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About FunkyMan

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    Private First Class


  • Interests
    OFP, Arma, Lock On FC, IL-2 1946, moviemaking of games I have, watching DVDs, table tennis.

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  1. As Arma II was to hot for my system I went back to OFP again (or I never stopped playing OFP!) and tried the wonderful MCM-SLX mod. Hom ever, my system is far better than what recommended setting was back in the OFP days, I do suspect it is to new for this old game. I get overall good fps, but when the tanks deploy smoke concealment it hurts my fps pretty bad. I found it in the config file, but if I set it to "0" or "1" id doesn´t matter. Tanks still uses smoke. Imagine having a tank battle and everyone uses smoke...I got an average fps of about 40-50 and down to 14 with all the smoke, to all help appreciated! :)
  2. FunkyMan

    How to get correct aspect ratio when in1920X1200

    I entered what you wrote in the userfile, but that was not correct aspect ratio. 1.333 is the aspect ratio og 4:3. I have 16:10 and 1.6 is the correct ratio for this. Also, by entering what you wrote gave me a very wrong strected image! I entered this after some testing and it looks correct, but I am not sure: fovTop=1.00000; fovLeft=1.60000; fovtop does what? I thought you only needed to enter one ratio like 1.6 like in all other games? 1920/1200=1.6. EDIT: Sorry, I just read the old thread and this worked correctly for me: fovTop=0.625000; fovLeft=1.00000; Thanx! Still loving OFP more than any other FPS game out there! Soon 8 years after release. Playing Bas Tonal now. The game looks beautyful on a 24" even with "old" graphics. DXDLL just makes it look better though!
  3. I got myself a 24" 16:10 LCD lately. As I love the big screen setting 1920X1200 in OFP is no problem. The game it´s old, so I was surprized it supported that high resolution. Guess the developers looked towards future back then in 2001! Homever, when using this resolution it displays wrong aspect ratio. I am using 16:10, and I think it streches 1920X1200 from a 4:3 ratio or 5:4. Something I need to add to a shortcut or something to get the right ratio? I can homever live with the streched look, but just need to know if something can be done?
  4. FunkyMan

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    It´s a P4 3.0GHZ...single core......
  5. FunkyMan

    WP Insurgents

    It would also be nice to have the insurgents talk arabic, not american...
  6. FunkyMan

    Armed Assault videos

    New video out! "On patrol" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVoKuqaVZ5E Highres download link: (1280X1024 6000 bitrate DivX) http://files.filefront.com/On+patrolavi/;11563709;/fileinfo.html
  7. FunkyMan

    Armed Assault videos

    Best robotvoice I have heard. (Text to speech). When is the next tutorial coming?
  8. FunkyMan

    How do I make a heli land?

    Tried the script and works like a charm! Thanx guys! I managed to let the heli land, and a soldier to enter, and then leave. It is the right thing to set "getin" waypoint (from soldier to heli) and click on the heli and not where the chopper is going to land? First I made a waypoint move for the heli. Then load (with the script). Then it waits for soldier to come. Then it takes off again. The only problem is that I need to have the soldier and the heli (when starting up) close. If the soldier is to far away from chopper, he can´t find it!
  9. I am making a movie now, and I want the AI to land tha Blackhawk. Homever, I can´t find a waypoint that actually lands the heli! How do I do that? I also want a solider to enter the heli when it has landed! Anyone?
  10. FunkyMan

    How do I make a heli land?

    I am making a movie now, and I want the AI to land tha Blackhawk. Homever, I can´t find a waypoint that actually lands the heli! How do I do that? I also want a solider to enter the heli when it has landed! Anyone?
  11. FunkyMan

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    Anyone else noticed that setting textures to high or very high actually lets you get higher fps? I always had ArmA running everything on very low (and disabled AA/AF, shadows etc) and suddenly I tried to set textures to high just to see how good it was! I was suprised I got better fps than setting it on very low! Dunno why, but I am happy! Now I can finally fraps in ArmA and making movies! I can´t have shadows on though, and I can use low shaders if not so many units. My specs: P4 3.0GHZ, 2 GB RAM, 8600GT 512MB DDR3. I am getting a new pc this christmas, so until then I can live with the settings. I also have viewdistance to 500... I think my CPU and FSB of 400Mhz is the bottleneck on my system. 8600GT 512MBDDR3 is good enough for ArmA I think.
  12. FunkyMan

    Armed Assault videos

    Great tutorial! Your voice was somewhat, robotic or did you use some sort of plugin to alter your voice? It was like listining to a robot! And that pornbackgroundmusic was kool! hehe... to be serious, I always wanted to see tutorials on the camera.sqs thing. I learned something new today so keep it up!
  13. FunkyMan

    WP Insurgents

    One of the insurgents has timed bombs. I am able to lay them down on ground, but they only bips, but does not explode? How do I set the timer? Can someone make a satchelcharge to them? Like the special op can? With a remote control?
  14. Thanx guys! Working like a charm! I am off to make some movies! Just need time...not easy with wife and child though..
  15. Ahh...ok. So the big gearmenu thingy is not that easy to get rid of! Ok, I can live with that!  Homever guys, I have another problem. I have tried to ask for help in a different thread, but no answer for months, so as I have you all gathered here it goes: I love to make movies from ArmA (and other games, see my sig), but I just can´t get rid of the widescreenview while typing this in ie: civil man. "this exec "camera.sqs"; showcinemaborders=false" I still get black space over and under. Of course I can fraps this view, but since it will be a "false" widescreen, I would hope to get 4:3 view instead by removing the borders. It will not work in OFP ether but, there I used DXDLL and used Appkey + U to disable menus. Anyone?  EDIT: It will be a "false" widescreen as Fraps is grabbing the whole screenresolutions including the black spaces, leading to losing information. I would rather add widescreen later in postprocess if nessecary.