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Everything posted by Frisbee

  1. Frisbee

    Where Are You From

    19, born from a Thai-Belgian parent-combo and still living in the cute little nation of Belgium. Graduated highschool at the end of June, going to register myself for journalism at a nearby college today. (teh French! I fearz it ) Hobbies include : Drawing, Anime and Manga, Music (mainly listening, my bass guitar sits collecting dust) and gaming (fanatically, I'm just having a small hiatus from FFXI, before it sucks me in again ). (Oh, and I also tend to drink lots, and then make stupid posts here sometimes, but I don't guess that qualifies as a hobby)
  2. Frisbee

    What Is The World Coming Too

    God wouldn't concern himself/herself/itself with such mere 'worldly' matters, right?
  3. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 4

    A killer going to heaven? Is this a crusade, a holy war where killers will be rewarded for their actions? Sounds kinda Jihad-ish to me, no? Onager
  4. Frisbee

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    Just been playing Serious Sam2 for hours with two mates coop at the lan here, it's great. Hordes and hordes of demons, coming at three people valiantly trying to mow them down with chainguns and rocket launchers. A nice change of pace from the tactical or semi tactical shooters coming at us. Coop rocks
  5. Frisbee

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    Again : how is this the fault of videogames? It's rated 18, he was underage, still got it, hence it is the parents fault. End of the line. Even if you don't take care of your children you're still responsible.
  6. Frisbee

    Manhunt game withdrawn from UK Store

    My kids don't listen to me! I think my kids are doing drugs! My kids hang around with bad friends! My kids shoot people with my husband's .22 rifle! Is this something you think everyday? Don't think it's your fault? Why you couldn't be more correct! It's all the fault of the videogames your children are playing! Why should you waste valuable time in front of your TV to accompany your children to see if they buy suitable games? The stores, or the game makers should be responsible, yeah! [/sarcasm] Let's ban Slipknot and Marylin Manson, they're dangerous, they lead our children down a path of godlessness and savagery! Let's ban all violent films, cause, you know, violence doesn't exist in the real world. And thos ghastly videogames, should be banned altogether. Um...no. Simple solution, go to ye ol' video game shoppe and look what your kid wants to buy, ask info, look at labels, ask to play it a bit and then decide if your child is mature enough. Seriously, go blame Manchester United when you child knocks out a window while playing soccer why don't you? My respect and sympathies for the parents of the other kid, that had to suffer because the ill-parenting of others.
  7. Frisbee

    Us presidential election 2004

    All this campaigning is insane, especially considering that the majority of the american public seems to vote out of habit or out of casual spite than actual information. The media is indeed not helping it, more like they're adding fuel to the fire. I guess it still goes "In America, we elect the person who's best at bad-mouthing his opponent as our president.". I have no idea where this quote comes from, but seeing this huge circus, where there's 1% of information-spreading, while 99% of the time we see celebrities give out their support to a party, and where all candidates have that Colgate smile... It just reminded me of this quote. Sadly, this whole populism/media whoring/etc is not at all exclusive to the US, This trend is also becoming sickeningly apparent in many other countries.
  8. Frisbee


    Lol I might rip open a few pbo's and toy with textures when I find myself bored and not in the mood for a game. If I play around a bit I'll be less noobish for OFP2, sound good? Don't know how much time I'll have, between summer job, game addictions, real life and college in a month and a bit.
  9. Frisbee


    I don't do texturing, I draw random stuff, bit out of it lately, no time at all. Maybe I'll take up texturing when a great game comes out, like OFP2
  10. Frisbee


    I can't speak for the rest of us, but normally I tend to sketch with the ol' pencil and paper, then scan it in, clean up with photoshop and color it with my graphire2. Coloring with markers/pencils has no undo. I wish I'd treated my wacom pen with more respect, rolled my desk chair over it accidentally, the precision has been way off whack since then. I hope you can get as much enjoyment out of your tablet as I got out of mine.
  11. Frisbee

    Name of a music video movie?

    The kKen Ishii song is indeed Extra, I have it saved on my comp somewhere.... That pic up there looks to be Patlabor btw.
  12. Frisbee

    Pressure sensitive keyboards?

    Why? You're better off with a steering wheel/joystick for analog control, or you could use a gamepad with analog sticks (like I do) or a converter for a PS2 pad (what I wanted )
  13. Frisbee

    ability to destroy firearms

    Think about it. Every split second the location of certain coordinates of points on the models are compared with *all* the other "hitpoints" of *all* the other models around them. If hitpoint A comes into contact with hitpoint B, compare their speed, mass, material, etc. And then calculate what happens to these hitpoints, and conversely their models, and then do it again if that change affects another model in any way. And btw, createvehicling is just a retarded test, try it in the way it would be under normal circumstances, not some artificial conditions. Have two 400 man strong groups open fire on eachother and see if it lags.
  14. Frisbee

    Gta san andreas

    Do you not see the blurred-ness? It's a 733Mhz CPU, it doesn't even use another architecture, it _is_ basically a pc in a box. It looks like crap compared to the comp version, hell, it looked better on _my_ computer. I love my consoles, but even almighty Xbox cannot keep up with computer graphics, and there are no arguments to support that, since in pc terms, the Xbox's been outdated for how long now?
  15. Frisbee

    Gta san andreas

    Eh? I loved literally mowing down 20 cops/feds behind me, 20 headshots with a full M4 clip. Even on console you could go to first person and *not* have autoaim, if you like getting your brains blown out while you fiddle with the analog sticks. (even though my friend was almost as deadly with those fiddlesome thingies as I was with keyboard and mouse) Looking forward to this.
  16. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 3

    They opposed the candidacy of Guy Verhofstadt, our prime minister, because "He is too anti Iraq". Well what the hell does the Iraq Issue have to do with the EU governement? Aha..haha... Delicious irony. Either he's a christian (what's he doing in the Iraq governement then? Interim, schminterim btw, even the interim governement should represent Iraq to a degree. ) or he said Allah, and it's been translated as God for some odd reason. (yeah, I acknowledge that I should know if this Allawi person is a n Iraqi or an American before blurting stuff like this out, but i couldn't resist. )
  17. Frisbee

    Doom 3 has gone GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

    Meh... Sure this isn't just a game made to push an engine? This is what I think about when I hear about a game from id, but yeah we'll see, it's not like I can run it anyway. On the top side, the graphics do look great, and the atmosphere is definetely there. Ah, and this is coming out on Xbox as well? Then my hopes are going down, let's dumb the game down to acommodate for people who need to play a FPS with a friggen' gamepad, recipe for disaster.
  18. Frisbee

    DREAD Weapon System

    Tribes 2's Spinfusor anyone? (It's just continuing the "disk" idea started earlier, I know it's not a disk) Well just..wow, if we keep inventing ways to kill eachother more efficiently the inbound alien invasion Hollywood goes on about won't be as bad. With stuff like this those aliens would go home crying.
  19. Frisbee

    French National Day 14/07/2003

    Belgium has a parade too, of course with less shiny equipment, and less equipment overal. Two or three years ago the Leopards crushed parts of the streets the parade used, so last year there was no heavy armor. And I always remember the 14th of july, it's my birthday, I'll raise my glass for the french as well I guess.
  20. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 3

    Right... http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=murder I'll probably be slapped around the face with 'unlawful' bolded out and talking about this would be lawful. But yeah, whatever. Killing Saddam won't bring anyone back to life, I hope Iraq won't stay on the list of countries who feel justice can only be done by retribution. But then again, it is up to the people who have had to suffer under Saddam to decide. Who knows, they might decide that they are better than him and incarcerate him instead of executing him... What point do you speak of? You're just saying something everyone knows already?
  21. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 3

    Exactly, back then most of those things were still, imho bullshit. eg. America on a crusade against muslims, etc It wasn't much like that back then, but now if you go about saying how the whole middle east hates you and you should strike back harder... The terrorist PR guys will have little work left to do, disgruntled people will flock to them no matter what if you go down that road, if it isn't already that way. This whole invasion is not exactly contributing to the "War on Terror" in general, it has more of a detrimental effect it seems, imho.
  22. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 3

    Get tough? Get more brutal or what? Yes, of course! That will lose you even more domestic support, if the majority of the american public likes to think they're the good guys and people around the globe would hate "you" quite a bit more than they already do. Great idea, really. Talking in somewhat less generalising tones might suit you, now you're just proving to be a very good posterchild of the american who hates muslims. And "all" those terrorists in Iraq were an imminent threat again in what way? If anything, a nice aggresive "War on Terror" will only give the terrorist recruiters a nice example of all the things they already don't like from the US.
  23. Frisbee

    Can you find a better PC?

    They were tested at a hardware/OC'ing site, IIRC, the fancy PuRam thingie couldn't be delivered, and you were just stuck with a fancy overclocked pc at much more than the cost to do it yourself. Get yourself dual phase change if you want to splurge that kind of money (and power), overclock your cpu and gpu, and be at the level of the people who buy new components just to hold the 3dmark benching record.
  24. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 3

    quote of unnecessary crap deleted :]
  25. Frisbee

    The Iraq thread 3

    denoir here is a former mod. He has an opposing view, he is liberal. He is a mod no more because he had a clash with the administration, so yes the administration isn't just arbitrary and judgemental on your views. Nobody attacks the guy who started the flames (whoever that might be) because they choose not to, a forum is governed by the admins, no matter the opinion of the public on it.