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Everything posted by Fortran

  1. Really nice Nuxil, loved the original for Arma1.
  2. Fortran

    Dialog Cursor?

    Perfect :) Thanks man, seriously appreciate your help, very new to scripting so finding what works in sqs or sqf is still a bit outside my knowledge. Anyway its all working great now! Thanks again Nuxil.
  3. Fortran

    Dialog Cursor?

    Hi Nuxil thanks again man, you have been a huge help with this (and your English is perfect btw!) Now managed to centre the crosshair on the cursor which is great :) Last thing I just can't get working is to have CrossHairPos.sqf running without a loop. CrossHairPos.sqf looks like this: while {(dialog)} do { _m2x = mousePos select 0; _m2y = mousePos select 1; _m3x = _m2x - 0.125; _m3y = _m2y - 0.125; ((uiNamespace getVariable 'MYDisplay') displayCtrl 1001) ctrlSetPosition [_m3x,_m3y]; ((uiNamespace getVariable 'MYDisplay') displayCtrl 1001) ctrlCommit 0; sleep 0.1; and "controls.sqs" which is executed from a user action looks like this: _dlg = createdialog "MYDIALOG"; [] execvm "CrossHairPos.sqf"; However for some reason it just doesn't work? I can't seem to figure out why. If I add a loop to the CrossHairPos.sqf like this: #myloop while {(dialog)} do { _m2x = mousePos select 0; _m2y = mousePos select 1; _m3x = _m2x - 0.125; _m3y = _m2y - 0.125; ((uiNamespace getVariable 'MYDisplay') displayCtrl 1001) ctrlSetPosition [_m3x,_m3y]; ((uiNamespace getVariable 'MYDisplay') displayCtrl 1001) ctrlCommit 0; sleep 0.1; goto "myloop"; then it works, but without the loop it doesnt ? Thanks again anyway man, got alot of this working thanks to your help!
  4. Fortran

    Dialog Cursor?

    Fantastic! Many thanks Nuxil that works a treat, have actually been looking through your TV guided script attempting to learn some of the more advanced Dialog/GUI features from it :) Is there any other way to get the mouse to update in the "while {(dialog)} do" section without placing it inside a loop or is there a way I can script "if not in dialog then goto exit"? I understand that "while" should execute while the condition is true, but it doesn't seem to update unless I place it inside a loop. Anyway thanks again mate, really appreciate your help. EDIT: Also just trying it, changing the x/y values in the crosshair class does indeed set the crosshair image nearer to the center of the cursor, but as soon as the mouse position updates the crosshair image jumps so the top left hand corner of the image is aligned with the mouse pointer, is there any way to force the image to stay centred to the cursor ? ie like this : + [_____] [_____] [_____] where as I need this: [_____] [__+__] [_____]
  5. lol roger that! Glad to know it's not me going nutts :p Am going to go back and rename my selections now so I can still use the modelCFG part of the toolkit. Thanks for replying.
  6. Just run into a bit of a problem, although it's not the tools fault. O2 seems to only allow a maximum of 10 characters for the named selections when importing the 3ds file. Is there any way to overide this in either the toolkit or O2 itself ? Once imported into O2 the parts can be renamed to more than 10 characters but on 3ds import it clips off the name after 10. Just something maybe to inform the user about in the toolkit naming selection menu perhaps?
  7. Fortran

    Raycast Camera?

    Fantastic :) Many thanks T_D!
  8. Does ARMA2 have any kind of raycast camera capability ? I need to spawn an object at the position the crosshairs are pointing at or position that the player is looking at. Is this possible ?
  9. Great stuff! Will be looking forward to it! Just spent today with the plugin sorting out naming and memory LOD's, is a real pleasure to work with it. Many thanks again for all your hard work :)
  10. Good stuff, glad you got it working :). No other skinning projects at the moment I'm afraid, currently working on an F-117A Nighthawk which is about 70% completed so will be releasing that next.
  11. Ok for anybody having problems with how to install the replacement texture here is a step by step:
  12. If your using the replacement method you will need to have the following files in your Mod/Addon directory. a10camo.pbo a10camo.pbo.FORTRANMOD.bisign The a10camo.pbo file holds ALL the textures. As well as this you will also need the following 2 files as well: a10_camo6_config.pbo a10_camo6_config.pbo.FORTRANMOD.bisign (where the number ie.6 in this example is the number of the camo you want to use) a10_camo(number)_config.pbo is the file that tells ARMA2 with which texture to reskin the A-10 with. So if I wanted to replace the A-10 with Camo number 4 I would have these files in my mod/addon directory: a10camo.pbo a10camo.pbo.FORTRANMOD.bisign a10_camo4_config.pbo a10_camo4_config.pbo.FORTRANMOD.bisign
  13. Can you describe exactly what your doing to install the A-10 texture and which exact texture are you attempting to use. I cannot replicate this problem. They are made for ArmA2, again please describe how you are attempting to install the A-10 camo textures and which exact texture your attempting to use. Aside from yourself and pigglywiggly nobody is experiencing the same problem and I cannot replicate this error here. Also to both of you, which method are you using ? The replacement method or the substitution init line setObjectTexture method.
  14. Omg! It's Christmas! Testing now, came just at the right time! Many many thanks for this! Much appreciated.
  15. Fortran

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    Just a quick question, is there any part of the toolkit that allows you to work out the rotational/translation percentage or degrees (min/max) for the model.cfg ?
  16. It will create the cpp in the same directory you dragged the Bin file from. You can also double click the UnRap.exe and run it as an application. Also choose "no" to generate separate files for root classes"
  17. Any idea where the "simulations" come from ? simulation = "laserDesignate"; Was going to have a look at this to try find out why mounting it on anything other than a person or helo doesn't work but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
  18. Well I tinkered with this pretty much all night but cannot seem to find a way for any vehicle other than Helo's and Soldier units to laser designate a target. Attaching any kind of designator to a fixed wing or armour unit just simply does not work. If somebody could verify this or can think of a reason for why it might be happening I would appreciate it greatly.
  19. Fortran

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    Brilliant! Couldn't ask for anything better for this job really. Any idea on a release date at all ?
  20. Try sticking it on a tank or the LAV etc..they all have turrets but still no go?
  21. Hey mate, I tried that as well initially but no joy. I don't know if there is something else in my config that is conflicting with it. Am going to try adding it to the vanilla A-10 and see if I can get it to work. Thanks for the response, will give it another try. Yeah its not really for the A-10, its just for testing until I get the DLIR for the F117A working :) EDIT: Ok well after some testing it seems to be a fixed Vs rotary wing problem. Adding the laser designator to ANY helo works perfectly...however adding it to any fixed wing aircraft doesn't work at all. Wonder why this is....is there anything that could be changed to allow designation from a fixed wing aircraft ? Well looking at the mounted LD class Laserdesignator_mounted : Default { scope = public; cursor = "Missile"; cursorAim = "\ca\Weapons\Data\clear_empty"; cursorAimOn = "Laser"; cursorSize = 1; modelOptics = "\ca\weapons\optika_SOFLAM"; opticsPPEffects[] = {"OpticsCHAbera1", "OpticsBlur1"}; displayName = $STR_DN_LASER_DESIGNATOR; model = "\ca\weapons\soflam"; magazines[] = {"Laserbatteries"}; Laser = true; }; I can't see any limitation on mounting it, I am starting to dread this might be hard coded perhaps ? EDIT2: Ok it literally only seems to work on Helos! I even tried my own laser designator weapon and added it to nearly every vehicle, and it will only work on the choppers, armoured units and planes just will not designate with it but Helo's will. This is weird.!
  22. Hi guys, Just been attempting to edit the A-10 to allow for more Mavericks and no GBU12's. All is fine and I now have 6 mavericks on the pylons, the 2 sidewinders and the 2 FFAR launchers. However I have a problem, when firing the Mavericks. Initially they are all sitting on the correct pylons...ie 4 under the fuselage (where the GBU12's usually are) and 2 on the normal AGM pylons (left and right mid-wing). However when I fire them and I am slowly left with less and less Mavericks on the plane they begin to switch pylons and not just the Mavericks do this, the Sidewinders also jump pylons as well. So for example: 1: ALL HARDPOINTS CORRECT: 2: 2 MAVERICKS FIRED: 2 MidWing Mav's were released, 2 Fuselage Mav's jump to Sidewinder Hardpoints...Sidewinders jump to 2 MidWing Maverick hardpoints 2: 2 MORE MAVERICKS FIRED: 2 SideWinder Hardpoint Mavs were released...2 Fuselage Mavericks jumped to replaced SideWinder hardpoints Is there any way around this ? Or is it simply that the models hardpoints are defined for certain weapons only in the models actual file and this is why this problem is occurring ? Its obviously not a major issue as its only visible in 3rd person but it would be nice for the correct hardpoints to relate to the correct missile which have been released and not be jumping around all over the A-10 like this. Any help is appreciated. weapons[] = {"GAU8", "MaverickLauncher", "SidewinderLaucher_AH1Z", "MaverickLauncher", "FFARLauncher_14", "MaverickLauncher"}; magazines[] = {"1350Rnd_30mmAP_A10", "2Rnd_Maverick_A10", "2Rnd_Sidewinder_AH1Z", "2Rnd_Maverick_A10", "14Rnd_FFAR", "2Rnd_Maverick_A10"};
  23. Fortran

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    Ah magic thanks mate will give that a go in the meantime. Anyway keep up the great work, really looking forward to this toolkit :) Edit: works perfectly with just a simple plane, then deleting the faces and any unused verts like you suggest! thanks :)
  24. wow! some really fantastic work in here! great stuff everybody! Just a quick update, started work on texturing the F-117A. Still trying to get a decent base texture for it to simulate the anti-radar paint finish, but getting there slowly.
  25. Fortran

    3Dsmax ArmA2 modding toolset

    Fantastic work! Aside from the cfg setup which is a real timesaver I was thrilled to hear you say that you would also be adding the ability to set Memory points, adding them in 02 and trying to get them absolutely spot on for perfect clean animations can be a real pain in the butt, especially with the archaic UI and translation/rotation tools of 02. To be able to snap to vertex or edge using max's toolset when creating memory points will make like infinitely easier. Many thanks for creating this, can't wait for a release! Just interested, referring to this same topic how your planning for the memory points to import over into O2. Have tried a couple of times to achieve this myself, just to simplify adding the axis memory points for rotation etc inside the model so I can place them precisely in max and don't have to create them in O2. However every time I try to import a single vert into O2 I get the following warning: "no faces in mesh "meshname" cannot import this kind of object". Do you have a working method for importing the single verts (points) into O2 or what kind they should be? If so I would love to know as I could do this in max now while waiting on your great toolkit to be released.