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About FlashPointFreak

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. FlashPointFreak


    thanks that helps alot
  2. FlashPointFreak

    Some addons dont work

    allright i download some sweet looking addons it says for version 9.0 and i hav that. i cant wait to try them and some work but allot of others dont work. allso i downloaded several mission that people have made and i only get 1 to work.
  3. FlashPointFreak


    ok i looked for this one and i cant find it. how can i make the mission end when a specific man dies even if all of his soldiars are alive around him.
  4. FlashPointFreak

    Slow time down

    thanks, i couldnt find one but i guess i just dont know how to look.
  5. FlashPointFreak

    Slow time down

    how can i make time slow down in a movie when a trigger is activated. it was in one of the east campaign missions defending montignac i believe. when you diad it showed a movie in slow motion of you dieing.
  6. FlashPointFreak

    Total anihilation

    I have downloaded the vehichles and objects packet for the mod total annihilation and i have a question on the solar collector thing. I looked at the website and it showed the ARM solar pannel opened up. It showed the solar pannels. When I put mine down it is just a metalic pyramid. I was wondering if anyone knows a script to open it up because it looks cooler that way. I know this is a dumb question but is has been bugging me.
  7. FlashPointFreak

    Total annihilation

    I have downloaded the vehichles and objects packet for the mod total annihilation and i have a question on the solar collector thing. I looked at the website and it showed the CORE solar pannel opened up. It showed the solar pannels. When I put mine down it is just a metalic pyramid. I was wondering if anyone knows a script to open it up because it looks cooler that way. I know this is a dumb question but is has been bugging me.
  8. FlashPointFreak

    Truck hauling

    i looked for answers for this but im new to this  script buisness and it just goes over my head. ----------------whoosh :o so can anyone tell me a simple script for a chopper to pick up a truck and reach a trigger and drop the vehichle. the one i found made me enter coordinates for the truck to fall to and other weird things. Â
  9. FlashPointFreak

    Screwy scripts

    thanks guys it probabely was my fault but ive gone to several sites got the scripts and copied them exactly and the people didnt eject so i hope im not to stupid to figure this out.
  10. FlashPointFreak

    Screwy scripts

    I have been trying to find a script that allows me to have men eject from a helicopter when they reach a trigger. I have found many codes and all of them do not work. I need to know if Its my fault so I can fix it here is the script: I name the group grp in officers name area Then I make the have a get in waypoint to the chopper and name the chopper helo1 Then I put down a trigger and in the activation field I write [grp,2,chopper] exec "ejectgroup.sqs"
  11. FlashPointFreak

    Script that is easy for me.

    IS there any easy way to do it without leaving Flash Point? I dont get all this scripting stuff that you do in other files.
  12. FlashPointFreak

    Help please

    Thanks allot.
  13. I need the easiest way for airlifting a vehichle.
  14. FlashPointFreak

    Help please

    How do I make people sit down on chairs or on the ground. Is it an animation or scripting? How do I make SCUDs launch?
  15. FlashPointFreak

    Help for a newbie editor please

    Thanks alot!