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Everything posted by Focha

  1. Thanks for the help. I figure it out. I read the read me file but did not clearly understand how to start it... The read me file should be more cleaner and simple.
  2. I can't run this. When I start the sim it says; "No entry '.profilePathDefault'." I click OK but the sim CTD. I am running Win 7 64 bit. Is it because of DX11? Also my GPU is not DX10 but it's a DX9 card. Nvidia 9600 GT 512.
  3. Hi there, I wonder if there is any mod or any way of controlling the field of view? I liked a lot the ArmA FOV. But now on ArmA II we have less FOV. We had a mod, in ArmA, that was great, it was called TrueMods (TrueView). I wonder if there is any like this for ArmA II. When I bring the sights up it's like my eye is very close to the iron sights/scopes. I want this; http://img258.imageshack.us/i/arma22010011000035635jp.jpg/ Look more like this; http://img167.imageshack.us/i/playerhudyu9.jpg/ Also when you bring up the sights there is a change in FOV. If possible I would like the unsighted and sighted view to remain with the same FOV and zoom. Thank you and best regards.
  4. So, I do all that but put the CBA folder in the main A2 folder? EDIT: I just unziped all the files for my STEAM A2 main folder, and I only see there @CBA... This is how it's done? Also I don't see any A2 beta shortcut... :(
  5. I just have a question... Maybe it's a bit unusually, forgive me my lack of knowledge, I installed the updater, then I follow the steps on the video, everything went fine, but am I suppose to do anything more? Do I have to put the following files; "@ACE.7z"; "@ACEX.7z"; "CBA_v0-2-0.7z" in some place? And what about adding some lines? By the way, I'm using STEAM version. Best regards and thank you for the help.
  6. Really nice feature. Really nice to know that will be release, just a question, and sorry for my ignorance, will it be compatible with steam version? Regards and great work.
  7. Ah... Not the same thing. I like the Huey but the Twin Huey just go along well with the Super Cobra. :D
  8. OMG! I love the AH-1W!!!! I like W version a lot more than Z. Like the old school one. I hope you give it the Huey sound if you know what I mean. Continue the great work. Question, will you do a UH-1N?
  9. Focha


    Simple because are cool vehicles and bring some good nostalgia. CH-46F, CH-53D, AH-1W, UH-1N, all great vehicles to be in game, be it made by the originals or mod makers.
  10. Focha

    ARMA 2 Launch Plans

    Nice one guys and nice work! Thank you for bring us another excellent simulation! Can't wait to have it. Regards and good luck.
  11. Focha

    New tactics required?

    The problem in ArmA I is not the AI being "hard" as some say. The problem is that AI is stupid enough to make some things like running stupidly around without cover but when they run around a corner and you are there they just instantly stop and shot you in the head from a stand pose... WTF! I really hope some changes in the way AI interacts with you. And a more human AI and not a toast machine like someone called it with reason.
  12. Ah... Today people just test things... Why not just run the campaign and enjoy what they did! Then test it. LOL I hope helicopter pilots will not eject... That is stupid apart from Ka-50. Then I will put a dog on the editor and make it as the player, put some old people around and try to bit them and say "aoh aoh" or whatever sound a dog makes. :)
  13. Focha

    ArmA II's infinite land

    Instead of infinite terrain they should make a round world. And then detail some parts of it (like the map of ArmA II) while others remain less detailed until a new map was added with more detail, depending on where you are, the LoD could be different and that way the round world would not be a performance issue. Guess that would be at least more realistic instead of infinite land to the edge of the world (that did not make any sense... oh well). That was a thing used in for example Delta Force games where it had blocks of the same terrain going to the infinite. LOL Let's all think on the infinite and make a global headache. :) Regards.
  14. No, it was always in the same spot for over 2 years and I didn't had any problems before. But yes I went to a store and I didn't get any error... At least for that period, as soon as I got home I got the same issue... I am so frustrate right now! The cooler is clean (meaning no dust). 60+/-5ºC with 60% of cooler. I already contact BFG and the guys said it is the VidRAM that went out, they are trying to replace my video card hope they can. Other way 320€ are going into the garbage... :(
  15. Hi there, I am having some troubles with graphic card after install beta 1.16, ACE 1.07 and Nvidia 185.85 drivers. I have a BFG 8800 GTS 320 Mb, and it's producing some real problems... Here are some screens (sorry for the bad quality but because of the error type the print screen was not functioning properly); The one that has the dialog it says that the controller (nv4_disp) stop working normally. I format the HD installed everything again and run ArmA, I got the same error. I only have this error when running WinXP normally, if I run in safe mode or in the POST there is not a single error, right now I am using it on normal mode and I don't see the error. Does anyone have the same issue? I'll test it with another game to see if there is something to do only with ArmA 1.16/ACE 1.07. Or it could be something to do with the drivers from Nvidia. Thanks for the help. Best regards. EDIT: The problem happens as soon as I start a 3D application, the erros are like polygons out of place, erratic textures, low LOD models, strange objects, black things, etc. If I don't start any 3D application and only runs in desktop there are no errors. Regards.
  16. I start to think that is VidRAM damage... Strange because I didn't overclock the card nor change the BIOS. It was from one instant to the other. More strange was when I went today at my local computer store and I run Armed Assault for 20 minutes without any kind of problem. As soon as I got home I start it again and problems were there one more time. I thought it was the monitor, but it is not because I got the same problems with a different monitor. Damn...
  17. Hi there all, I was seeing in a screenshot the coms text and I was thinking to myself that those radio coms are a bit linear. By saying linear I say that are always; "4, engage that truck at 12 o'clock" "4, engaging" Is that present in ArmA II too? If so I think they should put some more samples and some more realistic voices, so they could have more samples for the same command, because IRL you not always repeat the same commands, for example; "4, engaging" "(name), going" "copy, engaging" "wilco" etc... That would bring some less linear game play, I don't know what you guys thing. I don't put this in suggestion thread because it's more like a question. Best regards. EDIT: LOL I think I have my answer now, click here. Although they are a bit repetitive sometimes when they say; "Man, something, bla, bla." But it's a huge improvement. Regards.
  18. I have to agree with your post. Today I hit an AI soldier (RPG one) and the guy it the ground but it took almost 10+ shots in the chest and it was still alive then I put one on the head and still it was alive, I lose my head and I just fire the rest of the clip on the chest and finally he was dead. Plus I would like to know if there is anyway of changing the field of view? I just hate the new FoV. Is like it's too forward and for me it becomes difficult to aim like it is now because I lose too much FoV. IRL you do not put your eye in the Aimpoint, in the game now I only see the Aimpoit, reminds me of GRAW2 and I hate that type of view. Can someone help me? Other than that I think the overall is good! Continue the great work and accept this as a constructive critic not the other way. Best regards.
  19. From the last video from ArmA II that I know of the enter/exit vehicles animations are still a magical thing. I think it was not to hard to make some animated doors, new players animations and some kind of script to tell that when you are entering the vehicle the door should open and close. Even in AA they have animations for when you enter the HMMWV. If should not be that hard. It really spoils a bit of the immersion... :( About the lack interior 3D on some of the armour vehicles I think they should do it, I guess they will not have that too from what I have been seeing on the video clips. A bit sad for that because this should be a great sim/game in all the aspects and sometimes little things ruin the fun a bit. Best regards to all.
  20. Hi there, Can you guys do a enter/exit vehicle animation instead of the old one jump character animation? Did you already addressed to this? If so I am sorry and disregard this opinion if not I would be glad if you consider this. Best regards to all and great work.
  21. Focha

    ArmA II: The Vehicles

    Still it's really strange! The nose of AV-8B II it's not like ArmA II is... Regards.
  22. Is there a key command list anywhere? I can't find any. The mod is really getting complete and with a lot of features so I think a manual should be made, this is just an idea. That or some wikipedia like manual. Regards.
  23. Just passing by to say to you two things! GREAT WORK! CONTINUE WITH IT! It's really a great mod and in multiplayer is just a new level. I hope you guys continue the great work you've done so far. Congrats. Best regards to all. PS: I forgot to ask something. I saw somewhere that the helos had a some kind of FLIR imaging but I don't see that anymore. That was great, it really seemed the cobra optics. But now I don't see it anymore. What happen?
  24. Focha

    Servers permission.

    I understand the cheaters but there are a few mods that are highly known by the public, like Truemods, HiFi sounds, etc. Those should be permitted. They are only client side so if someone crash is the client. And that's why the reason of the keys. Maybe 95% of the people were not using mods because they can't. lol Personally I like ACE a lot but there are not so many servers around Europe. And those that exist doesn't have too many people. Regards.