Has anyone else noticed that city combat or any combat in general in Arma is very very sluggish? The reticle for selecting AI troop movement is VERY inaccurate and most of the time, the troops don't move where they are supposed to or keep saying "X:READY"
even though they haven't moved an inch.
To try an experiment, I took a group of special forces and put them square in the middle of Corazol. Hypothetically, I put them in danger from street side, and ordered them to take cover behind the buildings at the corner.
To my amusement, all of them stood out in the open street. So to simulate conditions, BANG, you are dead. BANG, you are dead. BANG, you are dead.
The new reticle system for moving troops into particular areas of buildings is GODLY. I love it, it helps for sniper placement and things like that. The trouble is, the system placement on the ground is still a bit wonky.
Prime example of a good UI/AI: Full Spectrum Warrior. Very intelligent AI, they know where to go, and the UI tells you exactly where you are placing them. Elegant, simple, and clean.
Perhaps the building UI can be applied to corners and sides of buildings? Or maybe something can be done, because I really don't want dead sheep