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About FireFox_uk

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. hi is it possible add the feature for ofp2 so that the mission mapper, can script or set a trigger or in unit init line so that on respawn or present to change that unit/player vehicle type to something else. for example player starts as "soldierWB" on respawn player spawn as "bas_deltateamleader" or something else other than "soldierwb". thank you in advance if you can add this feature to ofp2.
  2. does anyone know of a way to change the player vehicle that they have at start of map to different vehicle. for example start of map player vehicle is "soldierWB" is killed/ pass through trigger and turns/respawns as "bas_deltateamleader" does anyone know how i can do this.
  3. FireFox_uk

    Just noticed this..

    it would be nice if they bis/codemaster did a ofp 1.5 engine update for ofp pc in form of an expansion pack. but i would guess this would be a extremly hard thing to wish for.
  4. FireFox_uk

    Just noticed this..

    well if ya had read what bis had said in an interview they did a while back you would know that the engine being used in ofp for the xbox is somewhere between ofp pc engine and ofp2 engine, hence the reason why some of the graphics in the xbox version look nice and smoother than it pc counter part, they also said that the xbox version would have jip.
  5. FireFox_uk

    V.1.96 beta

    me personaly like the fact that game as old as flashpoint is still getting upgrade patches for it even if they are betas, because the sad fact is that nearly all game created only get upgrade support for about year and half after released, after that you don't tend to see any upgrade patches weather their are offical or beta unless it is a readly serious bug for. but i do agree that they should be more compatible as the 1.92 and above isn't compatible with 1.91 or below and 1.94 and 1.95 & above isn't compatible with 1.94 and below. so this does cause problems for people. p.s one thing i would like to see in a possible upgrade patch is logging for chat type in gobal chat in mutli-player as for last two months spamming on server is getting worst and worster and because of the minor bug in chat that prevent you from find out the spammer if you type too many line in one chat box it won't display the spammer name.
  6. i know i post this in ofp/mutliplayer but that was for ofp1, could you add a loggin system for chat type on the server, as more and more people are starting to spam on a server, problem is when a spam as type large amout of text his name isn't show up so when server admin scrolle up to find the name they only see the player who connect or type before the spammer. so if their was a loggin system for chat all a server would need to so is open up the log and find the spammer name. please could you imperment this feature as the last thing people want to see is some idiot spamming a server and admin has to randomly kick player to find the spammer. thank you in advance if you can add this feature or some thing like it.
  7. FireFox_uk

    Bis can you develop a logging system for chat

    well you see the problem is that we can't kick or ban them if we don't know who they are as when you scroll up it doesn't show thier name next to the spam. hence the reason y i was asking for a loggin system for chat. so that we can check the log and see who was spaming.
  8. hi bis, is their any chance of you delovoping a logging system for the chat type in Multi-player mode for dedcait server, as for the last two months now more and more people are goin on to the server and are spamming the hell out of it and because they type too much in the spam when you scroll up to see who spammer is, it doesn't show their name only the person that type or connected before their spam, so we can't kick them or tell them to stop, i know that thier is alreadly a log that logs everyone who connects to the server but their isn't log that logs the chat type in the pool,briefing and gameplay, could you developing a logging system for chat in the next update and for ofp2 please so that when these annoying people start spamming we can check the log and then kick them off the server for it. thank you in advance for any help you can do on this matter.
  9. FireFox_uk

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    what i would like to see in OFP2 well there aload of thing i would like to see but i have so little time and space to get them all down so i keep this simple (1) Parachuting and Jumping (i)would like to see the able to halo jump out of a c130 plane. i played Halo black-op and love the free fall it would be better if you could actual walk or step of a c130 and do the halo (Halo= High attude low open). (ii) the able to land in the water so that we can have a air to sea insertion. (iii) the able to do a 30/30 in a chinnock (30/30 is flying a 30mph and 30feet high and u jump out of the heli into a water insertion. (iiii) the option to have auto open chute and manual open chute e.g. chute open auto when jumping out of chopper exsept when a low high for a 30/30 and manual open chute when doing a halo Jump so you have the control when to open chute. (iiii) the able to control where to land when parachuting so you can land on building or turn and land way from enemy fire. (2) able to swim and diven under the water for operation (3) i would like to see a c130 plane that we can fly so that we can transport men and tanks across the map as well as parachute drop tanks and do halo jumps out of the c130 (4) I would Ofp2 to have support of all seeing eye browser program it free and it is the best game browser program i seen yet unlike Gamespy, all seeing eye doesn'y give you a extremly high ping. so please if you make OFP2 please give support for All seeing eye as well as gamespy like you did with OFP so that people who want to use Gamespy can and the people who want to use All seeing eye can that way you keep everyone happy. that it for the moment.
  10. FireFox_uk

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    what i would like to see in OFP2 well there aload of thing i would like to see but i have so little time and space to get them all down so i keep this simple (1) Parachuting and Jumping (i)would like to see the able to halo jump out of a c130 plane. i played Halo black-op and love the free fall it would be better if you could actual walk or step of a c130 and do the halo (Halo= High attude low open). (ii) the able to land in the water so that we can have a air to sea insertion. (iii) the able to do a 30/30 in a chinnock (30/30 is flying a 30mph and 30feet high and u jump out of the heli into a water insertion. (iiii) the option to have auto open chute and manual open chute e.g. chute open auto when jumping out of chopper exsept when a low high for a 30/30 and manual open chute when doing a halo Jump so you have the control when to open chute. (iiii) the able to control where to land when parachuting so you can land on building or turn and land way from enemy fire. (2) able to swim and diven under the water for operation (3) i would like to see a c130 plane that we can fly so that we can transport men and tanks across the map as well as parachute drop tanks and do halo jumps out of the c130 (4) I would Ofp2 to have support of all seeing eye browser program it free and it is the best game browser program i seen yet unlike Gamespy, all seeing eye doesn'y give you a extremly high ping. so please if you make OFP2 please give support for All seeing eye as well as gamespy like you did with OFP so that people who want to use Gamespy can and the people who want to use All seeing eye can that way you keep everyone happy. that it for the moment.