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Everything posted by Flashover

  1. Flashover

    So few PvP serves?

    People need to stop playing EVO and Domination. It eliminates the purpose of this game, TEAMWORK. If people were a little more open minded and listened (which they wont) the game would be amazing online. However people choose to play these server hog missions that lag everyone and everything because the mission loads 50 vehicles and 500 AI all at once while running multiple scripts. Get rid of EVO and Domination people!
  2. Flashover

    AI Surrender

    This thread (and that other one about prisoners) make about as much sense as a vampire doing back flips out of a c130 while throwing nunchucks...
  3. Flashover

    What exactly is this game?

    True that!
  4. Flashover

    Bullet drop. where is it?

    OK We need some NWD Ballistics up in here...
  5. Flashover

    Tap on the Shoulder

    It wouldn't have to be an animation or anything fancy like that - just a simple alert / notice that gets your attention and lets you know someone is on your back (as they have tapped a command that triggers this), this way you don't have to look behind you to figure out who's there. Much safer. I know absolutely nothing about mod-making so I wouldn't even know where to start.
  6. Flashover

    Tap on the Shoulder

    It would be like a flash/flashing white or something on the screen and a noise as Pathy said. Or also a prompt that gives you the 'so-and-so has tapped your shoulder' on your screen. Or something like that. This kind of thing is almost necessary for team work especially when there's way too much communication going on, you don't have the physical ability to tap a person on the shoulder. So by implementing a 'shoulder tap' command with your spacebar (I would hope it could be used with the spacebar, as it's not used in ArmA at all on my end) within a certain distance of the person (doesn't have to be an animation honestly) could really help move things along in any urban op, and improve communication.
  7. Flashover

    Tap on the Shoulder

    I think this addon would be a really REALLY focking cool idea! Someone should get working on this right away!! Think about the possibilities in urban combat or entering building, even running across an open terrain and bounding. Imagine the space bar put to proper use! Even if there is a topic for suggestions THIS needs to be in it's own topic cause it's so good!
  8. Flashover

    small conf repl fo Stealth mission fans

    Nice one! I downloaded this thinking it would lower the volume levels, didn't think it would actually be whispers. Nice work
  9. Flashover

    RH Pistol pack 1.5

    Nice!!! We used RH pack in older missions not sure what happened to them...
  10. Flashover

    Fromz's sound mod | ffamm1.4

    Amazing sound pack, completely blows 1.3 away in my opinion. Keep up the great work can't wait for next update If royalty free and even copyrighted samples (video audio) were used from same sample packs / videos / sound files, FDF has no right to claim to their sound mod and nor does any other mod, therefore there is no copyright protection unless you were the actual creator of the recorded audio !!!!! Cheers Edit: But I think it is good to have respect for other Mods especially in the community. For example, coincidentally finding the same sample of an m16 that was used in FDF and is found in Fromz is not an acceptable excuse for infringment to be based upon. However completely taking majority of the same sounds, not even from the FDF pack but from the same sample library could be considered infringment here in the community.
  11. Flashover

    Stuttering every 10 seconds

    I've also been having this problem more recently. The stuttering occurs more often when I'm in a high texture area like grass, it 'breathes' back and forth when I am moving and my frame rates skip around a bit. But even at high speed in fixed-wing I get the same problem, same stuttering speed. It's quite frustrating but I am used to it now. I think it has something to do with resolution as well, a higher resolution causes more skipping.
  12. Flashover

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    I am using the 8800 320mb with 163.71_forceware_winxp_32bit_english_whql, I installed 163.75_forceware_winxp_32bit_english_whql but I noticed a bit of a performance drop but still no fog, not sure if it's Nvidia drivers that are now causing fog problems now, try an older driver and test the fog?
  13. Flashover

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    Not sure if this has been posted but audio phasing occurs inside of vehicles with radio chat. (some sounds are overlapped)
  14. Flashover

    8800GTS CTD'ing...

    I have noticed that with teamspeak open in the background, ArmA has a higher chance of crashing. Although I haven't tested this when I do run teamspeak on my other monitor, it crashes about an hour or so into the game, with it closed it runs really well until I alt +tab or zoom in too hard (weird, I believe there is a memory leak with the nVidia cards?). I get less crashes with my xfx 8800gts then with my x1950pro (obviously).