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About GrapeMan

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  • Interests
    games, animation
  1. GrapeMan

    Join in Progress is fix guys!!!

    We can finally have join in progress!! just wait a little and first, ghost recon will be out, then HIDDEN AND DANGEROUS 2 will be out..if you do not know what that game is, go check it out on the net, Think of OFP, but good join in Progress. you won't have to put up with OFP anymore. no i'm not boycotting OFP, just giving up!
  2. GrapeMan

    All seeing eye

    hey guys, i actually played a good game using all seeing eye. just go to the section that says, waiting for players, and find one with more people and go wait with them and u can get a big game going. depends on time of day tho, try ur luck, it's better than game spy downlod all seeing eye here http://www.udpsoft.com/eye/doc.html
  3. GrapeMan

    Joining during a battle

    This game is awesome i decide that i'm gonna start plaing it again, i think the name of this game is called WAIT AROUND IN GAMESPY
  4. GrapeMan

    Joining during a battle

    haha, OFP is the greatest game ever, but I guess they are making this game for a certain type of people, as they are not going to go most people's way, they do have some supporters for how the game is current;y doing in multiplayer mode. well I read this whole thread, and about 2% of the people like the way the multiplayer is. and the other 98% want JIP.(Join in Progress) I think we should all stop complaining, If you want a good multiplayer game that has JIP, you should wait for another game to come out because OFP isn't made for people like us, it's made for those 2% of the people. notice this forum only has 5000+ users. Ghost recon isn't even out yet, it has 300000 users.. BIS likes to do things their way, as quoted in another post for why they don't implement JIP, the answer was theyt don't see the point of doing it because it's a really tactical game, something along that line. So, stop bothering the developers and go wait for other games, mod etc...OFP is a great game that the majority of the people are gonna stop playing, so be it. I'll still play it, by myself I guess...if you 98% of the players don't like this, then don't bother buying the next BIS game...maybe check out ghost recon or some other not as big mapped games. hehe anyways here is the bottom line: In a bussiness world you don't do things the way you want unless you have manopilized the market like microsift. IN a bussnessworld YOU DO WHAT THE CUSTOMERS ASK OR THEY GO SOMEWHERE ELSE yes, to you guys who think people whining losers for asking for JIP, well they are whining losers, and that's what most customers are going to do when things don't go their way, and then they leave...that's the way this sad world works, DEVELOPERS of OFP and the rest of you, i hope u get my point, I speak from a neutral point of view since i don't ask for JIP and i don't plan on playing OFP either since i see so many complaints about it. same will go with all the other prospect buyers.