more, nothing less. We need to get that into our heads. As far as I can see they don?t owe us anything except patches to fix the bugs. I feel that they do owe us that. As far as add-ons are concerned, they are a bonus for us. The tools fall in the realm of add-ons. When you buy a TV, Automobile, House or anything else, you don?t expect them to give you new features when the company develops them. We do however have the right to expect them to fix what is wrong with the product that we bought. From what I?ve seen, the majority of the consumer base for computer games is filled with kids and spoiled whiners who need to get a perspective on the way consumerism works. I have been impressed with the way that updates have come out at regular intervals and that BIS has, so far, given us extras to boot. It would have been all to easy for them to just make patches and put all of the add-ons into OPF2. Well I'll be leaving now and I'll take my soapbox with me. Thank you!
  2. Grim Jack

    What to fix in the next patch

    Thanks for making such a great game, I love it but there are a few things that I would like to see. 1. Tanks and helos should not bounce when destroyed, at least not more than once. 2. If you set up an Infantry Squad you should be able to group a fire team to a team leader, and then 2 team leaders to a Squad Leader. And so on. The Squad leader shouldn't have to give orders to each man in his squad to have something accomplaished. (Small complaint but still a pain) 3. "Oh no ...... is down!" (I know that this is getting beaten to death, but I have to turn my sound off in some games so I don't start shooting the wife and kids.)