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About Fredrick

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Fredrick

    Respawn help

    make a file called description.ext with this: respawn=3; respawndelay=4; add a marker named respawn_east or respawn_west . naming them respawn_east1,2,3 etc will make a random spawn point
  2. I have a mission where it respawn vehicles at the base, one problem however is that a few times a pilot manages to crash at the base, so the mission ends up in a loop of spawning, then exploding. Is there a way where i can make a circle with a trigger, then call a delete script to delete any vehicle that is destroyed within that circle at the base?. Apreciate any sugestions.
  3. Fredrick

    Data storage

    check  Parser source code & example Might be of help for anyone that are stuck getting started with a parser in c\c++
  4. Fredrick

    A script\addon to logg units

    For anyone having hard time starting writing a parser, perhaps this example is of some help. Examples: www.franva.org/Parser.rar Binary example with RTF example. run Parser.exe from the same dir as RTF is. www.franva.org/Parser_Source.rar complete source code + arma files.
  5. Fredrick

    A script\addon to logg units

    Great, works perfect for what i need! Thanks
  6. Fredrick

    A script\addon to logg units

    I executed your script succesfully but cant find the logg file <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> // Start  gen.sqs _EndTime=Time+20; WaitUntil    {    _Null=Format ["Time:%1 Pos:%2 Dir:%3",Time,GetPos Player,GetDir Player] CreateVehicle [0,0,0];    Sleep 0.01;    (Time>_EndTime)    }; Hint "Done"; // End Where should it be located, what have i missed?
  7. Fredrick

    A script\addon to logg units

    Intresting, the method i will attempt after reading that thread would be: Using the ARAM.RPT error log. I will write some test code that removes the unwanted data and dumps it in its format while deleting the RPT file.
  8. Fredrick

    A script\addon to logg units

    Thats right, I will make it parse at ASCII level, compile to the semi binary file format pbo The missions might not run in sequence, you are probaly right about that, the user has to probaly run the missions from the single player missions and go in and out of the list to see it regenerate. My initial testings verified that Arma redraws the mission list ingame, not during the ArmaOnInit() Fred
  9. I am trying to find a simple script i can built on that tracks units while a mission is being executed. For example i want it to track how many units\objects are on the map and when an where they where killed. So if anyone has a script template that does something very basic, similar to the example above it would be very helpfull for me. I am not very experienced with Arma editing but i am a experienced c++ coder, and my goal is to build a dynamic campaign generator. I will write the entire generator as a 3rd party software, while i also need some interaction from the game such as units info, position etc. Anything realy basic is apreciated. Fred
  10. Fredrick

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Thanks so much, its like a Dynamic campaign into a single mission!!!