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Everything posted by granQ

  1. granQ

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    not saying this scripted thing will come for the btr. Was working on a mission and got this idea, I like it so I will try to keep it, but we will see.
  2. granQ

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    Oh christ I didnt even notice the banner, I'll try and host them somewhere else. i thought that was the best part?
  3. granQ

    BTR-80 APC for OPFOR

    Oh christ I didnt even notice the banner, I'll try and host them somewhere else. i thought that was the best part?
  4. thanks alot, see if I will update the Be 32.
  5. granQ

    Be 32K

    just open the pbo, put 5-6 hours of work and release it, whats stopping you? hihi Anyway, granq - do u have any idea if it's possible to create turrets in planes? B17 here we come! should be.. I got the turret to work with a APC class, thought "this was easy, i should release something for the community to see as exemple".. and started to work with a turret on choppers (ah64) and cant get it work, seems I have alot of stuff to learn =)
  6. granQ

    Be 32K

    just open the pbo, put 5-6 hours of work and release it, whats stopping you?
  7. I think its better if you try to explain what effect you really want. Maybe you could use diffrent modes, a mode, diffrent mags.. If you tell us little about how its suppoed to work we might help you with a possible workaround.
  8. Hi GranQ, i am new here, and i have no idea maybe ur turret problem is what i am asking for. i m trying to convert Leopard2a6(BWMOD) into ArmA, right now my question is everything is fixed, the turret can't roate, track and wheels are not rolling. it seems the tank slipping on the ground. any idea how to figure out? yes, thats the thing. TeRpEnTiN has explained but people love to see working exemples, thats why I try to release one.
  9. Hi, since I figured out how to solve the turrets thing (alot of thanks to TeRpEnTiN). I now wonder if anyone got some model they would like to import to ArmA. NOTE IT HAS TO BE YOUR MODEL AND NO COPYRIGHT ISSUES Would prefer to do a wheeled car with a recoilless rifle.. so if anyone got something like that I would love to help out. EDIT:
  10. hmm, yeah that could be an idea.
  11. granQ

    Patch 1.05 Mirrors & Torrents

    torrents is the way to go.. right now like everyone is complaing about speed becuase the servers are getting full. PLEASE USE TORRENTS FOR ALL PATCHES. Saves you money, your fans time and more pleanst way to download. Too bad there is no torrent for the 505 games release.
  12. granQ

    Be 32K

    not only a import.. OFP had 11 textures for the outside. http://granq.se/private/be32_outside.jpg For "my" version, it uses only 1. Good for reskinns, and thats another thing. The textures are made to look like the SLA mi17 paintwork, and not like a russian or something else skin. So to say just a "import" would be bad, I can do a import in 2.5 sec.. this is why it sucks to be the "fixer", people only see the final result, not the real work behind it, good thing I am used to it after several years.. =) anyway, thanks alot for your comments.
  13. granQ

    Be 32

    After the alouette for the south sahrani, I thought the republic could need something new. Model by FW200 this time.. http://granq.se/private/Be32.WMV 5 mb. Worth seeing It comes with the paint scheme close to Mi17 that they already have. A few things left to be sorted out, but I hope to release it on friday. EDIT. Now on youtube:
  14. granQ

    Be 32

    apperently it does self shadow on the second lod, I never seen it but my beta tester got a screen of it. I dont understand that yet, I do understand how to get it to shade diffrent objects. Check my thread other thread (Realised now this should have been merged or moved..) anyway, just download. Plain o2 light used, no magic.
  15. granQ

    OFP:Calling animation from script

    Thanks for the reply Unicorn.I was resigned to defeat. I haven't gotten any errors so far.Script seems to be running,but the animations don't seem to be called. I've been passing the vehicle itself through the script,by way of it's init field,in the mission editor. As my scripting skills are poor,I'm not too sure what you mean about argument definition. I don't believe the anims are the problem though.Those I can run with switchmove in a waypoint.So at least they're available. Do you think adding the "=" might have an effect? How would you go about scripting something like this idea? Anyway,Whether you can help or not,I appreciate the reponse. Macser. thats really cool, didnt know it was possible at all. myDriver Switchmove "RcnBkrFootDwn" so that works in a waypoint? Thought you couldnt override the animation played in a vehicle. about the script it looks OK.. _unit = (driver _veh) you dont need the ( ). Other then that it looks like something I could have done.
  16. granQ

    Be 32K

    he begged me to convert some other unit of his, telling me over and over how much the model sucked but it was easy to work with, remapped it so instead of 11 textures it use 1 texture for the outside, also make it easier for reskinns. But to answer next question about united airlines, nope not from me atleast. I just wanted to get some basic stuff ingame (car, plane, helicopter) so me and other addon makers have a "working exemple" to use for making "proper" addons, even if I like the Be 32 very much.
  17. granQ

    Be 32K

    actually, now I dont have any projects left.. (kinda), got my legal copy yesterday so now its editing stop and MP games begin =) Tut tut...Sounds like somebody's admitting to not owning a legal copy until now Anyway, great addon! And the first fixed wing aircraft addon I believe what I meant was of course that I used OFP/resitance and then had a german friend that could test the things ingame for me.. =)
  18. ah thats a bug... no update really planned this year (will fix, improve for koh pulau project later on, but that could be way in 2008).. so thanks for the bug report. Will I know later, but I wont patch this anymore.
  19. granQ

    Working ArmA turret

    double post..
  20. granQ

    Working ArmA turret

    I think your article rocks, its well made and you should "publish" it instead of having it as sandbox mode, nothing wrong with the english either. Anyone figured out how to solve the tracks then? Guess have to give turrent one more chance now and watch my spelling
  21. granQ

    Be 32K

    actually, now I dont have any projects left.. (kinda), got my legal copy yesterday so now its editing stop and MP games begin =)
  22. granQ

    Be 32

    http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....1014448 Released.
  23. granQ

    Be 32

    Completed, uploaded and sent to beta tester.. if nothing gets reported as a "must fix".. it might be released as early as tonight with the demo mission, "early delivery"..
  24. granQ

    Working ArmA turret

    same problem like [APS]Gnat.
  25. granQ

    Be 32

    update.. thanks all. Release on friday == 99.99% sure. Things that can stop me: computer crash or internet not working. The plane is in a shape good enough for me to release, but will include atleast one mission.