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Everything posted by granQ

  1. Actually the russians isn't very big part of it at all, (yes some) but we will cut the sfp_objects and some other pbo's related to island and move that to SFP islands download. Should make a big change in the size. While for sure, there are great "opfor" mods. In order for us to supply custom missions and such its great to have our own OPFOR units. David, I love those "helmets".. but it isn't a priority right now, perhaps later :) Next units (also in the upcoming patch), is a more "relaxed" unit, that of course can be fitted with vests and body armor to look combat ready.. https://trello-attachments.s3.amazonaws.com/52d7d24b15b19e900e95cfed/535e9d1caa4095220df8a751/1600x857/bcf4297618968c65bc507f1b5326013a/raq39g.jpg (399 kB)
  2. We have an internal goal to release it on the Swedish national day (6th of june).. but thats a goal, not a promise :) Damn, just noticed the Hkp 9 isn't rotating, we solved it (very easy problem) but seems somehow the old .pbo slipped into the release anyway. Hopefully next release isn't that far away :)
  3. http://hosted.anrop.se/sfp/@sfp_033.zip 1.4 gb Changelog: New vehicles: * Tgb 16 (RG 32M) with a remote weapon station. * Patgb 203 (Patria 203) * Blackhawk & T72 (From ArmA2 with extra functions like random ID numbers on the choppers) * Main battle tank (Strv 123) (BIS reskin) * Support trucks (BIS reskins) * Swedish names for soldiers. Fixes: * Hkp 9 rotor blades wasn't rotating. * Hkp 9 random number is working again. * RPG 7 was "guided". * Driver that is turned out on the Leopard 2 can now see. * Driver now enter the Tgb 16 (RG 32) more properly. * The Tgb 16 got transparent after a BIS patch, workaround implemented. * Tgb 13, smoke from the machinegun came from behind the gunner. * Tgb 11-20 now got functional lights. * Minor adjustment to the weapons position on the Ucav 23. * Tgb 1112 had missing textures on wheels in the distant. * Several objects got updated textures/rvmat. * Pilot now have NVG * Inventory pictures fixed for the PKM and the textures for dropped PKM magazines. * Binoculars wasn't visible in first person playing as a russian. * Vehicles have been fitted with proper magazines in cargo. No more american futuristic weapons in Swedish vehicles.
  4. When I import my arma2 island I get everything in basicly "nature, objects roads", but it would be very nice to make new libraries like Objects - Military, Objects - Houses. I was hoping a simple drag and drop would work, but haven't found an easy solution yet. I know there is under tools a replacement but it requires too many steps. Any ideas?
  5. Not so much to say about this, except I did this one as a stand alone for a mission at Anrop. So this one gets released "as is". Thought could be helpful for other people as well. http://granq.se/files/rc_hmmwv.zip 40 mb Anrop doing a "generation kill" mission..
  6. Ups, sounds like model.cfg went missing. Will look into it later today.
  7. New version uploaded 0.3.2, with a new trailer made by tomten. Changelog New: Groups added. Zeus support for SFP "OPFOR". Medical tent and medical container (SFP - Objects Military) Fixes: Makarov muzzle flash fixed and pistol animated. Fixed error with russian machinegunner magazine. TP84 (C130) had texture bugs in distance. Several soldiers have fixed equipment and displaynames. Strv 122 (Leopard 2) have fixed driver get in positions and path to lightning textures. Police station and the windmill got new textures. File have been uploaded to Six and download url for normal download is in the first post as usual.
  8. I could say that we fixed the echo in the BTR 60 and added the C130. I could say that we fixed a bug that made the gunner of the TGB 13 take damage when he got out. But truth is, I am drunk on valentine and ZiP is drinking at his work, SFP is going down in flames (or is that the bottle of wine talking?) Fcuk it, here is our update. Deal with it. (Forever alone guy can be found in Nato-> Men (Story) but its a shitty job done by me after a few drinks..) http://hosted.anrop.se/sfp/@sfp_029.zip <- 1 gb, its thicker than figgehn's mother It includes modern Swedish, russian stuff... crazy mucho. Our islands will be released separately from now on. Expect another release in a few weeks
  9. yes, should be possible.. guess we want it to be a "cfgvehicles" then? or perhaps two ammo so you can delete/spawn new.
  10. I will try make a special standalone version for you with just the launchers/missiles this week (but time is tight) so you have something to play along with at easter, without have to download 1 gb. Radars is something I want to add again for A3 and at a higher level of functionality... but not there yet.
  11. Yes, today updated with a new version. Und 23, will come. A new release of SFP, includes the Leopard 2 tank known as Strv 122. Sturkö been updated with new lightning and many objects have been fixed with new textures/rvmats. Armor vests have tweaked values (Kroppsskydd 12 will now take several bullets)
  12. granQ

    SFP: Islands

    New release, fixed bridges and lightning issues. Also, would like to point out that its possible to use A3MP OR All in Arma depending on your preference.
  13. yeah, that would be nice to have. I am all for making our "1990's" soldier a bit crappy.. like no bodyarmor, no NVG's, while the modern troops got all those fancy stuff. Makes a big difference in gameplay. Just haven't got around to do it yet, if you could provide me with proper values I will make sure its in the next patch.
  14. granQ

    SFP: Islands

    First, regarding the lightning.. If you checked many of the custom islands released there is an annoying box to the upper left, this is related to the config file. In order to get our release out I decided to "Keep it simple stupid", so basicly we got the same lighting as Altis. I plan to tweak this and the water color to give it a more "nothern" touch. Its bit annoying when it gets so bright but SFP work with "constant" upgrades so it will be fixed soon. Buildings, yeah.. working on it. Plan is to fill them with interior models aswell. Worked one today, so you can see the difference :) OLD New version (rvmat still to be added)
  15. sfp_police sfp_un sfp_swe_2035 sfp_swe_2015 sfp_swe_1990 sfp_swe_1981 (Isn't used in current release, but might be added later) sfp_rus_faction sfp_wamako_opfor sfp_wamako_army sfp_wamako_rebel sfp_wamako_civil
  16. granQ

    SFP: Islands

    I will not use @a3mp assets on Wamako.. not so sure with our own models. I will try keep it so Wamako can be used "stand alone" even if I personally think everyone should have SFP ;) But I also understand that perhaps you want to use French addons with some other OPFOR than ours. If that doesn't lower the quality or cause extra work for us, then why not :) Serjames, this release requires what is stated under requires :p In future: Rosö, SFP and probably a3mp Sturkö, SFP and for sure A3MP Wamako, standalone (except if you want the african units/weapons then SFP)
  17. yeah, when/if the gripen gets ready.. you will get it :)
  18. Many times when I am adding a new vehicle, i take memory lod, land contact from something that used to work fine. For example, in this case I managed to add physx to the BIS arma2 zsu, it runs fine. Same config, and I copy these lods. When I try ingame its like if some parts hit the ground as its impossible to reach speeds higher than for instance 25 km/h. This happens on many vehicles, both tracked and wheeled. I put same weight and use same config.. so I assume its model related. Just curious if someone else experienced it and found out whats "Most often what seems to be the cause"..
  19. granQ

    Vehicle seems to get stuck

    yeah you probably right, start playing with the config. Didn't find a solution but it drops around 10 km/h when it switch gears.
  20. granQ

    Ivory Aircraft

    sweet work mate :)
  21. Its in Swedish sorta but here it goes. Also I am broadcasting if people want to see arma3 editors drunk watching youtube.. http://www.twitch.tv/granq84
  22. granQ

    No women at all

    No women irl, no women in arma3.. thats why.. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?173123-Forever-alone-in-Sweden
  23. We don't ask this mod to come to a halt, we do however appreciate credits...
  24. granQ

    F-35B Lightning II

    yeah Chortles, mean nothing bad about your job and since the F35 actually will be part of many countries airforces and during the time arma3 take place. Its very good (for arma3) but in real life its more a hangar queen than a fighter plane :)
  25. granQ

    Stand alone hmmwv

    nope, my friends have played their mission. So now I am working on other things.. Some people have got/will get the mlod and continue working on it, and there is plenty of others more serious efforts of course to make NATO stuff.