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About Felle

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  1. Felle

    Latest screenshots available

    In the video they played on following system: AMD 64 3800 Nvidia 6600 1 GB RAM Reolustion: 1024 @ 75 Hz Source
  2. Felle

    Latest screenshots available

    I repeat: It seems that they used an outdated Version from GC 2006. I don't believe that the minimum System requirements of Arma are higher than the minimum requirements of Gothic 3 for example.
  3. Felle

    Latest screenshots available

    Looking on the glowing Sandbags on the screen, they would probably have used an outdated GC 2006 Version, what would explain the performance problems
  4. Felle

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    "Bohužel co se hraní týče, byl jsem nucen snížit detaily na minimum a rozliÅ¡ení na 800x600, abych se dostal alespoň na 25 snímkům za vteřinu (na té samé sestavě - Athlon X2 4400+, GeForce 6800GT 256 a 1 GB RAM - běželo třeba takové Just Cause bez problémů." I'm german, and not able to translate passages by myself. It seems that they used the system above ( Athlon X2 4400+ Gf... and so on). And I think the lines before mean that they played with minimum details and a resolution of 800x600, what would explain the low quality of the Screens.