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Everything posted by Forrestal

  1. Forrestal

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    Water quality on 1.00 and 1.02 http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/arma_100_102_water_compare.jpg
  2. Forrestal

    Patch 1.02 Released for Czech and German ArmA

    The water looks strange for me - the older was beautyfull but now water looks like ofp
  3. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    My screens are based on ArmA 1.01
  4. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    Some other stuff
  5. Forrestal

    Performance Issue

    You can also take the Radeon X1950PRO AGP
  6. Forrestal

    No entry ...

    The good ArmA.cfg the 3 another parameters on the beginning. language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=7389.000000; But in some situations this lines are delated.
  7. Forrestal

    No entry ...

    Delete the ArmA.cfg file and run the game. This works for me.
  8. Forrestal

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    For me patch for the CZ ver 1.01 works fine
  9. Forrestal

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    ArmedAssault.pl also host the new version 6thSense ArmA Language Patcher v0.6.exe
  10. Forrestal

    Arma around the world

    Poland here Only 70 km from Czech border :P I already have the czech special edition, waiting till 15 december for polish version and later for the 505 special :P
  11. Forrestal

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    Mirror to the 0.5 version 6th Sense ArmA Language Patcher v0.4 @ ArmedAssault.pl
  12. Forrestal

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    Thanks sicboy! Mirrored on ArmedAssault.pl 6th Sense ArmA Language Patcher v0.3 @ ArmedAssault.pl
  13. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    151 playable units - without the prachutes ArmA 1.0 All Units Photos Pack @ ArmedAssault.pl 21MB Can somebody mirror this file?
  14. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    Some screens in this topic: http://www.board.armedassault.pl/viewtopic.php?p=2021#2021
  15. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    Some new stuff http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(01).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(02).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(03).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(04).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(05).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(06).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(07).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(08).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(09).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(10).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(11).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(12).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(13).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(14).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(15).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(16).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(17).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(18).jpg http://armedassault.pl/galeria/full/2006-11-18(19).jpg
  16. Forrestal

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    BIs make a new anti - cheat system but not include the punkbuster. This is the most admin-friendly tool to finding the cheaters but we only get the .pbo.bi.bisign files - probaly with the checksum of the main .pbo file.
  17. Forrestal

    Anyone in the US/UK have ArmA yet?

    DK have one server in UK?
  18. Forrestal

    Anit tank weapons

    Carrying only 1 rocket to SMAW? You need 6 to destroy T72 or 4 to BMP I must check the Javelin...
  19. Forrestal

    CTI in ArmA

    if i remember right each player is able to command up to 40 ai soldeirs. can be that i am wrong, but i think i heard it at the PC-Action Magazin DVD. I try to control up to 78 AI and this is no problem
  20. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    Nice res and quality but what about FPS?
  21. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    IIRC DOF is only activated with post process of high or very high...... You can only set LOW or HIGH but maybe i miss something?
  22. Forrestal

    How to play CZ/GER version completely in English

    I have some interesting informations. Polish distributor - LEM have confirmed then polish version is NO more based on excel based stringtables! BIS changed the whole base system? Interesting for me but we must wait until i get the polish version o ArmA.
  23. Forrestal

    Armed Assault videos

    So, some my videos One from multiplayer, rest for Kirq :P http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/videos/arma_mp_bmp_shooting.avi http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/videos/arma_sp_animations.avi http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/videos/arma_sp_m24_shootnig.avi http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/videos/arma_sp_smoke_granade.avi Have fun!
  24. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    Some new screenshots, mostly from multiplayer All over 100kb! http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(03).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(04).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(05).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(06).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(07).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(08).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(09).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(10).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(11).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(12).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(13).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(14).jpg Sorry for the polish text but i only tested this laungage version
  25. Forrestal

    ArmA Photography

    First easter-egg and a sunrise. http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(01).jpg http://forrestal.webd.pl/arma/2006-11-14(02).jpg I make more screens later today.